Always analyzing things


Don Juan
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
Buena Park CA
Ok I have a problem many actually! Tell me if this is normal. I will see a woman whom I am interested in "usually at work" and I will watch for any little thing they do that gives me the idea that they are attracted to me. I then do nothing and just go over it in my head over and over and I get like a high or something about thinking about how this woman did this or that and that must mean she is into me. I just wonder how often I am correct and how many chances I have screwed up because I spend way to much time thinking it over in my head. a few examples

The latest one is this girl who works were I do. I really never talk to her. The other day I am standing around talking to somebody and this girl comes by and kind of stopped like she was going to talk or something then she just walked away without saying anything. So I am fighting that out in my mind saying to myself why did she stop like she was going to say something then walked away without saying anything? So I had to come up with reasons why she did this and I was thinking she thought somebody said something to her so she stopped or she wanted to talk but got shy/forgot what she was going to say etc. Then another day I go into her dept with another coworker and he asked her a question and I just ignored her and was looking at what the other co-worker was doing and I notice out of the corner of my eye that she is looking at my for a second. Then I think about that and wonder why was she looking at me etc etc. Then my favorite one! I am sitting outside by myself and I hear a single cough behind me and when the person walked past it was this girl and I of course wondered hmmm did she cough to get my attention did why did she cough a single time most people cough more than 1 time. See how crazy I get! So I sit around and wonder does she like me are these signs or what????? Instead of making a move I just think about it over and over.

Is this as crazy as I think it is? Does this girl even want to give me the time of day? Has anybody did this stuff in the past?


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
Get some fvkin confidence, if she is giving you all of these signs then she is interesed in you, you need to make a play on that before someone else does. Also if you don't she will loose interest.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by 3243
Is this as crazy as I think it is? Does this girl even want to give me the time of day? Has anybody did this stuff in the past?
It's not exactly crazy behaviour. Just very unproductive behaviour.

She may or may not want to give you the time of day. Some of my friends even do that to me. I do that to others too. Unless you're a complete pushover, you won't give everyone all the time of all your days.

I'm sure plenty of people have done this before. Most realize it's not getting them anywhere. It's about time you understand that all those things going through your mind doesn't matter at all.


Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
As has been said, its fairly common behaviour just not very good behaviour because it gets you no where.. Just go for it, and if it doesn't work then who cares. Easier said than done, I know, but the sooner you can start doing that the better..


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Shes into you every girls into you your a catch. Go in with that mindset.

Ninja out


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
upstate NY
I then do nothing and just go over it in my head over and over and I get like a high or something about thinking about how this woman did this or that and that must mean she is into me. I just wonder how often I am correct and how many chances I have screwed up because I spend way to much time thinking it over in my head
How many chances have you screwed up? Most of them.

I've been there, man. I was the king of over-analyzing every look, every smile, every frown a woman gave me, to the point where I drove myself nuts.

The best thing you can do, the DJ thing to do, is simply walk up to her and start talking with her. You'll know right away if she's into you. Forget trying to figure out if she's interested in you. Make her interested!


Don Juan
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
Buena Park CA
Thanks for pointing out to me how I am going down the wrong road. I have had the thoughts in the past that a woman liked me but I guess I spent too much time analyzing it and lost out.

Now I had what everybody said in mind today and I was with somebody and I headed to this woman's dept to talk to her. Well the person I went with was just hitting on her and saying goffy things to her about her being naked etc. I stood there not doing the hitting on her like the other guy was doing and she then asks me what is my job at the company. I told her and she start making fun of my job and teasing me. I just laughed and teased her back then left. Then it hit me WOW I think she does actually like me "yes me!" so I start to worry about what I should do next how do I handle it without losing out this time like I have done so many times in the past??????????????

Now although I only reg here recently I have been reading on and off for years but yet putting the stuff I learned here is not coming to me. It is like I need to have a instruction manual with certain moves to make. I do know a couple of things I did right was not hitting on her like the guy I was with and the hundreds before him, and making fun of her back when she was teasing me about my job.