Any advice for this situation?


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
I hate posting this stuff but it's something I really haven't run into in a LONG time:

I'm working with the trying to be more alpha, standing ground, not falling for **** tests, etc. and it is becoming more and more easy. And yes I will fully admit I kind of have oneitis for this girl. Curses!! So what is going on... we had made plans on Monday to do something tonight, just she and I. But she said she didn't have money to get a sitter, so I was like go ahead and bring him over (I have been with him several times, he is 2.5) I didn't get a response at all to that specific txt all week. Really hadn't heard from her much all week, one brief txt on Halloween and a brief phone call yesterday but today's plans weren't brought up. Not even a time frame. Come to today and my ex and the kids were going to go see the Wreck-It-Ralph movie and the kids were begging and pleading for me to go with them. So I caved and said I would go to the early show, 4:20. So I text the girl saying I am going to go with the kids to the movie and that we can still do something after.

She responded, what? Why do you always end up with plans after we make them. She then calls me, saying, I think we both have just too much stuff going on, we were planning on coming up, you are a great guy but I don't think this will work (essentially breaking up with me was my impression). I was kind of dumbfounded but simply said OK and we hung up the phone. Fast forward an hour and I get a txt from her stating, it is one thing for her to get hurt, but she had told her son they were going to come up and he was all excited, so she said she needs to think more of his feelings. I'm sorry I wish you and the kids all the best of luck. She also said I was a great guy.

I haven't responded to any of it yet. I am in a quandary... Old me would have been kissing ass like crazy right now and I am fighting it. I really don't think I was in the wrong, I didn't cancel plans, I just moved them back, to hang out with my kids for a movie that I honestly wanted to see with them.

I guess this is a "what the hell should I do" post but I really don't want that, just need some advice to grow in this red pill world. I really don't want to next her either, we get along great. Who knows.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Spin plates and lift weights! (That's the going response around here).


She didn't have strong interest in you and was using the hangout with your kids to break things off easier on herself. If she thought "you were a great guy," she would have brought up the date and confirmed during the week. Furthermore, not offering to reschedule reveals her lack of interest.