Advice on living in NYC? Talking to girls on subway?


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Are there any people on this forum from NYC? I just moved to Brooklyn, and Im living in the Hood. I don't really fit in here to well. I have 3 major problems. Looking for any helpful advice...

1. I don't know anyone.
2. I don't have a I cant spend much money.
3. I live in Bedford-Stuyvesant...Im not racist but I think its going to be hard to find many girls in my neighborhood that are interested in me. Mainly because I'm an Irish American white guy living in a neighborhood thats 94% black.

I wouldn't mind an interracial relationship. But I'm not sure how the ladies around here would feel about me. Plus I don't see a lot of women my age around anyways.

I am in grad school part time, so there is some definite potential there for meeting ladies. But most of the people in my classes seem to be much older then me.

I see cute girls on the subway all the time, but everyone Ive asked around here seems to think that its not o.k. to talk to people (that you don't know) on the subway. Is it??


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
hey you are in NYC, thats cool, take advantage of it.

what DjDan said is true.

and if you goto SOHO or anywhere in Manhattan really its great there.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Aside from some high school kids making comments like "what are these white dudes doing in the hood?" to me and my roomate. Noone has bothered us. Its kind of crazy living here though, cause I just moved from upstate. Its a big difference.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
DonutMan said:
Are there any people on this forum from NYC? I just moved to Brooklyn, and Im living in the Hood. I don't really fit in here to well. I have 3 major problems. Looking for any helpful advice...

1. I don't know anyone.
2. I don't have a I cant spend much money.
3. I live in Bedford-Stuyvesant...Im not racist but I think its going to be hard to find many girls in my neighborhood that are interested in me. Mainly because I'm an Irish American white guy living in a neighborhood thats 94% black.

I wouldn't mind an interracial relationship. But I'm not sure how the ladies around here would feel about me. Plus I don't see a lot of women my age around anyways.

I am in grad school part time, so there is some definite potential there for meeting ladies. But most of the people in my classes seem to be much older then me.

I see cute girls on the subway all the time, but everyone Ive asked around here seems to think that its not o.k. to talk to people (that you don't know) on the subway. Is it??
lol,anything that starts with NYC catches my eyes...I wonder why...

Any who I live in Brooklyn to your best bet based on your location is to head to downtown Brooklyn because there is a lot of variety and a lot of people. If you can though Manhattan is your best bet because it's only a few minutes ride and the quality is MUCH better.

As far as getting some of these black chicks you can get them the whole them not liking you is all in your head. For one thing you already stand out to them so if a cool white guy was to approach them they will be more receptive because most likely she rarely had a white guy approach her. Especially if your talking to girls in bed-stuy.

As far as the subway station approaches go, its all in your head. NOBODY else is talking because...they don't know how to approach women SO that is why you'll rarely see it. It's only awkward if you make it awkward. I've approached a good amount of chicks on the subway station. One thing though just be prepared to handle everyone looking at you interact with this chick. (Don't focus on them though)

For me if you can approach on those crowded trains then you can approach ANYWHERE.