(Almost) 20 Questions with Spirit Fingers

Spirit Fingers

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Donovan of The Attraction Chronicles recently did an email interview with me for his blog. I'm reposting it here, but you should also check out his site if you haven't already, it's got some good content on it.

Here it is:

Start with a brief biography. Age/Place/occuption/how long in the
game/profession, website... (photo if you're comfortable with that...)

I’m in my twenties, and a business student at a large university in Boston. I also work as a personal trainer.

I attended my first Lair meeting in October 2004, so I’ve been in the game for about a year and a half. I met Woodhaven at a Lair meeting, and ended up interning for him when he and Dimitri started theApproach. Currently, I also work for them as an apprentice instructor. I’ve had the pleasure of doing a few programs with them, and I’ve gotta say, it’s been incredible. You get to travel around the world doing something you love, and it’s a great experience being able to change a guy’s life for the better.

My website is The Natural Game Journals. It concentrates on Natural Game, which is my style of game. If you want to learn more about it, I recently compiled all my favorite natural game articles together in The Natural Game Compendium, which is available on my blog.

I’ll also be coming out with an e-book soon on sexual technique, called The Sex Revolution Handbook. Look for it to be released early this summer.

1. Describe the moment, when you suddenly realized, "I need to work
out this part of my life." (And how you found the community)

This was actually a long time in the making. About four years back, I was a virgin and a nerd. My life consisted of going to classes, doing the bare minimum of work to get by, and then heading home to play video games for six hours a day. Not such a rewarding lifestyle.

I came down with this hardcore one-itis for this girl who had LJBF’ed me. Of course, it didn’t work out, and I was pretty broken up about it. This other girl saw this and felt bad for me, so she offered to set me up with her friend on a blind date for this private party that was coming up. I met her friend and I really liked her. I thought it was going great, until half an hour into the party she straight up told me she wasn’t interested in me. She ended up going home with the DJ, who was about fifteen years older than her. And, driving home by myself, I blew out one of my tires and had to wait about four hours for a tow.

I had a lot of time to think in those four hours. I vowed to myself that I wouldn’t be a nerd anymore, and that I would get this part of my life handled.

I started lifting, cleared up my acne, and got a better haircut and better clothes. Physically, I went from a 2 to about a 7. I found the sosuave.net, and I thought I had found the Holy Grail of getting laid. It was actually just simplistic common-sense stuff like “be social” and “don’t be afraid of rejection,” but it did help my confidence a lot. I started becoming more social, and within a year I had actually had a decent social circle. I had sex for the first time the following summer, and it was so bad the girl never wanted to see me again. But, I had lost my virginity and I was making solid progress.

About a year and a half back, I went to my first Boston Lair meeting. I “sarged” with guys for the first time, and I loved the experience. I started going out every week with a guys from the Lair.

2. Have you had any mentors (perhaps well-known pickup artists) within
the community/life that have helped you improve your game, and what
did they teach you?

YES. Mentors have been instrumental in helping me succeed, and I would not be where I am now if it was not for three crucial pick-up mentors who helped me out tremendously.

My first mentor was a Boston PUA named Coldmirage. He was this fairly good looking Russian dude, and at the time he was the best PUA I’d seen in action. He had very good game, but he was somewhat of a “community natural” – he had a limited ability to articulate what made him successful. Actually, his game was very sloppy technically, and I picked up some bad habits from him. However, he was dominant as **** and just a cool dude, so he could pick up girls anyways. By emulating him I became much more dominant and made a lot of progress in my game. In about six months, he’d brought me to the point of being able to get phone numbers and the occasional Day2. This might not sound like a lot, but keep in mind I came from a base level of very little social skills.

In March of 2005, I meet Woodhaven at a Lair Meeting. He made a presentation, and I was blown away. When he decided to start theApproach with Dimitri a few months later, I wanted to take the workshop but there was no way I could afford it. I offered to become their intern, and work for them for free in return for training. That summer, I put up flyers, did computer work, made copies, lots of menial little tasks which I didn’t get paid for. But, it was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. Throughout the summer, they gave me 1-on-1 and sometimes 2-on-1 training. They sped up my progress a ton, and by the end of the summer I was actually pulling girls out of clubs, and getting laid off cold approaches.

3. Can you describe the first time you used a counter-intuitive
technique that yielded its promised results, and how you felt?

I used a lot of counter-intuitive standard community material in my early days, but the first time I used something counter-intuitive that actually worked for me was doing a direct approach. I’d read about guys having success with it, but I thought maybe it was just because they were good looking. I decided to test it out though – I thought that I’d have to creep girls out like 10-15 times before I finally got it to work.

To my surprise, the very first time I direct approached a girl in a bookstore, it worked great. I felt awesome, needless to say. This was the point where I started to break away from the standard community stuff, and lean more towards the Natural Game stuff.

4. Could you describe (If you haven't previously) what you're life was
like before you were aware of this, and/or what options you have with
women now (specifics, eg. i date a brunette hb8, etc)?

Well, it’s pretty simple. Back then, I had the option of whether to jerk off with my left hand or my right hand. Now, I have relationships with three awesome girls. My primary is a Bajan (from Barbados) black girl who’s a bartender/stripper at a few clubs around the city. I’d give her an 8. I’m really into this girl, and she sleeps over about five nights a week. My other girls are a blond HB7, and a brunette HB8. I don’t see these girls nearly as much as my primary, but I’ll hook up with them once every week or two.

5. What was your hardest/biggest sticking point?

For me, my biggest sticking point was preventing flakes. This past summer, I went nuts with the sarging. I’d have three dates lined up in a row, and frequently all three would flake on me.

The way that I got past this was not through any technique, but by a better understanding of what solid game is. Instead of doing a lot of flash game type stuff to make girls giggle and touch me, I’d concentrate on something which contributed to real attraction (value, attainability, or compliance) in the initial pickup. Also, I improved my phone game tremendously.

6. Do you have a favorite routine/step in your model, can you describe
it, and what it accomplishes?

My model of pickup is the Natural Game Attraction Model (VAC). If you’re not familiar with it, it’s described in this post by Dimitri:

A New Model of Attraction

It’s been refined a lot since the post was written, but that’s the basics.

Basically, it states that attraction can be broken down into three elements. Your value comes down to your social skills, social proof, style, body language, looks, etc. Attainability is how much the girl thinks she deserves you. And Compliance is how hard the girl has worked for you.

The idea of the model is to escalate Value, Attainability, and Compliance in roughly equal terms. The attraction the girl has to you will be equal to the weakest link in your VAC chain. For example, if you have lots of value and attainability, but no compliance, you’re just a dancing monkey – the girl won’t be attracted.

My favorite element in this model is definitely Compliance. Value and Attainability are roughly analogous to the mainstream community concepts of attraction and comfort, but compliance is something which hardly anyone talks about. Yet, it’s vital to create attraction. The biggest problem with community guys is that they work too hard for a girl’s approval, and don’t get enough compliance out of their girls. If you look at how most naturals operate, they aren’t entertaining storytellers like a lot of successful community guys. They’re just chill guys who don’t make social errors, give the bare minimum of compliance, and demand compliance out of those around them.

Knowledge of compliance has saved tons of sets for me. There comes a certain point in every pickup where you have the group laughing, touching you, etc., but you can sense their interest starting to wane. Before I knew about compliance, I probably would have just kept plowing them with my stories, trying to establish more value when I already had it. Now I know that in this situation, compliance is the problem. If at this point you go into screening, or cue put social pressure on her to contribute to the interaction, you’ll generate much more attraction.

Spirit Fingers

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
7. Have you had the experience yet, where you feel that you've reached
a certain degree of mastery? Can you explain the time, and how you got
the realization? (Or where you've realized that you're on another
level of pickup eg. Crossover from AFC to PUA... the moment where you
'Got It")

There hasn’t really been any big “got it” moment for me. Of course, I realized it whenever I reached a new threshold (first number, first kiss, first community lay, first girlfriend). However, I never sat and though “Hey, this is it. I’m now a master.” I think that there is always room for improvement. While I do congratulate myself on my past successes, my focus has always been on the future, and how I can be more successful.

8. What advice would you give to newbies starting out, in
order to greatly accelerate their learning curve?

Drop all the canned material. Everyone always balks when I tell them this, but it’s the best thing you can do for your game if you haven’t developed solid conversation skills yet.

The reason why new guys rely so heavily on canned material is that they can’t think of interesting things to talk about. So, they memorize five interesting routines, and use them as a substitute for spontaneous conversation. But, this is just covering up the problem. If you can’t make good conversation beyond your routines, what are you going to do when you run out of routines? Or, when you’re at a place in the conversation where no routine fits? I’m not saying canned material was useless, I have a few stories that I tell frequently myself. I’m saying that the using routines as a substitute for spontaneous conversation will cripple your game in the long run. Be able to attract a girl with just your spontaneous conversation, then learn some routines.

There’s a few exercises we teach in workshops to help with the fundamentals of conversational vibing. My post A Complete Guide to Vibing has some tips to improve your spontaneous conversation. Read this post, and then go out in the field and do tons of approaches with no material. Yes, you will stall out many times at first. However, eventually your mind will be forced to think of something to fill the gap. This is hard, but it’s the only way to develop the fundamental conversation skills which EVERY PUA needs, whether it’s to back up his routines or rely on exclusively.

9. What's your belief on inner game, and how did you improve it?

Inner game is critically important. One thing that I’ve noticed about PUAs and naturals is that their content really isn’t that much different than the average guys. Like, if you wrote a transcript of their conversation, nobody would be impressed. The reason why they get good results is because of they have the strong, unwavering belief that they are attractive guys.

I tried NLP, hypnosis tapes, affirmations and some other woo-woo stuff to improve my inner game at first. This stuff is stupid and doesn’t work. If you’re chanting a million times a day “Picking up women is easy for me,” it’s not going to make you a PUA. By chanting it over and over again, you’re just reinforcing to yourself that picking up women is hard for you.

Why is this? Well, I sometimes like to eat cereal. Do I chant to myself 100 times “Eating cereal is easy for me?” No, because it actually is easy for me, and I don’t even consider the possibility that I might not be able to eat it. This is what you’re aiming for – to reach the level where you don’t think picking up women is easy for you, or hard for you, you just don’t think about it at all. You just do it.

There’s no magic bullet inner game CD that will do this for you. I’m coming out with an inner game post soon, and the gist of it will be that building self-esteem is similar to building attraction in eyes of others. You have to repeatedly demonstrate high value to yourself, and establish a pattern of behaviors of an attractive guy. This includes approaching without hesitation, risking failure, recovering well from failure, etc. In short, the only way to develop inner game is by getting out in the field.

10. Do you have a personal favorite field report (your own) that you
could relay?

I’d have to say my favorite lay was my primary. It was my most difficult lay, as it took about 15 phone calls spread over 3 months to get her to meet up. Unlike some of my other lays, she initially wasn’t attracted to me. She probably flaked on me 3-4 times before I finally got her to meet up, through high-value persistence. Once I got her to meet up though, my biggest obstacle was lots of LMR, which I got over by preventing her from talking logically. These days, I would have used the Woodhaven LMR technique to pre-empt any LMR, but what I used then got the job done.

Not only was this one of my favorite lays because of it’s technical execution, but also because I got the most out of it. While in a lot of my other lays I just got an ONS or a few hookups, I’ve been with this girl for about nine months now. We’re very happy with each other, and she genuinely means a lot to me.

Here’s the report:
LR: Street – Phone – Lay

11. What is your current sticking point (if any)?

My current sticking point is finding enough time/motivation to go as much as I want to. I’m a complete sex addict, and it’s tough for me to turn down guaranteed sex with one of my girlfriends for the possibility of sex with a new girl. And, between managing three relationships, work, and other obligations, I don’t have much free time. Currently, I usually go out with lair guys to sarge 1-2 times per week, and I’ll go out with my friends to party and maybe hookup another 1-2 times.

In another few weeks though, I’ll have a lot more free time. When this starts happening, I can start hitting up parties/bars/malls/whatever 4-5 times a week, and still have time for lots of sex.

12. What are you goals now within the community, and in life?

Unlike a lot of guys in the community, I don’t like one-night stands. They’re cool for when I’m traveling, but generally I prefer relationships. The sex is much better in a relationship, and I enjoy hanging onto a few high-quality girls more than hooking up with more lower-quality girls.

What I want is to develop an amazing rotation of MLTRs. My first goal is to keep my primary, and to make our relationship stronger and better for both of us. My second goal is to develop a rotation of 2-3 secondary girlfriends who represent different types of girls I like. Not only different body types, but different personalities and energies to. Some party girls, some intelligent girls, etc. And, I want to show these girls how amazing sex really can be, and make them as much of a sex addict as I am.

I also want to improve my social skills generally, and become a cooler guy in all contexts. I’d like to improve my social network, and surround myself with some great friends as well as some great girlfriends.

13. What projects are you working on right now?

Right now, I’m working on a bunch of community-related stuff. I have my blog, The Natural Game Journals, which I update a couple times a week. Right now though, most of my writing is spent on my e-book, The Sex Revolution Handbook. It’s going to be completely different than the sex books out there now. I’ll be posting some preview chapters on my blog. Look for the handbook to be released by July 2006.

After the e-book, I’m looking to develop a few other projects. I’d like to make a site where I feature audio interviews of PUAs in the community I’ve met, and break down everything that makes them socially effective. I’d also like to start a blog focusing on sex techniques.

And of course, on top of all this I’m an apprentice instructor for theApproach. I’d like to make full instructor within the year, and be able to travel to the West Coast and Europe as well as the East Coast to do workshops.

14. Any words of inspiration?

Yes. Don’t settle for being a nerd, or for having a mediocre sex and social life. So much more is out there, you just have to put in the work to get it. Yes, it’ll be hard, and you’ll have to go through months and maybe YEARS of rejection before you start to see results. But when you do, it’ll all be worth it. Trust me. Stay in the field, learn from your mistakes, and always keep improving.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
This is really great. Thanks Spirit Fingers. I have learned alot from you and I'm still learning. I just recently got to a point in my life where I am turning everything around. Thanks for your posts they really helped me turn my life around.

If you ever get a chance stop by my thread in sig and give me feedback.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
yo please respond to my message. Thank you