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An Immoral Shvit test? Low IL? or just another Crazy Bvitch!


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
I know women play games, conduct shvit tests, and can be just plain be fvcked up in the head!!!!

But I feel what this woman did to me was immoral or just plain wrong! I am not sure what her intentions behind it were so that's where I am hoping your feedback will help. I like to try and learn/understand the trials and tribulations I go through with women so that I can grow.

So here's the deal.... I was out at a club... drunk... cold approached this HB 7 girl (actually she is 29) and number closed her. She didn't answer my follow up text, but I called a few days later, ran my great phone game and basically had her IL in me up. She lived very close to me in my town too, so it would be a great booty call to have for a bit.

So we arranged to meet for drinks.... both were attracted to each other... ended up going back to her car and hooking up (got to 2nd base)

She then basically invited me over to her place a few days later. This was a week night so I told her I couldn't stay long and had to work the next day. But anyway when I got there we watched some tv on her couch.. and before long we were hooking up again... This time I was had her shirt off, was sucking on her amazing titties and was having some awseome foreplay!

She ended up giving me a hand job.... but then got really cuddely.... so I cuddled with her for a little.. but then said I had to go cause it was like 1 am and I had to work early the next day. She didn't seem mad or anything.... Still continued to text me the next day... and even wrote me an email cause I said I would be away for the weekend.

So the point is her IL was very high in me.........

So I texted her last monday and told her I got home from trip early... I had asked if I could borrow a tool she had.. she said sure and told me to come over....

So I was back on her couch.... Started hooking up... this time I was fingering her... she let me do it... let me suck on those amazing titties... and started licking my ear and rubbing the head of my cvock..... well I was probably as hard as I have ever been in my life.....

But she kept stopping midway through our hooking up and looking at the tv... I would start again..... She then whispered in my ear in a sexy voice "you are so hard....) I told her thats what she does to me.. we hooked up some more but again she kept stopping..

Finally the stopping became more frequent and she said she was tired (the last time she said she never gets tired and can stay up later than me)...

Well I am sorry but I was so hard... and horny... and frustrated... this girl literally just teased me!!! I got up put my sneakers on and basically left without hugging or kissing her....

I am sorry for all of those who are thinking I shouldn't have showed being upset..... but this is something physical she did to me.... she got me probably the hardest I have ever been in my life.. and then just decided to stop.. The last time I saw her she jerked me off completely... so the regression makes no sense!

If she wanted to do a shvit test she could have flaked or just been cold to me from when I arrived... she didn't have to do that to me!!! Tell me that is plain wrong please!

Anyway before I left she asked if I needed the tool or if that was just an excuse to see her... I said I got it somewhere else don't worry... and I just left...

So I basically texted her the following night saying I hate the tv channel she was watching forever becuase of her. She texted back hours later asking why? I never answered...

Yesterday which was a week later I texted her saying I felt something good with her but what she did was cruel. She hasn't responded at all....

Anyway I just want to know what your opinion is on this matter.... I know some will say it was a test and I shouldn't have shown I was upset... but I am sorry... if someone stabs you with a knife you will show you are in pain... this is no different. I feel what she did was morally wrong.... This was physical pain she caused, fvck emotions!


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
To be honest, it shouldn't matter what any of us thinks.

If you don't like what she did and you think it borderlines on being "immoral" than simply just don't put up with it.

Again, it doesn't matter if you reacted or not either.
You didn't like what was going on, you left... but to be honest, you should have tried to plow through the LMR... the fact that she said she was tired was probably because she might have been expecting you to turn off the TV and take her like a real man.

In other words, you should have never gotten to the point where she says: I'm tired.

Either you plow through LMR or she says, "Stop".
One way or the other.

But again, you are saying that you feel morally wronged.

So, simple, don't see her again, don't call her again, don't think about her again.

Move on and game on with someone else.

What I honestly didn't like was the "female" approach to your texting the day and the week after. What was the point of telling her that you hate that channel forever and that you felt something good between the two of you?

You already knew what you knew about the girl... you felt "betrayed morally", so what was the point of the texts?

You're either in or you're out, but you can't be in between.

If someone does me wrong, and it's someone new in my life, I just cut that person out of it. But I wouldn't text them back afterwards TWICE just to let them know of the fact. For all you know, she might have been felt like you didn't act like a man (in her perspective) and she was half expecting you to ravage her wildly.

All in all, lesson learned. This one's done.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
What she did to you was "morally" wrong.


Because she didn't make you ejaculate?...

So it is moral for you to fully expect her intimacy without giving nothing in return?... It's always her apartment, and you don't seem to have done anything for this woman. I am not saying you should have, but how can you come here, spend 15 minutes detailing your make-out adventures and complain about "morality" when it's all about you screwing up the whole thing by acting like a little kid?..

Forget about the phony phone games. Start working on MINDS of women.

Ask Prof. Jophil about morality and how a woman can really make much more serious immoral decisions. Not jerking you off probably doesn't qualify.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
if she was into you, you would have been in her, she may be a psycho, in which case walkaway, if she isnt, work out what you did wrong


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
>She then basically invited me over to her place a few days later.
Her leading

>But she kept stopping midway through our hooking up and looking at the tv..
Her leading again...and waiting for you to lead..giving you a pause.
Her mind :: "I'm so confused! Why am I making all the moves!?"

>this girl literally just teased me!!!
YOU should have been teasing HER. She did alot.

>but this is something physical she did to me
No. It's something mental you did to yourself.
Take personal responsibility for your feelings and don't
blame them on someone else.

>I said I got it somewhere else don't worry... and I just left...
This would have been golden if not for the follow up.

My guess is she is still salvageable due to her very high initial IL.
No contact.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Dude, that right there is a Class-A, extremely dangerous Professional Cocktease. It is very UNLIKELY (however, not impossible) that she will ever had intercourse with you. Sure, she'll give you a handjob, let you finger her, fondle her breasts, etc. but, the actual deed? Never. Or in the remote case that she does indeed allow you to fuck her, she will make sure you jump through millions of hoops. Good luck! :)

But the main problem here wasn't that she loves to give guys blue balls. Nope. It wasn't that you didn't [sexually] lead her, like a man should. No siree bob, that wasn't it. The main problem here is that you cried to her like a little girl. "You hurt my feelings! You're mean!"

You never let women know they got to you. A most certainly you never tell them they hurt your feelings. There's a reason she hasn't replied. When you sent her those texts, she lost all of the little sexual attraction she felt towards you. You just FZ'ed yourself. She may keep you as an orbiter though, for when she needs attention...

Chalk this one up as a loss.

Spin a new plate.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
vatoloco said:
Dude, that right there is a Class-A, extremely dangerous Professional Cocktease.
But the main problem here wasn't that she loves to give guys blue balls. Nope. It wasn't that you didn't [sexually] lead her, like a man should. No siree bob, that wasn't it. The main problem here is that you cried to her like a little girl. "You hurt my feelings! You're mean!"
Probably agree with the Cokteese assessment .
However there is a possibilty that she was willing to go all the way but she was not "dailed up" far enough. You may have pushed to hard, too fast. YOu will rarely F a woman until SHE wants it.
Women seem to like a lot of emotional "preparation" , whereas men are good to go in ten minutes ..Slow the F down fellas.

I do agree with the comment about your followup whiney messages. NEVER do that. Any lingering or residual attraction that she may have had after your 'TV on the couchepisodes were killed in a momnet when she read those complaints from you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Could be that the OP went too slowly? Was she stopping because she thought you guys would be in bed by now or because she was actively putting up resistance?

If she was resisting, then you were right to blow her out. One makeout is enough, IMHO. Next time there better be sex. Especially at age 29.

However, if you were the one not moving fast and she was watching TV because she was getting bored, then that's something else entirely.

I won't comment on the "morality" of any of it. There are no rules in love or war.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Kailex said:
To be honest, it shouldn't matter what any of us thinks.

If you don't like what she did and you think it borderlines on being "immoral" than simply just don't put up with it.

Again, it doesn't matter if you reacted or not either.
You didn't like what was going on, you left... but to be honest, you should have tried to plow through the LMR... the fact that she said she was tired was probably because she might have been expecting you to turn off the TV and take her like a real man.

In other words, you should have never gotten to the point where she says: I'm tired.

Either you plow through LMR or she says, "Stop".
One way or the other.

But again, you are saying that you feel morally wronged.

So, simple, don't see her again, don't call her again, don't think about her again.

Move on and game on with someone else.

What I honestly didn't like was the "female" approach to your texting the day and the week after. What was the point of telling her that you hate that channel forever and that you felt something good between the two of you?

You already knew what you knew about the girl... you felt "betrayed morally", so what was the point of the texts?

You're either in or you're out, but you can't be in between.

If someone does me wrong, and it's someone new in my life, I just cut that person out of it. But I wouldn't text them back afterwards TWICE just to let them know of the fact. For all you know, she might have been felt like you didn't act like a man (in her perspective) and she was half expecting you to ravage her wildly.

All in all, lesson learned. This one's done.

Kailex, you are the first to bring up the point that perhaps I should have tried harder to tap that azz.... and honestly after I left that was one of the thoughts I had in the back of my head.

I have to admit I need some help in escalating to sex... Pretty much all the times I have had sex, the girl conveyed to me that she was cool with it.. and unbuttoned my pants.... In the world we live in and with the rape laws etc I can't help but feel I need her consent to do it...

So even though this girl let me finger her.. and put her hand on the head of my **** and rubbed for a bit... she didn't unbutton my pants...

I even pulled her pants down a bit.. but after a while of hooking up she pulled them back up...

So should I have just pulled my own pants down? I thought maybe that would have turned her off and I was expexting her to do it...

Please share your experiences in escalating to sex...

But all that said I think she really was just being a tease. She probably didn't want to look like just a booty call... maybe the last guy left her after she did it so she was playing a game... I think she wouldn't have been hot and cold if she really wanted it...

I actually followed up with her on the text because if it was just a ploy of hers to keep my interested I wanted her to know she ruined something good that could have blossomed. I am even almost tempted to write her an email and tell her.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Well against popular opinion I did try to text her a few more times. I don't care about giving her any satisfaction... I just want to try and learn something. I want to know if:

My leaving mad is what killed her IL (probably is I know)


As some of you suggested, I didn't escalate sexually

The latter point is interesting because as I said.. I thought I was pretty aggressive. Still with the law of consent I always feel that a girl has to give it verbally.... All of the girls I have fvcked this is how its been. I get them turned on.. they tell me they want me.. and usually unbutton my pants and what not..

This girl let me pull hers down and finger her.. even touched the head of my cvck but didn't take my pants off...

Guys please share how you escalate into sex effectively... I know this girl was attracted to me so I did something wrong here!


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Reyaj said:
Well against popular opinion I did try to text her a few more times.
Of course you did... guys always do! ;)

Not trying to put you down dude. I know in the beginning I also "hoped for a 2nd chance," etc. and I always C&B'ed. Why? Because my need for a woman's affection was greater than my dignity and self-respect. I was like a bratty kid at a candy store: no discipline or self-control. "I want that candy. I must have it!" :cry:

Eventually, as I grew, I learned.

I just want to try and learn something.
You learned that this woman does not like you. What else is there to learn from this woman? I'm an advocate of learning through trial and error (and it *is* a great teacher) but if we're telling you how to avoid the "error" part so you can avoid C&Bing and being humiliated, why are you going back to this woman? You're just letting her know that you're weak:

"Man, Reyaj must love being teased! He gives me physical pleasure but I hardly do anything for the guy! Gee, he probably thinks I'm gonna have sex with him. I think I'll just string him along for more shits and giggles..."

I want to know if:
And this is exactly the mistake that a lot of people who want to be good with women make. Over-analyzing things to death. Sure, analyze and learn but also MOVE ON.

When I was a recovering AFC, some of my first material was Doc. He has a concept called the "Bottom Line Factor" or something like that, which basically says that ultimately, a woman's actions will tell you how she truly feels about you.

What do this woman's actions tell you? I'll give you a hint: she doesn't dig you [anymore...] ;)


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Hey carnal!

Listen I know she doesn't dig me anymore. That is obvious to me. I know you think I am trying to get it back but it couldn't be further from the truth.

When I posted this thread basically there were 2 prevailing opinions on what went wrong.

1. I showed frustration and anger at getting teased (I think I was justified though cause what she did was somatic)
2. I didn't escalate sexually correctly

I wanted to see if I could learn something for my future encounters with women. These girls are a dime a dozen. For me picking up girls is easy.. I don't want to brag but it really is for me. What's hard is getting the lay. So that's where my game is at right now.

I am even tempted to right this girl an email just to elicit a response as to what her mindset was. She clearly was into me, the proof is in the pudding.

I just want to know if I didn't escalate sexually correctly or she was just giving me a shvit test......


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Reyaj said:
I am even tempted to right this girl an email just to elicit a response as to what her mindset was. She clearly was into me, the proof is in the pudding.

I just want to know if I didn't escalate sexually correctly or she was just giving me a shvit test......
Oh man, you need a slap in front of the reality mirror.
WTF are you thinking?
Writing to a woman and ASKING her to honestly tell you why she wouldn't have sex with you?
You better stick around here a while until you start to "get it" with women and sex....coz you really don't.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Reyaj said:
Hey carnal!
Hey, orale ese vato!

I wanted to see if I could learn something for my future encounters with women. These girls are a dime a dozen. For me picking up girls is easy.. I don't want to brag but it really is for me. What's hard is getting the lay. So that's where my game is at right now.

I am even tempted to right this girl an email just to elicit a response as to what her mindset was. She clearly was into me, the proof is in the pudding.

I just want to know if I didn't escalate sexually correctly or she was just giving me a shvit test......
I try not to think too much about a woman who will not put out no matter what. I just move onto an easier, more flexible plate. Women can change their minds from one instant to the other. I prefer to game the plates who are willing and able to fuck. :D

Now, is this a consistent problem? Because if it's sporadic, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Maybe at the last minute a picture of her brother popped into her head or maybe her horoscope told her not to fuck that day. Or like I said earlier, maybe she was just a Class-A Professional Cocktease.

But if you're consistently getting blue-balled at the last minute (and you're using the proper LMR techniques) then I'd definitely say that you're the problem.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
vatoloco said:
Hey, orale ese vato!

I try not to think too much about a woman who will not put out no matter what. I just move onto an easier, more flexible plate. Women can change their minds from one instant to the other. I prefer to game the plates who are willing and able to fuck. :D

Now, is this a consistent problem? Because if it's sporadic, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Maybe at the last minute a picture of her brother popped into her head or maybe her horoscope told her not to fuck that day. Or like I said earlier, maybe she was just a Class-A Professional Cocktease.

But if you're consistently getting blue-balled at the last minute (and you're using the proper LMR techniques) then I'd definitely say that you're the problem.

Good points in your examples...even the horoscope one! I once banged a girl that lived by what her daily horoscope read... I think it actually benefitted me in that case because it read that she would meet someone new... wow what a good fvck she was!

Anyway I've been beaten by LMR before.... so I need to try different ways around it. Can you share some of your techniques and examples from when you've beaten it? If you could be detailed I'd appreciate it so much!


Zarky stfu... I had contacted this girl before I posted this thread. Besides the point of it is trying to figure what went wrong and how I could have escalated. This girl was lost before I sent any follow up text to her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Reyaj said:
So I basically texted her the following night saying I hate the tv channel she was watching forever becuase of her. She texted back hours later asking why? I never answered...

Yesterday which was a week later I texted her saying I felt something good with her but what she did was cruel. She hasn't responded at all....
Oh my god...stop whining. :rolleyes: You sound like a spoiled 6-year-old who was told he can't have a toy.

She probably thinks YOU are the insane one...and based on your response to some simple coy shyness/hard-to-get play with this girl, I think she's right.

Based on how she was behaving, my GUESS is that you displayed complete ineptitude in how to lead in a sexual situation and stimulate a woman. She WAS into you, she TRIED to stimulate you, get you aroused, and hoped you would eventually take the lead like a man and connect with her on a sexual level to bypass her resistance. (because that's how women work..read the DJ Bible)

But instead, you were bewildered by the experience and lost confidence in yourself, and she sensed that and lost her arousal for you.

And then you WHINED LIKE A B*TCH to her over text messages. You blamed HER for "screwing you over".

"I hate that TV station because of you! You didn't treat me right!!" You sound like some EMO chump writing sappy poetry talking about how "evil girls tore your heart out and ripped it to shreds". Gag. Are you SURE you didn't accidentally reverse the digits when you typed in your age? This reminds me of the p*ssy sh*t I used to think to myself in middle-school. Maybe we should chug on down to namby-pamby-land, where MAYBE we can find some self-confidence for you, ya jackwagon!! :crackup:

OK it's a little harsh...but it's appropriate to the situation. Now I'm beginning to understand what women are telling me when they talk about all the "creepers" they meet on internet dating sites, who act all awkward, especially during the "close".

THIS is why good men and good women can't find each other any more...because creepers like this learn enough "game" to get past a girl's defenses and then, once they're on the inside, start acting like crazies and scare them off. Sooner or later, ANYONE with a little bit of charm is "suspect" and girls are waiting for the inevitable neuroses to start showing.

These "Don Juan skills" used to be a woman's way to identify a confident man, because only confident, self-assured men could wield them with any skill. Now you have a bunch of amateurs running around in the field, dropping lines and playing head-games but with NOTHING to back it up. Amateurs who think they're bad-arse because they found their father's gun, a danger to themselves and those around them because they have power but never bothered to learn how to use it or be responsible with it.

If you are going to go out there into the dating world and "call down the thunder", you'd better be tough enough to stand and "reap the whirlwind". It's obvious you're not right now...and you need to either man up and beciome strong enough to be a DJ, or you need to stop "frontin'" and go back to the AFC way of doing things.

It's your decision.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
squirrels said:
Oh my god...stop whining. :rolleyes: You sound like a spoiled 6-year-old who was told he can't have a toy.

She probably thinks YOU are the insane one...and based on your response to some simple coy shyness/hard-to-get play with this girl, I think she's right.

Based on how she was behaving, my GUESS is that you displayed complete ineptitude in how to lead in a sexual situation and stimulate a woman. She WAS into you, she TRIED to stimulate you, get you aroused, and hoped you would eventually take the lead like a man and connect with her on a sexual level to bypass her resistance. (because that's how women work..read the DJ Bible)

But instead, you were bewildered by the experience and lost confidence in yourself, and she sensed that and lost her arousal for you.

And then you WHINED LIKE A B*TCH to her over text messages. You blamed HER for "screwing you over".

"I hate that TV station because of you! You didn't treat me right!!" You sound like some EMO chump writing sappy poetry talking about how "evil girls tore your heart out and ripped it to shreds". Gag. Are you SURE you didn't accidentally reverse the digits when you typed in your age? This reminds me of the p*ssy sh*t I used to think to myself in middle-school. Maybe we should chug on down to namby-pamby-land, where MAYBE we can find some self-confidence for you, ya jackwagon!! :crackup:

OK it's a little harsh...but it's appropriate to the situation. Now I'm beginning to understand what women are telling me when they talk about all the "creepers" they meet on internet dating sites, who act all awkward, especially during the "close".

THIS is why good men and good women can't find each other any more...because creepers like this learn enough "game" to get past a girl's defenses and then, once they're on the inside, start acting like crazies and scare them off. Sooner or later, ANYONE with a little bit of charm is "suspect" and girls are waiting for the inevitable neuroses to start showing.

These "Don Juan skills" used to be a woman's way to identify a confident man, because only confident, self-assured men could wield them with any skill. Now you have a bunch of amateurs running around in the field, dropping lines and playing head-games but with NOTHING to back it up. Amateurs who think they're bad-arse because they found their father's gun, a danger to themselves and those around them because they have power but never bothered to learn how to use it or be responsible with it.

If you are going to go out there into the dating world and "call down the thunder", you'd better be tough enough to stand and "reap the whirlwind". It's obvious you're not right now...and you need to either man up and beciome strong enough to be a DJ, or you need to stop "frontin'" and go back to the AFC way of doing things.

It's your decision.

rofl!!! I was waiting for a pompous response from a "so called master"

Dang with all those ratings points you have on here you must be right!

Reality is I probably laid more girls last year than you did in your whole life, and it wasn't even that many. If you really were so coveted you'd agree that getting cvck teasted is wrong! Plus if you had the common sense to read everything I wrote, you'd see that the reason I texted that was to confirm the reason she did that. I acknowledged she was gone and didn't even want her back because of what she did. But since you rarely get any play and have to use an internet forum to feed your ego I couldn't expect you to understand what being cvck teased is like. I'm sure all the girls you meet on "internet dating" sites never give you so much resistance. lol

Anyway for all those who gave me advice in constructive matter I appreciate it.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
No she didn't. Had I not texted her she wouldn't have responded either. I really had nothing to lose being that I didn't care emotionally 1 tad for this girl. I just wanted to see if I could learn something. Even though the rate that she'd respond was low, it didn't take much effort to send out a few texts.

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
