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Age appropriate dancing.


Mar 28, 2004
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Here’s My story. I’m 33 years old, still young in my mind. Not being arrogant but I’m still in peak shape, never stopped working out etc., so I may even look a little younger. I was married for six years. During which I was a big AFC and hardly went out. Before then, when I was in my early to mid twenties, I went out a lot and was a good dancer according to others. "Dance" (club,house) music was big then even even hiphop had more "dance-able" beats. Anyway the last few years (since my divorce) I been going out a lot and the scene has changed. Hip hop rules for the younger crowd and I notice that dancing styles have changed to fit the change in the music. My old style of dancing is somewhat out of date… Now, you might ask yourself, “well then why don’t you pick up some hip hop moves?”

There in lays my question. At my age even if I do pick up the moves would I look “stupid” dancing this way? I never learned salsa, or two step, but I’m thinking these styles may be the way to go for a man who is little older. Comments?


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Camp Pendleton, Ca
One of the biggest reasons why women are so much more attracted to older men is the sophistication one naturally should acquire as they gain experience.

Hip hop might have been your thing earlier, but it may just be a bit too juvenile for you now. (the high energy is meant to exude athleticism and raw power) Now that you're a bit older and you obviously have rhythm, perhaps a more sensual tango would be more fitting and more elegant for you. Bottom line is, like everything else, you want to accentuate your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. Where Hip-Hop may reflect more the raw athleticism of youth, a tango, salsa, or meringue would accentuate your pose, your naturally commanding bearing as the Alpha-Male and your ability to lead and dominate your partner gracefully and naturally.

Best of luck with whichever path you deign right for you.

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Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
I am turning 45 in a few months. I used to spin records and teach hip hop classes and study dance way back in my 20's..the flash dance era.

I have only recently stopped dancing so much when I go out. I also was a male dancer in my early 30's for a short period of time.

I've learned to use dance as a seductive process. If you were a good club dancer ie dance music then picking up and adding hip hop to your style will be a good thing.

You should be able to flow with what ever beat is on whether your doing marange or cha cha or hip hop or sensual or just plain house dancing...

But your dance should reflect who you are sexually. I have always gravitated towards dancing sensually and expressing who I am through dance. When I was your age I used to be able to give women orgasms on the dance floor and this is no lie or joke either...it's been documented by the bouncers at a club called The Rage in Sacramento.

When you dance you need to take control over the woman. You lead and she follows. If your sensual and passionate then your dance will become an exotic sensual seduction.

Whether your hitting it from the back or the front:


Look at my hand on this girl as she submitts to my control. I took her to new levels of sensuality that night.

Even hip hop can become sensual if you do it right.


Mar 28, 2004
Reaction score
Good advise Player, I probably need to be more flexible. I Honestly, I've found the current hip hop movements to be somewhat restrictive but I will tyry to incorporate the few moves I like.

You're 45 (don't look it) but you are just now slowing down... Play on playa!