After naked party, participants will be checked for signs of LGBTQ+


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2022
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So much news going on the other way these days, I find this news is refreshing.

So this celebrity throws a naked party, video you can see right here it is pixilated where needed

There is this new law against LGBTQ+ thing, this organization is now on same level as extrimism. Celebrity and whoever participated is now going to be checked for signs of LGBT propaganda.

Police went inside after the party, watched surveilance cameras. It's serious.

I believe first time it's a heafty fine, but worst thing is being labeled gay.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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So much news going on the other way these days, I find this news is refreshing.

So this celebrity throws a naked party, video you can see right here it is pixilated where needed

There is this new law against LGBTQ+ thing, this organization is now on same level as extrimism. Celebrity and whoever participated is now going to be checked for signs of LGBT propaganda.

Police went inside after the party, watched surveilance cameras. It's serious.

I believe first time it's a heafty fine, but worst thing is being labeled gay.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I remember going to a nude beach in SoCal, and there was some homo that seemed to want to pick up on me. :eek: :mad:


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I remember being a bouncer at a gay party and gays flirting with me... Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2022
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Not that there's anything wrong with that
Now in every school and even pre school kids are being taught that nothing wrong with that. I mean, I do not know for 100%, it's just things I heard and saw on Russian television, could be Russian propaganda. So correct me if my understanding of reality of life in west, namely United States and Europe in whole is tainted.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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So correct me if my understanding of reality of life in west, namely United States and Europe in whole is tainted.
You're worried about getting tempted to have butt sex?

Not that there is anything wrong with that.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2022
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Pic from that partey. Dude is going to get railed!

Each time this topic is brought up, you dismiss other people's concerns and repeatedly derail the conversation without responding to counter-arguments
It's a culture thing. He is not gay. They killed a healthy giraffe in a zoo just so that kids can watch how it is disected. Weirdo culture that's all. Europe is miles ahead of United States in this aspect.

P.S. if it might sound like I am against U.S. or Europe, no man. Not like that. I admire U.S. constitution in her original form without neocons and stuff going on right now. Basically pre 2000s. I dispice Putin because he has to go. No bueno, dude is now electing again you can go vote, other options other than Putin there is none, so what's the point.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Hi Sevbukmesh,
Being LGBQ+has been made legal down here,rumour has it that the next thing is to make it compulsory!


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Are you gay? Serious question. Each time this topic is brought up, you dismiss other people's concerns and repeatedly derail the conversation without responding to counter-arguments. I'm suspecting you have a history of gay sex?
Not at all, but I'm an artist raised by artists, and many of my parents' artist friends were gay, so I have gay friends and it hasn't influenced my own sexual orientation. At all.

So I don't believe someone can be 'turned' gay. If a man becomes 'heteroflexible' (having occasional homosexual sex, but gravitating towards women), then that person has always been able to lust after men. If you're truly straight, you won't feel any lust or desire toward gay sex.

In a sense, I could really benefit from being 'heteroflexible' as Amsterdam has a wild gay scene (and I've had plenty of offers, especially from 'twinks'), but I've never experienced lust over a man. Or even 'masculine' women. So I'm sticking with women, but I don't care about your sexual orientation.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Hi Amsterdam,
Gays have always been with us and I agree they are born that way,this Genetic predisposition seems strange given that they don't generally raise Families


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Genetic predisposition seems strange given that they don't generally raise Families
A study mentioned that homosexuality proliferates in crowded societies, like nature curbing the population by making some people 'unable' to procreate (of course, human homosexuals can still have / adopt kids).


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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None of your responses make sense, and you never answered previous counter arguments.
If you cannot make sense of my posts, maybe you should stop reading them. :cool:

Whatever you might think, I do not owe you explanations or qualifications or even responses. I'm not here to advice you, I'm here for my own research and I couldn't care less if you don't agree with me.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
None of your responses make sense, and you never answered previous counter arguments.

What study? Where did this "nature turns on the gay switch" theory come from?
Why isn't Hong Kong over 80% gay or similar given their population density? Wouldn't there have been more gays in the era of large families with 4-7 children each in a two room cottage instead of today where everyone has an apartment or house with only 1-2 kids in it? What triggers this magic overpopulation killswitch? Where is it in the genome?

If homosexuals can't reproduce, how are they born with it? How many homosexuals have (their own) children? And why do adopted children of gay parents also become gay if it's genetic? If the number of gay men in the West has increased, where did they all come from?

There was a previous discussion laying out exactly how viewing porn over time makes teenagers bisexual and then gay. You ignored it. If it's all genetic, why is this happening at all?

Why do gays gravitate towards career paths in proximity to children? Why do so many gay erotica books include a theme of an older man showing a young boy around? Is pedophilia genetic? If so, why is it so closely associated with homosexuality to begin with? Why are these things coupled? If it's both genetic and uncorrelated, shouldn't there be less boys getting molested than girls since homosexuals are a minority?

You can find old video recordings of respected academics laying out exactly where homosexuality comes from going back to the early 1960's. They hit the nail on the head with no apologies, and because the reason is embarrassing to gays, everyone else has had to instead endure nonsense excuses like genes getting passed down that prevent reproduction and secret nature killswitches that turn on when they detect too many people live nearby.

BTW, this sinusoidal relationship of overpopulation and depopulation is nothing like what you're describing. Deer populations drop when they become over populated because they literally run out of food in the winter since too many of them are eating it, not because nature says "too many deer" and turns the gay switch on. I guess the new BS will be that different ethnicities have different pre-programmed gay swithces to explain why India hasn't imploded yet. Then we'll have to argure over that for 20 years until the new excuse rolls out.
Correlation is not causation.

The post you've shared raises several points and questions regarding the origins and nature of homosexuality, along with related social and biological issues. Addressing these points based on scientific research and current understanding of genetics, psychology, and sociology is essential.
  1. Origins of Homosexuality: The exact cause of homosexuality is not definitively known, but it is widely accepted in the scientific community that a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors plays a role. The "nature turns on the gay switch" theory is not a recognized scientific theory. Research suggests that there's no single "gay gene" but a complex interplay of many genetic and environmental factors.
  2. Population Density and Sexual Orientation: There is no evidence to suggest a direct correlation between population density and the prevalence of homosexuality. The theory that nature controls the population through sexual orientation is not supported by scientific evidence.
  3. Reproduction and Genetics: The question of how homosexuality persists in populations despite lower reproductive rates among homosexuals is an area of ongoing research. One theory, called the "kin selection hypothesis," suggests that genes for homosexuality may offer reproductive benefits in a broader family context.
  4. Influence of Environment and Genetics: The relationship between environmental factors (like viewing pornography) and sexual orientation is complex and not fully understood. Current evidence suggests that while environmental factors can influence sexual behavior, they do not fundamentally change one's sexual orientation.
  5. Career Choices and Sexual Orientation: There is no scientific basis for the claim that gay individuals are more likely to choose careers in proximity to children. Sexual orientation does not inherently predispose an individual to specific career paths.
  6. Association of Homosexuality with Pedophilia: The conflation of homosexuality with pedophilia is a misconception. Sexual orientation (whether heterosexual or homosexual) is distinct from any predisposition towards pedophilia. Heterosexual individuals commit the majority of child molestation cases.
  7. Historical Views on Homosexuality: Academic views on homosexuality have evolved significantly over time. Early theories, often influenced by cultural and societal biases, have been largely discredited by more recent scientific research.
  8. Overpopulation and Animal Behavior: The comparison of human sexual orientation with animal population control mechanisms, such as those observed in deer, is not scientifically valid. A complex mix of biological, environmental, and cultural factors influences human social and sexual behaviors.
It's essential to approach these topics with a nuanced understanding of current scientific research and to avoid conflating unrelated social issues. The field of human sexuality is complex and continues to be an area of active research and evolving understanding.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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A study mentioned that homosexuality proliferates in crowded societies, like nature curbing the population by making some people 'unable' to procreate (of course, human homosexuals can still have / adopt kids).
And that goes against the argument that people are born gay.

Have you ever heard of the "Universe 25" rat experiment? In the early 1960's, an American zoologist named John Calhoun experimented with creating a "rat utopia". A number of healthy rats were introduced into an enclosed colony. They were provided with unlimited food and water and complete protection from external threats (i.e. predators and diseases). The only constraint was the physical space. As expected, in the early stages of the experiment, the rat population was growing rapidly with rats behaving the way they were expected to behave (eating and fvcking). However, as population density increased, rats began to engage in unusual and antisocial behaviour, including cannibalism (which was unnecessary given the abundance of food), mothers abandoning their young, refusal to engage in heterosexual sex and yes, gay sex between rats. This ultimately led to the colony's extinction.

The term for this phenomenon is "behaviour sink". There was nothing genetically wrong with the rats. Their behaviour was 100% a result of social conditioning.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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What study? Where did this "nature turns on the gay switch" theory come from?
Why isn't Hong Kong over 80% gay or similar given their population density? Wouldn't there have been more gays in the era of large families with 4-7 children each in a two room cottage instead of today where everyone has an apartment or house with only 1-2 kids in it? What triggers this magic overpopulation killswitch? Where is it in the genome?
While you make a valid point that not all densely populated societies have a high prevalence of homosexuality, I believe there is definitely a causal link between population density and homosexuality. I'm not aware of any agrarian society where homosexuality is widespread. It always happens in big cities. I don't think this has anything to do with an "overpopulation kill-switch". Rather, it's related to the fact that one is far more likely to be exposed to and affected by degenerate behaviour when living in a big city.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Reproduction and Genetics: The question of how homosexuality persists in populations despite lower reproductive rates among homosexuals is an area of ongoing research. One theory, called the "kin selection hypothesis," suggests that genes for homosexuality may offer reproductive benefits in a broader family context.
Here's my scientific theory. If you take a bunch of impressionable young kids and teach them from an early age that being gay is cool, you are going to end up with a whole bunch of adults who engage in homosexual activities. It ain't rocket science.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Hi Bokanovsky,
There is a thought that,in primitive societies females who could have
many Children,perhaps twins, gave the Tribe a survival advantage....Hence the protection of Grand Mothers who would help their Daughters,a reason advanced for greater Female Longevity...Using the same train of thought, While the active Warriors were away Hunting it was safe to leave Gay Men to look after the Women as having no Svexual interest,it was safe to leave them guarding the Women and Young Children.