Any help?


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
There is one thing I must know, why do I understand how it all works (and believe me, though I obviously don't know everything, I do know a fair amount), when it comes down to actually doing it, I suck! Actually no, even clearer, when I am around someone I am actually GOING for, I do. Hey what's going on? If I don't care about what they think of me, I can easily get them to fall for me. But here's my problem, when I go for a girl I think is hot, I don't say stuff which I normally would.

People have told me it's due to fear of rejection, but even when I don't actually care about the REJECTION part, I still can't.

I am sure it has something to do with my un-comfort around new people/people I don't know so well. That's what being a PUA is all about, being to pick up new women right? I should be able to go up to strange women and pick them up (well not every time but still). So I seriously need to sort this problem out. I need some help. i doubt that I am the only one who find it difficult to have great conversation with someone they have just met?

When I am with my friends, I am very alpha, have a natural C+F flare, can make any of them laugh with the drop of a hat, and can have long lasting conversations.

Do any of you have any tips for me that can get me to be more open to strangers/people I don't know so well? I am sitting next to a girl (for this year at school) who I think is quite attractive, but when I open with her, I find it very difficult.

Thanks very much and all the best.


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
A land near you
Dude... classes are probably the best place to talk to chicks. It's lunch time that can be hard because everyone there is "clicked" up with their groups.

I remember sitting next to this hottie in a math class. I've always been good at math and could pass a test without doing any of the assigned work for the week. Everyone in class knew I was a geek for math, but one day I decided to play dumb.

As class was ending, I turned to this chick and said:

Me: Did you understand anything that woman said today?
Her: Yeah... well... a little bit of it.
Me: She might as well been speaking another language cause I am lost. I should probably get a study group together so I don't fail the test.
Her: A study group? That sounds cool. Where do you usually have them?

From here I told her how I had never done one before, but if I was to set it up it would be at my house. She was all excited. I got some other people together that needed a little help. We all met at my house after school, and being the math geek I was, I tutored them.

She fell in love with my brain, and on another night after hanging out on 3 seperate occasions, she gave me brain. I felt so much smarter.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
they "click" up with their groups in class too :l I sit a few seats away from this hot girl in my new geography class. I have nothing to say to her however, and if I did all of her friends would just make me look a ****.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
make up something interesting about what you're studying in geography class and just say it to her, don't pay attention to what her friends say, cause you're not even talking to her friends... if they try to beat on you just be like "thats nice.. I don't really care"

the whole point is saying something, no matter what it is (unless it's something you really shouldn't say), and just being cool and playful.. man I bet you can think of 100 things you could say or do, just pick something you think is cool and go up and talk to her about it. even if it's completely unrelated, if it's interesting and you get a conversation going, you've already won.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Chandigarh , India
Carbine said:
Do any of you have any tips for me that can get me to be more open to strangers/people I don't know so well? I am sitting next to a girl (for this year at school) who I think is quite attractive, but when I open with her, I find it very difficult.

Thanks very much and all the best.

hate to say this , but practice. They surely are many attractive girls. Go open each one of them . You'll gain the confidence to talk to her.