anyone else tired?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I know "seduction" and "gaming" is not a spectators sport, but do any of you guys get tired of the routine. there are girls I am interested in, but almost dread the whole process and getting the phone number, ect.

I almost do not want to see the girls I am interested in so I dont have to go through it. the rule exception is the ones you REALLY like.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
I've been tired of this shit for years.

It's just too hard.

Also, I HATE it when I really like a girl. I have never gotten a girl I liked and it fucking sucks having strong feelings for somebody who has or is going to reject me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Get rid of this website and quit overanalyzing. Just do things naturally and you won't get tired of it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
I've been tired of this shit for years.

It's just too hard.

Also, I HATE it when I really like a girl. I have never gotten a girl I liked and it fucking sucks having strong feelings for somebody who has or is going to reject me.
seriously. .you been here for 7 years and still in the same predicament you were when you got here i think its time to learn elsewhere.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Of course I'm tired! I'm frigging 50 years old, what do you think?!?

Also, I HATE it when I really like a girl. I have never gotten a girl I liked and it ****ing sucks having strong feelings for somebody who has or is going to reject me.
Having strong feelings for a girl can definitely work against you, especially if you don't know what you're doing, and she doesn't return your interest level. It can make you try hard, mess up your head, make you too nervous, etc. All things that will screw up your chances.


Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
outskirts of myville
IMO, at that IMO @ this point in time anyway.

Like there are boys that loose mind and try to gift a flower to an exemplar of female species, there are girls who loose mind and try to get laid by an exemplar of mail species. Boys get feelings, girls get ****ed. Majority of this type of sh1t happens over fine looking exemplars of people, i.e. it's highly unlikely you'll loose your head and try to gift a flower to a faking pig. Similarly it's highly unlikely a woman would try to fak a pig or a girl looking boy.

Let your body do the work. Loose weight, gain muscle, marry to a gym, try to fak every machine in there.

Naturally women would start looking at you, instead of looking away.

Try to imagine a pig using game to get laid by you. Would you give it to her? You'll probably reject her, and that would definitely stimulate your ego.

Beyond good looks there is money. Women, especially who've been around with a dozen good looking guys, get tired of getting laid, they want to get paid for it. If you want money chasing good looking hoes, you need to get money.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Tiguere said:
seriously. .you been here for 7 years and still in the same predicament you were when you got here i think its time to learn elsewhere.
I don't post on here nearly as much as I used to. Usually I just browse the forum once a day for a thread that interests me.

I don't make any threads until I'm in a situation where something with a girl could happen and those only occur a few times a year.
zekko said:
Having strong feelings for a girl can definitely work against you, especially if you don't know what you're doing, and she doesn't return your interest level. It can make you try hard, mess up your head, make you too nervous, etc. All things that will screw up your chances.

And I've felt that way for as long as I been here.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
There is definitely an emotional toll that comes with approaching so many women, for me at least. That's why I can only do so much of it. They have done nothing to earn my attention, yet I am forced to initiate because that's just the way things are.

I try to balance the frustration of not getting girls with the frustration of getting "rejected." Once one of them gets to be too much, then I go in the other direction (towards living a more peaceful solitary life or initiating more). I am doing better with the rejection part, which some of the insights on here have helped me with. Basically, I am not going to be the right match for a lot of people. "And that's... ok."

I would probably do much better if I did tons of cold approaches in shopping malls or bars, but that's just not what I want to be. I know people will say it's because I'm scared to approach girls, but I have done that in school when the situation seemed natural. I just think it's kind of undignified to go around trying to get something from girls that you don't know. Socrates would not have done that. And neither would anyone have thought Socrates was a loser because he didn't get laid. He probably just had a wife and that was that.

I don't look down on others who do mass cold approaches, but it doesn't jive with my self-concept and I would have a hard time respecting myself if I put so much energy into chasing women. Online dating is far from ideal, but at least it has the advantage that it's convenient and I don't really take it seriously.

Anyway, what I do is just try to be a bit more social, a bit more interesting, keep the T levels high, and when I get lonely message a bunch of chicks on POF. It doesn't really get me the results I want, but that's all the effort I am willing to put into it. The upside is that I'm more peaceful when I don't have to measure everything in terms of what kind of female attention I am getting. In fact the only time it really bothers me is when I see other people with hot chicks and think that I'm better than them so I should be getting the chicks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
my problem is not that I have to go to the gym or anything like that. I am already in shape and women considering me good looking. they ininiate with me a lot. they make eye contact and check me out. people that know me under the impression I got all kinds of women, but I still cannot get it to go much past that.

I know it sounds different than most peoples problems but as you know this has been mine. I am one of the best people persons also. something that I am doing wrong.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mate, Don Juan-ness > PUA-ness. This is a forum for Don Juans, not PUAs. We conquer life, not women. Sure, women enhance our lives, but that's as far as it goes. There's more.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
thedude4242 said:
my problem is not that I have to go to the gym or anything like that. I am already in shape and women considering me good looking. they ininiate with me a lot. they make eye contact and check me out. people that know me under the impression I got all kinds of women, but I still cannot get it to go much past that.

I know it sounds different than most peoples problems but as you know this has been mine. I am one of the best people persons also. something that I am doing wrong.
Well if they approach you or you interact with them naturally through your social circle then no it shouldn't be that hard. My guess is that you're not funny/interesting enough, or you don't project masculinity/sexuality. If you're vibing and laughing with a chick, it should be fun and not a chore. This happens to me once in a while but not very often because I'm socially isolated.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Omkara I feel the same as you. Especially the bit about seeing hot chicks with inferior guys. If I see one more hot girl here with a douchey guy wearing sunglasses at night I might punch somebody. Girls have no ability to tell the difference between what's genuinely cool and what's poser bull**** cool.

I'm a bit tired of this lifestyle at the moment. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of rejection. I don't feel I have a choice though. I know people talk about leading a life without women but for me women are an integral part to having a fulfilling life. They're not the icing on the cake, not the cherry on the top, they are a key component part. That doesn't mean they're the be all and end all but yeah, I can't see myself having a happy and rounded life if it doesn't involve women.

It would be easy to just get a girlfriend, get married, etc but I don't want that either. I want to date lots and lots of women. Just wish it was a bit easier.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
Don't wish it were easier.......wish you were better, and yes I feel the same as thedude.

My thing is I want a g/f a relationship, a partnership

I don't want a f buddy, i don't want to play games.

I just want to meet a girl of similar interests and we do things together and apart.

I am tired of spinning plates and the plates i am eating off of are not interesting at all...I mean i can say my flaw is that I'm not interesting enough myself to them atleast.

YET! just realize you are human and everyone has something to offer someone...This world is just filled with guarded individuals afraid to trust, and can you blame them? I can't.....


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I really do not even so much want a LTR, I want a compatible women I can do things with, have fun and fvck her silly. I have had this before but it is with women who are committed in another relationship. the hell with all the bullcrap I just need one night with a women and will keep her no doubt. it is just getting that. step 1 and 3 are easy I need to get better at 2. I am 27 years old but I am cooler than most younger guys. I have young girls even underrage ones give me their number but I dont want to be the old guy. I want to be with a girl and people say look at them they have their whole life ahead of them.
Jul 30, 2011
Reaction score
yeah i hate the status quo that we guys always have to initiate everything but i have no choice but to adapt to it, life is not fair so dating is not fair either, i know i learned a very long time ago life is not fair, but most people seem to enjoy that life is not fair


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2011
Reaction score
Canada, ON
Drdeee said:
IMO, at that IMO @ this point in time anyway.

Like there are boys that loose mind and try to gift a flower to an exemplar of female species, there are girls who loose mind and try to get laid by an exemplar of mail species. Boys get feelings, girls get ****ed. Majority of this type of sh1t happens over fine looking exemplars of people, i.e. it's highly unlikely you'll loose your head and try to gift a flower to a faking pig. Similarly it's highly unlikely a woman would try to fak a pig or a girl looking boy.

Let your body do the work. Loose weight, gain muscle, marry to a gym, try to fak every machine in there.

Naturally women would start looking at you, instead of looking away.

Try to imagine a pig using game to get laid by you. Would you give it to her? You'll probably reject her, and that would definitely stimulate your ego.

Beyond good looks there is money. Women, especially who've been around with a dozen good looking guys, get tired of getting laid, they want to get paid for it. If you want money chasing good looking hoes, you need to get money.
Y'see...This is why being single for life almost seems worth it....


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
i think everyone gets tired

i take my break from mainly November-March is my slow season

the start of spring to the end of fall is when i game the hardest


New Member
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
irocknike23 said:
i think everyone gets tired

i take my break from mainly November-March is my slow season

the start of spring to the end of fall is when i game the hardest
This should all be natural when you see a girl you like go approach.

If people are setting up routines and gaming seasons of course it's going to become extremely tiresome. You're forcing it.

When it's natural and you go do it when you see a chick you like then it's just a part of life.

I'd never force myself to constantly game chicks at certain times I've better things to be doing.


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Haha I f0cking hate it when you start to really like a girl. It makes gaming so much harder, like I screw up way more. Idk it's easier for me to game girls when I don't really like them. Like I swear I can game super hot girls easy compared to medium girls I really like. Idk why