Alpha Males


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
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I wrote this in another thread but i thought id make it into a whole new thread.............

Originally posted by Sart
How many times do you guys have to throw ths term around? Have you ever met an alpha male? It isn't an attitude, it is a genetic makeup which is rare.

You cant BECOME an alpha male, you are afflicted with it at birth and it aint that great.

Focus on being assertive and decisive and being your own man. Step one is to identify YOU, step two is to improve YOU. I am 38 years old and have met perhaps 3 alpha males in my entire life. In normal society I would considered an alpha male. I am self employed, I was a Captain in the Military, I am aggresive and bloddy minded, I hire and fire people all the time etc.

I have met 3 men that simply have it over me. Their careers werent as good, they made less money, they were socially less acceptable BUT, they had raw gut animal leadership. If the World had a nuclear war and we went back to basics, these guys would run the show.

There is a lot of info on this over at pimphop...check it out.
It actually is an attitude and you aren't afflicted by it at birth.

Alpha males are alpha males because of social conditioning and how they are raised. We are all products of society’s influences they make us what we are. I wouldn’t be surprised if certain countries produce more alpha males than others. Society and our parents make us what we are different social conditions produce different personalities and attitudes.

A person born in a high crime area to criminal parents is a lot more likely to become a criminal. A boy raised by women is a lot more likely to become a SNAG (sensitive new age guy) or AFC. A boy born and lost in the jungle raised by chimpanzees (I believe this has actually happened) is a lot more likely to become and alpha male e.g. Tarzan. Of course there are some exceptions (there always are) some people have a genetic predisposition to certain restricting personality traits but for the most part anyone can become an alpha.

Now this is the hard part becoming an alpha how do you do it? Well you have to forget everything you know, everything you think you know about life and the way things are, you have to wipe the slate clean and rebuild your personality. You can’t really do this till you have hit bottom and even then it takes massive will power to change your attitudes and to break the chains of social conditioning but it’s not impossible.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
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I Disagree..

Tarzan alpha male?

Take a grown man who hangs out with monkeys and elephants out of the jungle and stick him in new york.

Will he be alpha in social situations. HELL NO!

He'll be jumping around like a ****, making stupid noises and throwing spears.

Of course there is degrees of "AlphaMale-Ness" - for lack of a better word.

In each social group there will be an AlphaMale. The one who leads the group. The one who everyone calls to find out whats up for the weekend etc.
In each conversation (even amongst the above group) there will be a different alpha male. This tends to be the person who knows the most about the topic and has the courage to speak infront of a group.

When looking at the quote you included from Sart. Take those 3 alpha males that he knew. Look at them individually as 17 year olds in gym class. Were they alpha males? HELL NO! the teacher was the alpha male there.

People who tend to be alpha males tend to be smart, especially good at there hobbies (eg. Captain of a sports team, rather then just a regular player).

Reality TV can be AWESOME to see alphamales shine.

You're Australian, Did you happen to watch the most recent Big Brother series? I watched alot of it. Dean was CLEARLY the alpha male. He wasn't necessarily the most liked in the house, infact, he clearly wasn't as he was nominated for eviction almost every week. But he lead the house and everyone obeyed him.

The Best display of "Alpha-Ness" that I have seen on TV is Boston Rob in the Survivor All-Stars series. It was the only series I ever watched and that guy was alpha through and through.

You DO NOT need to be a super dominant male to pull girls. Being more dominant then the girl is very important. Also, very easy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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If being alpha is about how tough you are, then elephants are the ultimate alphas (how many of you could challenge an elephant to a fistfight?).

If being alpha is about having a giant c0ck, then whales are more alpha than any of you (any takers?).

If being alpha is about how well you can fight, then a nuclear bomb is the ultimate alpha (which of you "alphas" wants to take on a nuke?).

You're the beta males of this world. Hang your heads in shame...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
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The point is we can become Alphas we do not have a genetic predisposition to being pus*ies like he is suggesting.

Oh yeah Dean was alpha in the house for sure.

Tarzan wouldn’t do well in social situations again because of his upbringing but he will definitely have the leader quality of an alpha.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
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Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
If being alpha is about how tough you are, then elephants are the ultimate alphas (how many of you could challenge an elephant to a fistfight?).

If being alpha is about having a giant c0ck, then whales are more alpha than any of you (any takers?).

If being alpha is about how well you can fight, then a nuclear bomb is the ultimate alpha (which of you "alphas" wants to take on a nuke?).

You're the beta males of this world. Hang your heads in shame...
-We kill elephants

-We outbreed whales

-We build nukes

We are the true alphas.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by BackToTheMack
-We kill elephants
With our bare hands?

We outbreed whales
That's because we wiped them out with our ultra-high-tech laser targeting harpoons.

We build nukes
Ironically, it was the "beta males" who built the nukes. The alpha males were going "Duh, what's a nook?"

We are the true alphas.
Not according to jungle man Sart.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
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Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
If being alpha is about how tough you are, then elephants are the ultimate alphas (how many of you could challenge an elephant to a fistfight?).

If being alpha is about having a giant c0ck, then whales are more alpha than any of you (any takers?).

If being alpha is about how well you can fight, then a nuclear bomb is the ultimate alpha (which of you "alphas" wants to take on a nuke?).

You're the beta males of this world. Hang your heads in shame...
I'm 4-1 against elephants in fist fights.

I'm yet to meet a whale with larger genitals then me. Infact, I'm yet to meet a whale. I'm beginning to think they hang out with fairies, big foot and eskimos.

a nuclear weapon is alot like a girl.. if someone doesn't press the right buttons. she aint gonna explode.. ie; I am greater then nuke bomb because I can get my load off unassisted.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
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Originally posted by diplomatic_lies

Ironically, it was the "beta males" who built the nukes. The alpha males were going "Duh, what's a nook?"
how do u equate dumb with alpha male ?


Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
well, here's my reply in that same thread...I agree very much so with Sart...alpha can't be learnt, and I would put money on it that 99% of us are not alpha
Originally posted by Sart
How many times do you guys have to throw ths term around? Have you ever met an alpha male? It isn't an attitude, it is a genetic makeup which is rare.

You cant BECOME an alpha male, you are afflicted with it at birth and it aint that great.

Focus on being assertive and decisive and being your own man. Step one is to identify YOU, step two is to improve YOU. I am 38 years old and have met perhaps 3 alpha males in my entire life. In normal society I would considered an alpha male. I am self employed, I was a Captain in the Military, I am aggresive and bloddy minded, I hire and fire people all the time etc.

I have met 3 men that simply have it over me. Their careers werent as good, they made less money, they were socially less acceptable BUT, they had raw gut animal leadership. If the World had a nuclear war and we went back to basics, these guys would run the show.

There is a lot of info on this over at pimphop...check it out.
Originally posted by h2o
yeah...I'm no alpha male myself, and I know only one person who is. they're one of my close relatives.

He's definitely a natural born leader...and is a leader in a fortune500 company...just like Sart, he hires/fires people daily. But he also had an exceptionally rough life/upbringing...I'm sure that's a factor. However, to anyone who says alpha can be can't because he had brothers who also grew up in similar conditions who did not develop such a character

But he's definitely in, yes, if the world fell apart, he would be on top. He's the type of guy you don't fcuk with, but then again, he leads you, like magnetism, and almost every time he speaks I mentally take notes because it's as if every single joke, story, or conversation that comes out of his mouth is a reference/tip to how one can improve their's very fortunate if you can spend time around one of these rare people, and they're very inspiring/motivating ...he's so powerful/knowledgeable, it's like every article on this site would be a joke to him, because he was born with all of this ...nonetheless, he is always learning, constantly changing himself, and that's one thing he stresses alot...constantly changing oneself, constantly learning/growing

I've been around him a little, and it's like everywhere we've gone, he draws people to him...very powerful's almost as if you can feel it that this person is just different

I know for a fact that no one else in my family comes close to how this guy is, heck, know one else I have ever known comes close to this guy...yes, he is even a bit erratic at times, but he's just's weird...he's so different that I find it hard to believe I'm related to this guy...(yet he is a very close blood-relative)

Last time he was around he said something along the lines of "see the forest through the trees" other words, fcuk the little stuff, see the bigger picture...I admit I don't see it yet, and lots of people don't ...and I can't exactly explain this like he probably could ...

I mean, like Sart said, you will know the difference between a supposed alpha who just gets girls and is the center of attention, and a true truly appreciate the presence of the real alpha, like it's a priveledge to be around them because they are so rare and unlike anyone else...those other supposed alphas are a dime a dozen

There's a proverb...not sure what country it's from, but it goes something like "you know you are the shiit when you can put ten other guys in your pocket" ...well, I think a true alpha can equate/surpass well over 100 guys


edit: and like Sart said, I doubt you will meet any more than a few of these guys in your entire life time, if you are lucky
and alpha isn't about pulling this guy I know, pulling girls is something he doesn't even flinch or once think about...that's one of the small things that is a given, and to him, it's not even part of the bigger picture in life

btw, he's not married and well into his 40s ...but he is a millionaire...and with or without money gets women like no tomorrow


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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Originally posted by RaWBLooD
how do u equate dumb with alpha male ?
Because according to this board, to be "alpha" you must:

1) Hate society
2) Be in prison (bonus points for war criminals)
3) Live like a caveman (bonus points for eating raw meat)
4) Bash anyone who doesn't like you


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
Because according to this board, to be "alpha" you must:

1) Hate society
2) Be in prison (bonus points for war criminals)
3) Live like a caveman (bonus points for eating raw meat)
4) Bash anyone who doesn't like you


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Summary Traits of the Alpha Man
- Displays dominance
- Mates with many females rather than one
- Leads others
- Controls his emotions
- Is not afraid to get angry when it’s necessary
- Would rather be outspoken and wrong than meek and right
- Asks for what he wants
- Demonstrates prosperity and provider capacity
- Protective
- Goal oriented
- He doesn’t ask – He tells
- Never apologizes for who he is or what he does
- Doesn’t care about what other people think, and does not let their opinions
steer his life
- Seeks power, but in healthy ways that furthers his goals

All these can be learnt and further developed. You can become that person if you are shy. To all the people who say you cant they are jsut to lazy to try.

In this game excuses are what bring you down so stop f**king making them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Don't complicate alpha male as somebody who is mr militant.

An Alpha Male is: Dominant, a leader, and is a successful a type of male.

If you want to add other animals to base our male dominance on, then there would be no alpha male. Everything would be dominated by something.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Dominant according to the society he lives in, or in general? Technically there would be different alpha males for every level of society, from the high-powered CEO to the muscled lumberjack, to the "Me bash" primitive man.

- He doesn’t ask – He tells
- Never apologizes for who he is or what he does
- Doesn’t care about what other people think, and does not let their opinions steer his life
Better tell the less intelligent posters on SoSuave to moderate these aspects, otherwise we might get an influx of teenagers running naked on the streets slapping people with their schlong, because "I'm so alpha I don't care if people think I'm retarded".


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
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South Africa
Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
Dominant according to the society he lives in, or in general? Technically there would be different alpha males for every level of society, from the high-powered CEO to the muscled lumberjack, to the "Me bash" primitive man.

Better tell the less intelligent posters on SoSuave to moderate these aspects, otherwise we might get an influx of teenagers running naked on the streets slapping people with their schlong, because "I'm so alpha I don't care if people think I'm retarded".
Good point. Haha

Uhh... what was BackToTheMack trying to prove or state with this post anyway? I kinda lost the sense after the few hilarious posts inbetween. :confused:


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
whatever you all can be alpha, beta, delta!

this isnt Star Trek!



Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
Summary Traits of the Alpha Man
- Displays dominance
- Mates with many females rather than one
- Leads others
- Controls his emotions
- Is not afraid to get angry when it’s necessary
- Would rather be outspoken and wrong than meek and right
- Asks for what he wants
- Demonstrates prosperity and provider capacity
- Protective
- Goal oriented
- He doesn’t ask – He tells
- Never apologizes for who he is or what he does
- Doesn’t care about what other people think, and does not let their opinions
steer his life
- Seeks power, but in healthy ways that furthers his goals

go for it man! you can do it!

make sure you use a rubber for the first one


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
The point is you can become an alpha. That guy was saying its a genetic encoding but i say thats bullsh*t its a trait that can be cultivated.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
anyone can be whatever they want..barring they have no mental disorders.
I agree with Backtothemack for once.