AMOG Field Report


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
This saturday I was invited for a soph party in London, ON ( I attend Western) and it was HUGE. I was never expecting such a thing. The place was pretty big with almost 100 people showing up. With a quick scan, roughly 60% girls and 40% guys.

I went with a good buddy of mine who is a really good wingman, and pretty skilled with ladies naturally but he is not much into pickup these days( the mofo thinks he has found " the one"- he'll get over it soon 0

As we walk in, I stand at the door way with the Alpha posture and literally scan the place like robocop fo 5 seconds trying to identify the big shots and the betas. BTW, I always do this when I enter a new setting, just stand and from people's body language and calibration pick out the alpha males and alpha females and quickly approach using the 3 second rule.

I quickly scan this really alpha kid with the typical collared up shirt and he is a big fuc*ker. Probabely on a football team. He has ****ing 6 gorgeous girls around him and a few guys and it is totally obvious that he is running the show tonight. Everybody knows it too from the vibe I get.

So me and my buddy approach a 3 set right behind them and I engage the target with some attraction techniques, ****y and funny stuff and build right into rapprt with some routines, magic tricks, mini coldreading etc. I get their buying temperatures up and my friend is working the obstacles.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score

K.G.H ( me): ( as I go up to the obstacle) " Hey Can I ask you a questions?"

HB 8: Sure

K.G.H: What do you think?Is it better to talk or flirt from distance

HB 8( and her friends): hahahaha

K.G.H: I mean... it is going to cost you a couple of hundreds to talk to such a sexy guy like me, I will need your credit card please

HB 8: hahahah, whats your name I think I've seen you on campus ( CLASSIC IOI)

I ignore the questions and bust on her a bit more and condition her to give me more IOI by passing all her **** tests and makeing her look like a tool infront of her friends.

At this time , one of the girls ( she was so ****ing gorgeous, OMG) from the AMOG's group says " Im sick and tired of eveyone thinking my boobs are fake....THEYR SO NOT FAKE!! "

I turn over shoulder and say:

K.G.H: " dont worry pamela( as in pamela anderson)...implants will give you buyouancy in the water, so if we were all to swim and get drowned, you would be the only one to survive"

HB 9.5: hahahahaha, THEYR NOT FAKEEE!!!!

AMOG: Hey buddy...who said you can talk to my girlfriend like that!

K.G.H: oh you guys are a couple... thats so cute. You look so similiar, like brother and sister...OHHHH MAANN, if you ever have kids theyr gonna look like ( I make squeeky sounds to suggest the kid is gonna be a retard)

HB 9.5( and everyone else near by) : hahahahahha

AMOG: shut YO mouth Foo!!

K.G.H: OHHH, WE- HAVE- A-TOUGH-GUY...dont worry dude, its all you, you rule the gotta teach me how to be cool like you

( Then I turn and engage the girls I was with- im made the AMOG self concious at this point....the BEST AMOG tactic.... cuz he will unconciously will try to validate himself to the crowd and becomes BETA to ME!! )

AMOG: no dude, you the coolest guy ever..look at your shirt, I used to roll with that MAD 5 years ago!! you know what..remind me to get your a drink

( mother F*ucker got a good one and his friends are laughing at me)


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score

K.G.H: A drink!!! THANKS BUDDY( pat him on the shoulder)... I love compliments from a big teddy bear like you, me and you can roll anytime!! Look at this guy's muscle, dont you ladies just love this big teddybeat

( I grab his muscles and squeeze them pretending im impressed)

At this point I leave them alone and work up the room to gather more social proof and establish myself as the ALPHA. I work up a few more sets and bust some simple tricks and the usual what -not. I was wearing a leather wristbadn with funky designs on it which got people's attentin and they kept asking and tried to touch it and I would say to the girls

" WHOAA, hands off the merchandise, geez are you always like this, how you guys roll with Ms. touchy touchy" Then they would laugh their ass off.

A made friends with a Few other AMOGS in the group and GET THIS. this is a REALLY good way to destroy AMOGS. Say the are running natural game on girls and they are digging go in and start befriending them and start ASKING QUESTIONS LIKE INTERVIEW!!! This will make them lose their state..and alpha is all state based..once they lose it, the girls will feel bored and they associate the feeling of boredom to him...... HES OUT!!!

I asked questions like " hey man, where you live, how you get downtown, how do you spend your time mostly., etc etc". One after another.

THEN, they would feel their Alpha status is vanishing so they try to regain it and say things like :

AMOG: " whoa buddy, what the **** are you wearing on your wrist ( trying to give you a retarded look so you become beta to him and qualify yourself and goes to touch it)

I reply with


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
K.G.H: " Holy ****T dude, easy tiger...I donno where your hands been....chilll!!!! "

the group would laugh and the guy becomes even MORE BETA.

as I am doing all this, the entire room is noticing the ALPHA vibes and are eager to talk to me, and the girls show no resitance and try to ****ing kino.

I busted on a few girls passing by me to try to give me PROXIMITY IOI:

K.G.H: ( very loudly) " you HAVE GOT TO stop grabbing my ass" OR " Lady, im NOTT going to make out with you"

I go up up to the AMOG's group, and tell the AMOG

K.G.H: Dude, you gotta control your girlfriend...she keeps looking and staring at me! its embaressing for everyone else!

AMOG: Hey...easy buddy ( punches me on my arm friendly and smiles). dont talk to my girl like that!

K.G.H: Dude, she may be your girlfriend, but she is MY little sister! A little sister who is attracted me! eww

HB 9.5: hahahahha, how do you know!!

K.G.H: Get this...i want you to picture a number between one to 4 on a black board...picture it, picture it, picture it............OK 3!!

HB 9.5: OMMGG, WHat the ****k

K.G.H: allright, now imagine a number between 1-10 on the blackboard...picture it...picture it...picture it ....OK 7

HB 9.5: AAAHHHHHH, HOLY ****...

( this is a foundation of NLP- once you say picture it 3 times as i said very NATURALLY...the girl will subconciously picture 3 and then when you ask her to imagine between 1-10....she will ALWAYS say 7)

I then worked the crowd a bit more....and disconnected from the party at my PEAK.

I hope this post helps....



Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
good FR. Can I ask why you didn't attempt to close any of the girls that you were gaming?


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cuz I love you so much bro....

you were way too cute at the party with your I decided to leave em for u!


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
er....half that stuff you memorized from one of Tyler Durden's FRs....

good job nerd. you can recite things.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score

Has anyone told you how much of a quick learner you are:?

I love how you are already applying AMOG tactics on others on this board man

Somebody give this man ( or woman) an award!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
You sound like you love to talk alot, and you seemed more interested in breaking the other guys games that night then trying to pick up girls for yourself.

You also seemed to be overwhelmed by the sheer size of the party and tried to game too many/ all the girls.

How long did you spend there ? You should have gamed the first set of girls right to the end isolate one of them and number or kiss close, I dont think a fvck close would have worked too many people around maybe (could have taken a hottie away from the scene and done your thing)

Also whats with the routines bro ?? Seems like you only went there to make yourself feel better about your game.

You may have beaten the other big shots for a few minutes at best but after a while they would have gotten their state back, trying to establish yourself as the big Alpha man isnt the point, the point is to always be in Alpha state so that you dont have to run crappy lines and routines to show your Alpha.

The only real thing im concerned about is did you go home with any hottie/s.
Because all the other guys you outgamed may have.

All in all you worry too much about being alpha and beating the other guys then trying to pick out a few sets of girls and gaming them to the max.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
The night wasnt about me! Dont you guys do anything nice for your friends!!! Its not all about yourself you know

I wanted to take him out and show him a thing or two. He didnt know any of these peeps ( diff uni), but I did know some. My buddy got some numbers, and I am happy, he is happy..end of story

Plenty of time to number close and f-close in the coming rush


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
khash said:
The night wasnt about me! Dont you guys do anything nice for your friends!!! Its not all about yourself you know

I wanted to take him out and show him a thing or two. He didnt know any of these peeps ( diff uni), but I did know some. My buddy got some numbers, and I am happy, he is happy..end of story

Plenty of time to number close and f-close in the coming rush
So you went to a party at uni to show everyone that your a big bad alpha male that no one should mess with yet you came home and had a mental orgasm over how cool you were at the party while the less alpha guys there most likely went home and nailed all the girls you spoke with.

In other words your all talk and no action, how can you go to a party and not hook up what are you asexual ???

Another fine example of the self ego stroking keyboard jockey.

Keep trying m8 you have a long long way to go.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
AMOG: Hey buddy...who said you can talk to my girlfriend like that!

K.G.H: oh you guys are a couple... thats so cute. You look so similiar, like brother and sister...OHHHH MAANN, if you ever have kids theyr gonna look like ( I make squeeky sounds to suggest the kid is gonna be a retard)
In the real world, you'd be lieing on the floor or in a hospital

Eventho its obvious this story is made up, i disagree with the premise. Trying to break other guys state is really pathetic. If TylerDurden suggests you should be AMOG'ing other guys or whatever then he's pathetic too. How pathetic.



Don Juan
Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
I find it more benefical to feed off of other Alphas than it is to put them down, at least in my case. But yes, I agree that any self-respecting man would have laid you out for saying the things you supposedly said.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
I don't understand the facination with being the ALPHA male.

As I understand it, you are either naturally ALPHA, or your not. Deal with it. Going around, running routines trying to portray an ALPHA image will not make you ALPHA.

I would never walk into a set with the intention of AMOGing the male of the group. I will go in, with the intention to be friendly and generally a fun guy. I often end up talking to the male of the group for a couple of minutes. This really shows social proof, and more times than not, you'll build attraction with one or more of the females of the group. No matter how ALPHA the guy is, he isn't taking all 6 girls home... is he???

The only time I AMOG guys is when they try to hit on my target, AFTER I have talked to the target.

So.... Khash, my man...

Next time, take it easy with the amoging, apply some group dynamics and actually try and close one of these chicks. It is a shame to do so well and walk away with nothing but an inflated ego.

Good FR.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
khash said:

Has anyone told you how much of a quick learner you are:?

I love how you are already applying AMOG tactics on others on this board man

Somebody give this man ( or woman) an award!!
I love how you are copy and pasting stuff from Tyler Durden to others on this board man

I must say, it is you who deserves the award:

A free paid visit to the outside your fvcking room into some natural sunlight!:flowers:


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score

You revealed yourself as a KBJ.

That means every other post you have posted you were lieing. lol your such a loser.

Especially if you tried squeezing his arm while trying to hit on his girlfriend. lol He would pound your face in right there. You would look stupid and if you did actually do this sh!t you DID look stupid and you weren't worth the trouble because you were a fvcking joke.

But don't worry, we can tell your a fvcking geek that never leaves the house anyway.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
oh wow....heres a thought - when u try to AMOG a guy whos bigger and stronger than u, then he will naturally wanna kick ur ass, especially if ur talkin to his gf, he tells u to stop, and u keep persisting.........oh yea i speak from experience by the way lol

then again this is all fake cuz i just looked at the link above and u copied everything!!!

personally, id hit on the girls that dont have alpha males around them, cuz more likely than not, if a girl is already talkin to an alpha at a party, then they will most likely hook up........its like the main law of college hook ups - FIND WHO U WANNA FVCK, TALK TO THEM, GO FVCK THEM


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
wtf? too over the top, looks like u spitted a bunch of random TD lines in no particular order. you grab some guys muscle, squeeze it, admire it ("pretending" or not), then bust on him for trying to touch your wrist watch cuz u "dont know where his hands have been"? ur all over the map... lines were good, but might've made more sense if u have some structure... ANY structure.

and yes, sounds like ur more interested in "proving you were alpha" than actually picking up girls. FEMALES get off on attention. MALES dont. which one were u acting like??