An Alternative Theory on the Ego and Life.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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The ego is purported to be part of our psyche. It's supposed to be the *I*, and is normally seen as more a vice than a virtue.

A separate theory I am going to consider and only post here is because I am looking for other viewpoints (otherwise it would be ego-tistical to keep it locked up, wise eh?)


Spiritual viewpoints on what the ego is, states the ego is a false reality. It's made-up. The purpose? To live in a false world. Religious/spiritual dabblers will say that it's because the ego (or you) split from God or some higher being. Other's will say that it's done to EXPERIENCE this realm, for reasons unknown.

Let's just set down the fact that the *ego* split from something, somewhere, for any reason we don't, and probably won't know just yet. But it split.

And this split causes a search. For answers, in all aspects of life. From women, finance, work, family, life, friends, jobs sports, food, money, nature, science, and so on. In each aspect of life, we seek answers to the never-ending question. Each answer is really the search for God, or the light, or the source of what we came from.

What then?

We'd work forever, like a dog chasing its tail trying to find the end, the source, a final conclusion, when all along it's right there in front of you. You're fine. You're either a piece of some source, some Light, some God, or still with him. But you're not in any harm, the answers cannot be found because you are here to experience the answers, not know them.

And what if the ego is the attachment to the physical plane? The ego feels. It feels high, and it feels low. Never in the middle. It's emotional. The more emotional and influenced you are by this plane of existence, the more real the pain seems. The more real it seems.

It's like connecting wires, pumping things into you. It dumbs you down. The ego tells you you are THIS person, THIS body, THIS job, THIS screenname, THESE interests, THIS d!ck, THIS sex. Each thing is you, and it weighs you down.

Yet all along, the more you feel this, the more you forget a self locked inside. The more you give into the ego, the more you lock away the spiritual self, because the 2 cannot co-exist. One must be washed away. One must be blown apart.


The ego wants you to fear, because fear is emotion, and emotion is connection. It's part of the senses, and those sense make this real, much like a 3-d game, or like virtual reality would. Much like a dream encompasses MANY of the senses of the mind, that make them seem partially real while we sleep, yet not totally. While sleeping, it appears like sight is employed, because you see things. And it also makes you feel things, but you retain a detached sense of self, because the subconscious KNOWS you went to sleep. If it did not, then theoretically, it could believe it happens.

And the very fact guys and girls have 'wet' dreams highlight how powerful this truly is. How tapping into the mind in certain, powerful ways can influence our bodily functions. Or how it feels like we are falling off a building, or falling in general, and we shudder awake.

The ego itself is everything you seek to protect. It's a mask covering up a person or being who came here for a purpose unknown. If you believe in a post-life, do you believe in a pre-life? To leave as spirit, should you not have come as spirit into this world?

Would that not then make you infinite and untouchable by definition?


You see, when shut down the nergy that gives power to the spirit side of life, we do not benefit by it, we do not connect to it, and we are not made possible to be part of it. The spirit-world, non physical realm, requires belief. Ideas require belief.

People who see no goodness in life, no riches, do so for that very reason, they don't see it in their life.

Tell me, when you're sitting around, and an idea pops into your head, do you claim ownership of it, or do you just act on it?

I find it funny, because now and then an idea I jumps into my mind, and I have no clue where it would come from, and how it go there. It was like my mind is plugged into some mind-river, and it happened to float along and determined I was the best person for the use of this idea. And so, I used it. And some don't use them, so they pass along.


I once heard the saying that a baby cries not because it's born, but because a soul has realized it came to the earth plane to learn some lesson, and that's a cry of pain and agony, because it left it's home. It's not a cry of anything else. Seems to make sense given the fact that the baby has little to no idea of what consciousness is. And while some might say the Dr spanked it to get it alive or breathing, how does a newborn being even know to cry???

The ego is what binds us to emotion, pain, conflict, want, desire and so on. It isn't that this is bad or good, it just is. Reliance outside ourselves makes our separation from any infinite intelligent all the more impossible. Why? Because we all have our own pathes. And by following another's, we preclude our own. We fall off our own.

Examples of that are, following in your family's footsteps just because 'it's the family thing to do.' Or doing something for a woman, only to have her leave and you have no identity of what or who you are or where you are going. Many guys end up here for that reason alone.

Indecisiveness is a trademark of the ego world. Uncertainty abounds, because it makes search for a God, or source, all that more elusive. A source is sought in drugs, friends, money, drinking, games, sports, everywhere but right here, or there. Everywhere but inside you.


The questions are 'where are we going,' and 'what are we searching for.' If we knew that life was experience, or that we already were infinite, then going forth in life would be the goal. However, if we view life as completely physical body and mind, then we are loathe to risk anything in this seemingly real plane of existence.

If you knew every piece was in place, every person in your life, and every occurence to befall you was for a reason, and your only power was CHOICE, what would that do to your life???

What if there never was a wrong answer? That there wasn't a WAY you could fail? Many have the thoughts deeply embedded in their minds of heaven or hell, and not religiously. But that action or inaction leads to personal feelings of heaven or hell. That a bad choice is hell, and the right choices heaven. That we make or don't make a choice for the sake of the outcome. For the sake of making a heaven, or avoiding a hell. What if neither was possible? What if those were of no consideration?


The ego itself is judgemental. It collects all experiences, compiles them, as uses what it beliefs to relate to other egos. Only problem, egos hate other egos. Two powerful egos cannot exist together. One wants to feel as if it owns the world. It seeks control. The ego minded person does not see spirit in body, it sees body, so it relates as if body is all their exists. It judges. It tries to find quirks, and tries NLP, and tricks, and body language assessments to connect.

Well, if we are already connected, what connection must occur? Our bodies separate us, but our minds and spirits bind us. You might see a fat person, or a goofy person, or a colored person, and immediately judge them, or not judge them. We might create assumptions based on them. And vice versa, they do to you, without considering it. First impressions are generally based on physical, and not spiritual/mind presence.

When a woman is placed on a pedastal she is done so based on her physical sense. In doing so, you've given her dominion in the physical realm. If you relate in the spiritual/mind realm, you will likely connect.


My feelings are that, many things that crop up, particularly on dating/pua sites are common sense, and are required survival skills on this plane, that cannot be learned from nameless people hiding behind impersonal technology. Most people sound like a bunch of clueless ego seeking answers, and their constant search for answers precludes an evolution of mind or soul, because they don't learn the main purpose of being here: Self-Reliance.

The ego is a funny thing. It's understood from a variety of angles. I know I'll get responses telling me what it is or isn't, but those are uselss anyways. I post on possibilities and new thoughts, not on supposedly concrete explanations of a world and an existence for which we don't grasp. And so 'shut down' posts are useless anyways. Not only do they kill your possibility thinking, but they stifle advancement of an idea.



Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
how does the baby know how to cry?

They are watching....:eek:


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
I always love your posts A-Unit.

Try some Ketamine sometime - it separates the ego from the body/mind. John Lilly, M.D introduced the concept of using transpersonal experience for reprogramming the brain-mind interface. Basically, he says that through using it, you can reprogram your mind to change your beliefs.

Not like I've ever tried that stuff tho.. Drug are bad mmmkay? ;)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
sorry dude i only got through half your post!!!
are you stoned?

i suggest you stay clear of the church for now, otherwise you may find a mob of angry villigers hunting you down with firesticks, stakes and forks!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
yeah sorry dude,
ive just tried to read it again, no luck!

youve comletey fcuked my head up, are you suggesting ime not actually me, or, the me i think is me is someone else but at the same time... still me?????:crackup:


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
Ah Ah Ah A-Unit Well said

The ability to have thoughts and emotion about our reality is our greatest strength and our greatest weakness.

Is sentience a beautiful thing? I’d like to think so. I’ve heard a couple comparisons saying that we humans are programmed just like a computer. I tend to agree with this seeing how there is little difference in our own reactions to repeated events. If we get fired from our jobs the internal dialogue for most is centered on fear and the next way to get resources. It we are cut off in traffic it centers around angry and vengeance. Putting our normal emotional reactions aside the ego throws fuel on the fire. Being angry and fearful is perfectly fine but having thoughts like “I should kill that fvck face” or “ill cut him off at the next off ramp” running through your head is suspect. The same thing applies when we are rejected by the opposite sex. One of the reasons I love this site is its all about personal change. A common saying I hear is that “people don’t change.” Too a large extent I thing a lot of people don’t change. It’s really hard to change
The programmed = survival.
A gazelle taking a stroll to the water hole, isn’t all of a sudden going to have absolutely no anxiety about potential lions lurking. The same thing applies to us, our ego based thoughts no matter how fvcked up our ensuring our real and imaginary survival. Survival can be banging 10 girls a month, shooting heroin in your veins or making a six digit salary. Is sentience a beautiful thing? Hell yes, because despite that fact that we are all programmed like a computers we have a CHOICE on what the program does. What survival is exactly is up to us. On the physical plane ego aside we are content with food, cloths and shelter. Yet our curiosity push’s us beyond the star, monasteries are built to meditate away illusion, rhythms are creatively crafted so we can dance in the moment.
We quest for happieness/ love, the source, god
Don’t they say atoms, cells or whatever have to be in harmony for life to be created.

God created the universe with human beings so that god through our reality could see (himself)god. We didn’t create god (he) always existed but he didn’t know of his existence until he created our reality to view himself from. If god is perfect in his actions are without thought without ego all instinct then god would never think about himself or know that he was god. So the actions he set in motion led to our creation. I would argue that god is all of us and that we are god. Since we are gods our consciousness has the ability to create our own reality. With this ability we live in our own reality(ego/illusion) or gods reality(nature) to varying degrees. Life is a journey and our collective awareness of gods reality(nature) and our own reality(ego/illusion) allow us appreciate the beauty of the universe or the universe we create for ourselves.

So basically god wanted a mirror

Ive either
Unlock the matrix/ confused the hell out of myself/ or made no sense what so ever.
Or both b and c



Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
very thought provoking...I like this post, but I'd rather leave it 'locked' for now. I have a few ideas, but could not express them as coherently as you have expressed yours in this it is already a topic that some will find confusing anyway...I'd rather take time to let it sink in more and reply down the road.

I like ShyRyder's response too though.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
read over his post again, it sounds like something someone with no common sense came up with "how does a baby know how to cry"
thats the stupidest question
it cries because its in the genes to cry to signal to the mother for attention. i mean why do we have skin instead if scales, genes.

And then "mind river" thats gotta be the most 'stoned thing you can say' thoughts are made from experiences, not some random events outside of our experience, seriously whoever thinks is a good post should go have a happy stoner session with him.

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
the ego is such a complicated subject for those who understand nothing about it.

it is just a matter of choice and statistics i guess. its not everyday you find an enlightened being and it is understandable. the reason why people don't know much about the masters of Zen is because they were so humble. so humble in the fact that they did not even care about their status as master, nor did they even acknowledge it in their OWN mind. the power they exert over every aspect of their mind was recognized by others, thus, the title was given to them by others. but did it really matter to the masters themselves? not one bit.

i had so many ideas for philosophical posts and posts of ego and all that, but i realized, whats the point? the whole point of even taking control of your ego (or perhaps lessening it) is so that you won't ever feel the need to prove yourself at all. accepting others as they are, egoless or egotistical, is all part of enlightenment. is a forum full of egotisticals. I, am egotistical. it is harder for me to achieve this state because it means nothing that you know so much. but once you have lost your ego, there is no more "try." everything will be as is and accepted as is.

not everyone will be enlightened. not everyone has had the fair chance to experience the knowledge required for enlightenment. enlightenment, in my opinion, is a very personal thing, and just because you are not enlightened does not mean you are a bad person.

its funny how all of the morals that the world taught us all has to do with one thing: humility. but 99.99% of us are never going to experience true humility. because if we were to experience TRUE humility, that would be enlightenment. once you realize that everything is as it is and have fully accepted it, you have become humble. TRUE humbleness. humility that deals with no ego. humility that deals with no "conditional" ACTS of love. humility that deals with seeing without judgment.

it is quite an intriguing concept with so much insight, but then again, so much insight is not required to attain it. mysterious indeed, but taken lightly by those who are out there "enjoying life." but for every positive, it is a scientific law that there has to be a negative. if you have the ability to feel joyful, you have the ability to feel sad. if you have the ability to favor, you have the ability to hate. notice, i did not use the word "love" because love in the sense of ego is conditional. love without ego is acceptance in every possible way and becoming one with everything and everyone. it is being able to feel the other without judgment. love is pure sympathy.

ah. i am far from being enlightened, but there have been times where i have felt the quick breeze of enlightenment and wholeness.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by oOh Nasty

if you have the ability to favor, you have the ability to hate. notice, i did not use the word "love" because love in the sense of ego is conditional. love without ego is acceptance in every possible way and becoming one with everything and everyone. it is being able to feel the other without judgment. love is pure sympathy.
very true


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I'll consider the fact I got responses to mean I hit 'nerves' in some vein.

To clarify, I haven't smoked pot in over 2 years, and never more than 10 times in my whole life. "I swear, I never inhaled."

All forms of information go through 3 levels...

1. It is ridiculed.
2. It is violently opposed.
3. It is unanimously accepted.

If I posted topics that were readily accepted, I've done nothing to change thinking, alter perspectives, or dig deeper down the rabbit hole.

The origin of education use to be to ask questions, to dig deeper, pose new theories, and consider mind expanding experiences. The only education most seem to know now is how to parrott back simple ideas, concepts, and thoughts, and break down ideas but calling them luny, INSTEAD of posing the faults of the idea.

Suffice it to say, I will add more...



Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re:

Originally posted by A-Unit
I'll consider the fact I got responses to mean I hit 'nerves' in some vein.

To clarify, I haven't smoked pot in over 2 years, and never more than 10 times in my whole life. "I swear, I never inhaled."

All forms of information go through 3 levels...

1. It is ridiculed.
2. It is violently opposed.
3. It is unanimously accepted.

If I posted topics that were readily accepted, I've done nothing to change thinking, alter perspectives, or dig deeper down the rabbit hole.

The origin of education use to be to ask questions, to dig deeper, pose new theories, and consider mind expanding experiences. The only education most seem to know now is how to parrott back simple ideas, concepts, and thoughts, and break down ideas but calling them luny, INSTEAD of posing the faults of the idea.

Suffice it to say, I will add more...

Or, your post was so stupid everyone replied, like we reply to troll posts.