An example of a girl who TOTALLY defies EVERY rule on these forums,


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
I used to live with four girls all between the ages of 19 - 21, yes I had sex with one of them but that's not important (though it's a question that needs answering YKNWTIMSYN!!?!?!?)

Most of them behaved EXACTLY like every other female on the planet, re-acted to the same behaviour in men in exactly the same way and OF COURSE were totally oblivious to the way their own minds worked and how what they said they wanted was nowhere near in line with what they were actually attracted to.

Now, there was an exception.

She was fairly attractive, average face, great boobs and an in shape body. Dressed well, was fairly interested. No hotty but still a nice girl with a fair amount going for her.

Ok, now here's the weird part. She's had a boyfriend for FIVE YEARS since she was fifteen years old. Now you're thinking, wow this guy knows how to play a girl, his game must be through the roof.


This guy is about 5"6, not fat but definitly a higher body fat percentage than he should be and not the best looking guy on the planet.

Now I know what you're thinking, OP be a fickle fool who's gettin jelly of this guys magic.

Once again, incorrect. This guy is 22, works PART TIME at a supermarket, lives at home, has almost no qualifications, is a massive nerd often spending the days he stayed at our house playing video games reading fantasy novels (no hatin I love that **** too it's just not my life) and having pretty much no alpha traits whatsoever. The guy gets KNOCKED ABOUT by this girl, no not physically but she always moans and speaks down to him, treats him like a dog and has almost total controll over him.

The guy is nice and everything, I like him personally but this is someone who still feels the need to jump down the last six stairs at age 22. He's a real child. The first time I met him he was eating chinese and making all sorts of grunting noises, laughing about his sloppy manners and acting like an all round childish clow. It blew my mind to find out they had been together for so long.

I have no idea how it's possible that they are still together. She is nothing like him and without a doubt could do better. I'm not personally attracted to her myself, trust me, I just find it totally fascinating to witness such a contradiction.

Some things to take note, she broke up with him the best part of a year ago. After a few weeks she took him back, which he gladly did.

A lot of the time she sounds like she's trying to convince herself he's at all attractive, mentioning things he's done, which are often things that really needs stretching to believe as being at all alpha to start with.

I don't know why it amazes me so much, just wanted a few educated opinions. Afterall I think case studies are important to improve our own game and knowledge. In the end, human attraction is a science and if we spot a potential inconsistency in results then it's a wise thing to figure out what's going on.

Anyway, long post over, interested to see what those of a higher knowledge than my own have to say.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
Conclusion: You are "That Guy".
This chick is getting nailed by alpha cawk


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
lol maxi, no, I am not "that guy"

Another thing to add, she was never a target of mine. She always has been a friend, so this isn't an observation made from the point of view of hunter.


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah but is penis size really enough to keep a girl interested in someone who DEFINES beta, nay, omega male? FOR THAT LONG?

It just seems weird, maybe she is A-sexual and doesn't really operate on a sexual level and values companionship or I dunno...


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
"but this is someone who still feels the need to jump down the last six stairs at age 22"

Whats wrong with this? I still sometimes do @25, nothing wrong with getting enjoyment from the little things in life. Makes more sense than crying because a fat kid has had a girlfriend for longer than youve been having secks.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
From my experience women select men based on the following criteria (in variation / combination)

Assets (wealth, resources, car, home, power, friendship circle, family support, c0ck size etc.).
Looks (attractiveness and good physique are indicators for good health or potential for good genetics from breeding)
Mind (intelligence, patience, affections, empathy, emotional support, personality, qualifications, humour (= happinesss) etc.)
Compatibility (interests, past-times, humour, morality, sexuality, values, beliefs etc)

Cross check what you know of him to these and what are you left with.....

C0ck size?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Skalioppe said:
The guy has a c0ck like a baby's arm.
Dude, quit embarassing yourself. :nervous:

Perhaps you didn't look at him right? He may be better then you think OP. He was trying to have some fun at the dinner. Or, he and her are similar. Sometimes that happens, people who look alike tend to get together. Or they just click.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
When you get a girl on your d*ck at that young of an age, she basically becomes hard-wired to want you. You'd have to try really hard to get rid of her.

It's like getting people to smoke. The younger you get them hooked, the harder it is for them to quit.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
An example of a girl who TOTALLY defies EVERY rule on these forums
I think one of the most important things to remember on this forum is - There are no rules

A good portion of the men in the world are getting girlfriends, wives, and everything in between WITHOUT joining these forums and whining about male/female issues.

I enjoy this forum, but do not mistake it for 100% scientifically-proven rules. It's opinions that are presented as facts.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
I think one of the most important things to remember on this forum is - There are no rules

A good portion of the men in the world are getting girlfriends, wives, and everything in between WITHOUT joining these forums and whining about male/female issues.

I enjoy this forum, but do not mistake it for 100% scientifically-proven rules. It's opinions that are presented as facts.

real talk


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
I think one of the most important things to remember on this forum is - There are no rules

A good portion of the men in the world are getting girlfriends, wives, and everything in between WITHOUT joining these forums and whining about male/female issues.

I enjoy this forum, but do not mistake it for 100% scientifically-proven rules. It's opinions that are presented as facts.
That is the truth. There are probably as many different ways to get women as there are grains of sand on the beach. Men and women are chemically designed to get together. To think that the only way is to follow the rules laid down in this forum is absolutely absurd.

Males in the real world get girls all the time, they just do what comes natural to them, instead of analyzing everything down into a formula. Of course everyone here would likely dismiss them as AFCs because they don't know pickup lingo. It ain't necessarily so, gentlemen.

I think reading this forum can be discouraging for some, because sometimes it makes it sound like you have to be a top 10% elite, tall, handsome, confident, musclebound, well dressed millionaire without a whiff of insecurity, who is already dating 10 other HB8s before you can get any. And even then if you make one mistake, you're blown out. Be real.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
OP's post just reeks of player hating. You are in fact the insecure one. You have the mindset that people can only date within their "league". This has been proven wrong many, many times. Money, cars, and success can go a long way, but so can an excellent personality and game.

And contrary to popular belief, there ARE some woman who aren't blood-sucking b!tches that only jump for alpha c0ck.

I hope you reverse this mindset quickly OP. Don't ever sell yourself short.



Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
zekko said:
That is the truth. There are probably as many different ways to get women as there are grains of sand on the beach. Men and women are chemically designed to get together. To think that the only way is to follow the rules laid down in this forum is absolutely absurd.

Males in the real world get girls all the time, they just do what comes natural to them, instead of analyzing everything down into a formula. Of course everyone here would likely dismiss them as AFCs because they don't know pickup lingo. It ain't necessarily so, gentlemen.
Yeah man. It's not even like I'm trying to come down from a cloud of judgment. Hell, sometimes I have to remind myself these things.

I've been on a few dates with a girl that I really dig. Much more so than my other plates. And today I found myself thinking, "I went on a date that she requested on Sunday. She went on a date that I requested on Tuesday. Should I ask her out for Saturday? Is that AFC? Do I seem too available? Three dates in one week?! F**k it...this feels like one-itis! I should call one of my other plates and get my mind off of this one."

But damn...all that thought and planning and sh!t. The rest of the world just asks the girl out, and it's either sink or swim. I'd say that all of my "attached" male friends have wives and girlfriends who are more attractive than they are. They didn't read a bunch of rules. They saw a girl they liked...they might have even been their friend first. And one day, somehow something happened.

I've banged a lot more women than "normal" guys have. But that doesn't mean that every time I date a girl, I need to follow a list of rules given to me by people on the internet.

This site is great for getting your head out of the clouds about women. But for day-to-day living, you just cant function normally by evaluating whether every step you take is alpha or beta or AFC.

And in case you're wondering, I still havent asked that girl out again. Because I think 3 dates in one week might be too much. No matter how eager she sounds.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Sounds like a loser match made in heaven. She chose someone "beneath" him, so she can control / belittle / feel superior over him. That's all I'm gathering from this. Insecurity is usually high in these cases.


Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
Toast123 said:
I like him personally but this is someone who still feels the need to jump down the last six stairs at age 22.
That is without a doubt the funniest thing I've ever read on this forum.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
OP wants to have sex with the girl in his post and is jealous


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
Yeah man. It's not even like I'm trying to come down from a cloud of judgment. Hell, sometimes I have to remind myself these things.

I've been on a few dates with a girl that I really dig. Much more so than my other plates. And today I found myself thinking, "I went on a date that she requested on Sunday. She went on a date that I requested on Tuesday. Should I ask her out for Saturday? Is that AFC? Do I seem too available? Three dates in one week?! F**k it...this feels like one-itis! I should call one of my other plates and get my mind off of this one."

But damn...all that thought and planning and sh!t. The rest of the world just asks the girl out, and it's either sink or swim. I'd say that all of my "attached" male friends have wives and girlfriends who are more attractive than they are. They didn't read a bunch of rules. They saw a girl they liked...they might have even been their friend first. And one day, somehow something happened.

I've banged a lot more women than "normal" guys have. But that doesn't mean that every time I date a girl, I need to follow a list of rules given to me by people on the internet.

This site is great for getting your head out of the clouds about women. But for day-to-day living, you just cant function normally by evaluating whether every step you take is alpha or beta or AFC.

And in case you're wondering, I still havent asked that girl out again. Because I think 3 dates in one week might be too much. No matter how eager she sounds.
There are only a few things that are relevant to getting women anyway:

1) Women are people. Do not put them on a pedestal. There are billions of women. It is unlikely that the one you like is the best and if she doesn't like you back, there are others.
2) Work on yourself. Have hobbies besides women. Enjoy life.
3) Talk to women. Do not be scared.

Those are the only things that matter. Everything else is nonsense.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hmm.. this thread made my head hurt. There is nothing new here, so the title of this thread confuses me. Other replies have pretty much covered it but I think there are two possibilities (maybe probabilities) that stand out:

1) This guy did SOMETHING at some point that bothered you to the point where everything negative he does is amplified in your mind. He's probably not nearly the beta you see him as. And maybe he is a little childish in a public setting. You have no idea how they are when they are alone, or when she needs someone there for her, etc. You are discounting 5 years of a relationship because he jumps down stairs and grunts while he eats.

Now, maybe you are spot on. I have no way to tell from here. But even so, I don't really see why you seem so bitter about it, if this is not a girl you are interested in at all.

2) This is FIVE year relationship from age 15 to 20. They grew up WITH each other. They became who they are today primarily as the other person as their boyfriend/girlfriend. This is as far from "defying rules" as it gets. This happens all the time. They have become comfortable with the fact that they are together. Certain things get looked over that normally wouldn't. In most cases, they will eventually grow apart from each other and will end up breaking up, but a lot of marriages come out of high school relationships. Sounds crazy to me, but it's true, and I have some friends like that.