Am I reallly being an *******?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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Don’t have feelings huh? Re read this again

Originally posted by backbreaker
Do I have feeligns for her? Not the slightest. As a matter of fact, breaking up with her is the best thing I have ever done.


we get along. I don't hold a grudge against her. We talk about every other week or so to see how each other are doing..
And all the other 2 long ass pages about how she reacted and how you were together and blah blah blah if it ain’t about money it’s about you dating strippers and also how you can’t understand why when you blow a grand or more on a stripper at a bar she doesn’t want to be with you lol.

Anyways relax backbreaker you take post to personal and read into things way too much you didn’t do anything wrong with your response.

All I’m sayin is stop making a big deal about it and asking people what you should do with your money like seeing if your still a “DJ” if you do or not. It’s quite obvious you don’t but something else is telling you do.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
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Vancouver, BC
Your past doesn't exist. Who is this girl and what does she have to do with you presently? Absolutely nothing... so who cares about her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by OneArmDeeJay
Don’t have feelings huh? Re read this again

And all the other 2 long ass pages about how she reacted and how you were together and blah blah blah if it ain’t about money it’s about you dating strippers and also how you can’t understand why when you blow a grand or more on a stripper at a bar she doesn’t want to be with you lol.

Anyways relax backbreaker you take post to personal and read into things way too much you didn’t do anything wrong with your response.

All I’m sayin is stop making a big deal about it and asking people what you should do with your money like seeing if your still a “DJ” if you do or not. It’s quite obvious you don’t but something else is telling you do.

your right, I apologize if I came off as rude, long day.

I really don't have feelings for her, at least like that.. but I don't want her living on the streets if I can help it. I know that's not the case but you get where i am coming from.

I have tried to stop talking to her.. she keeps calling and calling, and when I won't answer the phone she will text me until I talk to her.. I am thinking of changing my number. I never ever call her, no need to.

Because I really don't have a reason to talk to her, I have friends, I have women (well now a woman) and she doesn't necessarly add anything to my life of any value


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by backbreaker

So she throws a temper tantrum, and starts brining up "all the stuff she did for me" in the past.. which in reality amounts to buying $100 dollars woth of groceries, at least of monatary value and calls me an ******* becuase I won't help her out, and brings up the time that I was messing with a married girl behind her back..e ven though we weren't dating, or the fact that I kept talking to my old oneitis while she was there... howwever I wasn't trying to date her
This argument wouldn't even hold out in court.

Maybe you should also take out a calculator and start calculating all the expenses you spend on her during the relationship. Gifts, Dinners, gas money, drinks or any recreational activities you did together. I am sure that the sum of money you spend on her ass was alot more.

I think its time to cut this one loose and stop trying to keep in touch with your ex. she ain't your friend but a hustler.



Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
lol, you are right, and thanks for the advice, but I wanted to mention, because I actually did verbatium what you said (add up all the costs she had with me over while we were together... all in all it's about 5,000 dollars if you include Rent/living expenses)

And she said, and I quote

"I don't want to talk about that, I don't understand why you are brining up the past"


however you are right, I will probably change my number if she keeps calling, but I won't talk to her again


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
wow what a good idea, im gonna just start calling up every little boy that ever took me out and tell them they must start forking over money and see what they say...

did she really think you would just send her cash for no reason?

wanna hear something even funnier? every year when tax time approaches, everyone suddenly calls me up and asks if they can claim one of my kids for the tax returns. who do they think they are and did they honestly imagine that i would say yes?

oh people need to get a clue.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Dude, I had a chick do something similar to me awhile back.

She was a girl I dated for a couple of months a LONG time ago. I ran into her years later and hung out with her a couple of times after we reconnected.

Turns out she hadn't changed a bit since I dated her. Still exercising poor judgement, partying when she should have been trying to get ahead and whatnot.

So this chick has the nerve to call me up asking for money to help pay her rent after we hung out a couple of times again. When she called and asked me, I think my response was something along the lines of, "'re breaking up.....hello.....hello????" Then I hit END on my cell phone and never heard from her again.

Fukk that. I work too hard to help support someone who doesn't do anything to help THEMSELVES.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by penkitten
wow what a good idea, im gonna just start calling up every little boy that ever took me out and tell them they must start forking over money and see what they say...

did she really think you would just send her cash for no reason?

wanna hear something even funnier? every year when tax time approaches, everyone suddenly calls me up and asks if they can claim one of my kids for the tax returns. who do they think they are and did they honestly imagine that i would say yes?

oh people need to get a clue.
lol, funny you should mention it, all in all my mom, dad and close family have like, give or take, 12 kids...

You ought to see the jockying that goes on for the dependants, it's like a sport.

My mom got to claim my dad's 2 younger boys (not me), and she had to promise him that she would let him claim bri, my little sister, next year.

I have a little cousin that's in Germany in the army, and everyone was jocking to claim her son, who is 2 that stays here.

My mom was claiming me when I didnt' even live with her anymore.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
focus on present - she is your friend - why would you give money to a friend?

Without reason from her, no money.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Backbreaker, pull an alpha on her.

Call her up, and say you have the cash in your hand. See what she can come up with.

Just for kicks, call up her bf as well, and tell him his gf is having problems and calling you for help.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Originally posted by speedo_meme
Eat some red meat, drink a budweiser, get angry and beat a punching bag and pretend it's her face. Then never think about her again...

This,actually, is some pretty sound advice. I would follow this up with smokin' a great cigar while bangin' down the next hole on your list brother.

Forget the chick with the (would be) hand in your pocket . . .


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2003
Reaction score
So she throws a temper tantrum, and starts brining up "all the stuff she did for me" in the past.. which in reality amounts to buying $100 dollars woth of groceries
Sounds like a featherweight argument. She splashed out $100 for groceries; YOU splashed out $5000 for the rent etc.

Now if she seriously needed the money and was single, like was going to get evicted needed the money, and I knew she wasn't lying.. I'm not going to let her get evicted if I can help it, I'm not that mean
I give out cash if I also benefit.

For example, I'll lend my next door neighbour £20 for a night out if it increases the liklihood that he'll lend me some cash next time.

I'd invest in my Ex, if it makes sense.