Am I About to Walk into a Fire?


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Folks, I'd like to get your take on this. Personally, I'm not a big fan of online dating. I always prefer talking to women in person and making my move right in their presence as opposed to the Web. But sometimes, when I feel bored once in a while and happen to be on the computer, I check out a few of these personal sites just for fun. So I posted an ad a couple days ago last week for fun, and one "woman" responded to me. I normally don't do this, but we got to the point where I was somewhat able to get a bit comfortable with her and I gave her my cell phone number. She called me about three times when I was away from my phone and left a message without a call back number. Maybe she figured it was a cell phone number, so it was going to show up on my caller ID.

I called her back twice during separate long enough intervals and instead, I got a man's voicemail. I tried one last time at night and this time I blocked my number. She picked up and we talked. When I expressed concern about getting a man's voicemail upon trying to reach her, she said "she currently had problems with her phone" and that she was going to get it fixed by Tuesday of this week, at which point she'd give me her personal number. Then out of the blue this past weekend, I get an invitation to join My Space. Interestingly and not very surprisingly to me at this point, I see a fat guy's picture listed on what should be her image, even though it states: "Female, 26 years old." As a result, I haven't accepted the invitation. It just seems to me as if something isn't right here and I may be about to get set up for whatever reason by a male and female psycho from the internet who may be up to no good. I think I recall hearing that male voice in one of her three voicemail messages speaking in the background saying something like :"I'll slit his..." I'm hoping that my concerns are valid here and I thought I'd share this with you guys because as most of you know, there are so many crazy and dangerous people on the internet and I don't want to end up risking my life through unnecessary deception.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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Frank2500 said:
Folks, I'd like to get your take on this. Personally, I'm not a big fan of online dating. I always prefer talking to women in person and making my move right in their presence as opposed to the Web. But sometimes, when I feel bored once in a while and happen to be on the computer, I check out a few of these personal sites just for fun. So I posted an ad a couple days ago last week for fun, and one "woman" responded to me. I normally don't do this, but we got to the point where I was somewhat able to get a bit comfortable with her and I gave her my cell phone number. She called me about three times when I was away from my phone and left a message without a call back number. Maybe she figured it was a cell phone number, so it was going to show up on my caller ID.

I called her back twice during separate long enough intervals and instead, I got a man's voicemail. I tried one last time at night and this time I blocked my number. She picked up and we talked. When I expressed concern about getting a man's voicemail upon trying to reach her, she said "she currently had problems with her phone" and that she was going to get it fixed by Tuesday of this week, at which point she'd give me her personal number. Then out of the blue this past weekend, I get an invitation to join My Space. Interestingly and not very surprisingly to me at this point, I see a fat guy's picture listed on what should be her image, even though it states: "Female, 26 years old." As a result, I haven't accepted the invitation. It just seems to me as if something isn't right here and I may be about to get set up for whatever reason by a male and female psycho from the internet who may be up to no good. I think I recall hearing that male voice in one of her three voicemail messages speaking in the background saying something like :"I'll slit his..." I'm hoping that my concerns are valid here and I thought I'd share this with you guys because as most of you know, there are so many crazy and dangerous people on the internet and I don't want to end up risking my life through unnecessary deception.
All this drama and you keep giving her another chance. Why. Anyway, I'd go with cutting your losses now.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score

I don't look at it at all as if I'm giving her another chance. As I mentioned earlier, internet dating truly isn't my thing. But I definitely shouldn't have even bothered calling her back. Seeing a guy's picture on what was supposed to be her My Space profile definitely says a lot too. I wouldn't waste my time, anyway.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
the only reason you are even posting this is that you are desperate to get laid.

no one in their right mind would f*ck around with this stuff once they started to get concerned about their safety.

stop thinking with yoru d*ck and cut loose of this scenario.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score

With all due respect, I'm not desperate at all. Let me be clear. Matter of fact, I met a woman at a lounge last weekend at night and I bedded her at her place that very day. What I'm trying not to do is limit myself to one woman based on previous experiences. However, I also have to make sure that I don't find myself involved in situations that I could have otherwise avoided, just like that which I explained in this post.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
LOL, damn man thats nuts.

Seems like you narrowly escaped a couple of crazed serial killers.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I've heard of women pretending to be single to recruit boyfriends for their boyfriend.

AF went to something like that, said he opened the door and the girl dropped to her knees and instantly gave him a bj to completion. But then she started talking about how horny it made her to see two guys together, and that if he would mess around with her bf, then he could have sex with her. Upon hearing this, the friend stood up and said, "Well, thanks for the head!" and walked right out the door.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Hey Frank - does your GUT tell you that " sumthin' ain't right here ?"
Don't hang around to fill in the details.
Bail NOW !


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
I've heard of women pretending to be single to recruit boyfriends for their boyfriend.

AF went to something like that, said he opened the door and the girl dropped to her knees and instantly gave him a bj to completion. But then she started talking about how horny it made her to see two guys together, and that if he would mess around with her bf, then he could have sex with her. Upon hearing this, the friend stood up and said, "Well, thanks for the head!" and walked right out the door.
Yikes!!!:eek: No walking into a fire. :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score

Thanks for your responses, guys. I've been away from the computer for a while. You guys were right, and I myself suspected something wasn't right. She herself felt guilty and e-mailed me several days after not hearing back from me, to say that she was actually in the process of thinking about marrying her boyfriend, whom she's been with for five years. It's amazing how some people just like trying to put others in trouble.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2006
Reaction score
Just the other week a poor Australian Man met a "lovely girl" online, only to be robbed and kidnapped when he flew to her country to meet her.

You should NEVER contact her again Frank she is just, trouble.