Another 'Do not be this guy'...


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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On my commute this morning, I was presented with a couple, or rather a guy, who perfectly exemplifies things that shouldn't be done. It's not often you see such a glaring insight to the life of two perfect strangers.

His missus, probably a 6, maybe a 7 if she hit the gym and dressed up a little, was clearly bored sh!tless of this guy, as was I by the time he got off the train. In the following order, he broke most of the fundamental concepts of how to behave as a man.

1) The guy was out of shape, kind of like skinny-fat man-child meets dad bod, and dressed like a teenager. This is something I'm noticing more and more - how many guys just go around the whole time in non-descript, hoody-tshirt-jeans-trainers combinations; like they're still 12 years old.

2) Offering to hold the bag and coat of his woman while on the train. As far as I'm concerned, people who insist on carrying so much paraphernalia around with them can carry it themselves. Such was the dynamic between them, I could first work out if they were actually just friends or colleagues....

3) Incessant chatter so early in the morning. I'm not a morning person and clearly neither was this woman; her responses to him were brief and curt, bordering on outright ignorance at times - just sitting, doing her make up, hearing but not really listening to him.

4) Talking mainly about himself and in a very boring way; regaling such stories as how the train company over-charged and subsequently refunded him, then later some overly-finite detail about his incredibly mundane marketing job which, though he was enthusiastic about, is far from inspiring.

5) She then brought up their Christmas plans to meet each others' families, in the most un-enthused way I think I have ever seen. He started over-analysing the situation like a neurotic house-husband, talking about Christmases past, present and future; which was basically met with a kind of stunned silence from her, who was sitting next to me - I could almost hear her thoughts, 'This is my life now'.

6) Proceed to awkward forced kiss and an unreturned 'Love you' from him as he left the train and she remained. I'm pretty sure she was muttering something about meeting some other guy later on or something, to which of course, he acquiesced.

At this point, I'm not sure what to think..... It seems I should feel sorry for her; but then she is as much responsible for her own situation as anyone, in fact more so than anyone else. At least the guy has the excuse of such a profound lack of personal insight.

Do not be this guy.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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I'd like to say to tell women to not be her instead. The guy is clearly oblivious, he has no idea what he's doing, but the woman does. She knows she's gonna marry this guy, let him cvm in her a couple of times and then bring those kids up in a household with not only a weak father figure, but based on a relationship like this which will result in either lifelong resentment from her or a divorce. And she goes along with it. Women like this don't have a spine. If they did, they would either not get into these all too common situations to begin with, or they would fix them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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I can actually picture the guy your talking about, seen it so many times.

He may wind up in a mid level corporate job earning £40k a year, then get took to the cleaners in a nasty divorce settlement in his early 40's.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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It was weird. On reflection, I really don't understand why they were together. The conversation was as if they were causal acquaintances. Maybe he's rich or well-endowed. Or both.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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The tragic thing is because he's over invested he thinks he has something to lose. If he had any self respect single life would be far preferable

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Don't be that guy indeed.

Women's life choices are their problem.

Our jobs as men is to create ideal situations for OURSELVES. We don't need to care what women want or what makes women happy. We need to care about how to get what WE want from women.

Its very easy to look at a couple like this and start elevating the woman while harshly judging the man. Society has trained us to do this at all times. The man in question is a product of blue pill society. This man was created by all the power hungry feminist c*nts who push a "girl power" agenda. This type of man is becoming more and more common and blue pill society is at fault.

When I see situations like this I don't feel sorry for the woman OR embarrassed for the man. I just laugh. That is the man most women deserve to be with anyway. And that is the man most women will end up with once their looks start to fade and they have been discarded after being sport f*cked by more attractive men whom would never commit to them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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When I see situations like this I don't feel sorry for the woman OR embarrassed for the man. I just laugh. That is the man most women deserve to be with anyway. And that is the man most women will end up with once their looks start to fade and they have been discarded after being sport f*cked by more attractive men whom would never commit to them.
wow, leave it to poon king to turn a sad story into something heartwarming, well done man :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
1) The guy was out of shape, kind of like skinny-fat man-child meets dad bod, and dressed like a teenager. This is something I'm noticing more and more - how many guys just go around the whole time in non-descript, hoody-tshirt-jeans-trainers combinations; like they're still 12 years old.
that just sounds like how a normal person dresses, probably the least bad thing he's done in your post