Anyone deal with erectile dysfunction/premature ejaculation


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
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Well, doesn't seem like it could get much worse than this. I'd appreciate your advice because I'm feeling terrible about this.

Been dating girl over 3 months, we didn't have sex til 2 weeks ago and only 4 times. She took my virginity. I feel like our relationship has plateaued and is starting to decline cuz of this. I've had a bad history with not getting it up and told her this. I attributed it to years of jacking off to porn so i quit that and abstain from masturbation as much as humanly possible. and after two arguments she seemed willing to help out. I want to the doctor and got Levitra an it helped but I still jack myself off to get hard. Is that normal or do you guys get hard from making out? How long into foreplay do you get hard? That's my first question.

Now when I'm hard from manual stimulation, I can't last for more than a minute. I don't know if cuz I have a small bladder and have to pee a lot or what. The last and 4th time we had sex, after hanging out for half an hour, she got sad and depressed and said everytime we have sex, she feels sad after. That crushed me.

On a positive note I'm really good at going down on her and getting her off, but this is killing me and I feel pathetic an less of a man. I made another doctors appointment to follow up on the bloodwork I had done 2 weeks ago and to see if something else I can test on because I feel something is wrong with me.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated guys. This forum has been huge in transforming me from loser with no friends to having a hot girlfriend with a perfect body, but these two things are holding me back and I feel it's caused us to be sexually mismatched. It's weird because she ha me meet her parents last weekend but there is this problem. Donno of that move was puting a band aid on a gaping wound or what. Thanks guys


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
Not now, but I have in the past and thought I would never get it fixed. Feel free to PM me if you need advice. I know how debilitating that can be mentally.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
I know d!ckmojo can help u out, or PM me! It's cuz ur hormones are depleted. That's why stopping masturbation didn't help u out. Well, it may have a little.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
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The dance floor
I had a hard time with this when i was young because i smoked a lot of weed from age 15 and drunk a lot of alcohol, and as a result when i was with girls i was never sober and couldn't get it up. This turned into a psychological problem similar to whats going on with you. Luckily I found a very good girl who I built a strong foundation with and she helped me get over and have awesome sex but it took some time and patience.

The best advice i can give is this:

- Don't make sex the focus of your relationship, the more you do this the more pressure you put on the situation. It's important that when you're with her sexually you're chilled about it, if things don't go according to plan then just shrug it off and laugh. The more of a big deal you make it the more of a big deal it is to her. If you get all pissed off then this is going to affect her negatively. She obviously liked you enough before you got sexual so there's enough of a foundation

- Be patient, it will come with time. The more relaxed you are about it the more things will happen naturally and after awhile you will get hard from making out because your brain will associate her with sex

- The more practice you get at sex the longer you will last so don't worry about this

As I said there's no "quick fix" but be positive and chilled out and good things will happen. And when they do you will feel great :yes:

Edit: I wanna add something to this as well. This isn't something that most people in the PUA community can help you out with. And I don't believe its because "your hormones are depleted" like the guy above me suggests. This is a psychological problem, not physical, and it's different for each person. There is no quick fix or instant solution. Progress comes over time in my experience but the main thing is to be chilled out and have faith, might not be what you wanna hear but its the truth. The reason why its a problem is because you place so much emphasis on it so relax and let it happen naturally like sex is supposed to be
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New Member
May 17, 2012
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Cycling, diabetic and age are most common reason of ED and over masturbation is the main cause of the PE. These both are not permanent illness and have cure at any stage. I always advice a healthy diet and health lifestyle for ED patients but if anyone wants quick remedies than pills are good options.
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