Acting Uninterested Naturally


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
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Hi djs...

ive been doing cold approaches these passed 2 days and ive realised something that i shudve known a long time ago.

First of all , what is a cold approach? What does it really mean?

a cold approach is where you go out and approach chicks that you dont know and try to get numbers / dates etc etc

Cold approaches separate the men from boys. You need BALLS to approach a hot girl you have never seen before let alone talked to in your life. That takes guts.

Thats another thing i advise you to do, approach VERY BEAUTIFUL GIRLS ONLY.

You may ask why? simple....
For a start, if your successful then you can give me her number :D

Ever since ive been cold approaching / talking to / teasing / mega hot girls , the above average girls or relativley hot girls are appearing less appealing , less hotter and look much easier to approach or talk to.

Ok back on topic....
When your doing cold approaches, your mindset is changed. Your no longer walking passed chicks and just checkin em out.

With cold approaches you WILL try to get some sort of conversation started
or some interaction between both of you. or you will approach a HB by herself or something and try to get her number etc etc.

With cold approaches
your in mack mode %100, your switched on . Your simply out to hook up with chicks,as simple as that.

If you cold approach, you know how it feels to be in mack mode.

Now go out one day and decide your not cold approachin. Give your self time off, have a rest. How does it feel?

"not bothered, uninterested, aloof"

As far as i know, ive been hit on / approached by chicks when i LEAST suspected it or when macking on chicks was the last thing on my mind. when i was naturally uninterested

When your uninterested you really dont care about anything and look more relaxed as a whole. :cool:

Theres a difference between scouting for chicks and not scouting. You cant always be on the prowl for chicks if you dont cold approach. You might THINK you are but your not. Cold approaching made me see this, and i saw the difference.

Try it and see the difference in your behaviour. I feel more relaxed when ive decided that im not cold approaching today, ill do it 2morrow.




Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
Originally posted by muttley
Now go out one day and decide your not cold approachin. Give your self time off, have a rest. How does it feel?

"not bothered, uninterested, aloof"

As far as i know, ive been hit on / approached by chicks when i LEAST suspected it or when macking on chicks was the last thing on my mind. when i was naturally uninterested

When your uninterested you really dont care about anything and look more relaxed as a whole.

Theres a difference between scouting for chicks and not scouting. You cant always be on the prowl for chicks if you dont cold approach. You might THINK you are but your not. Cold approaching made me see this, and i saw the difference.

Try it and see the difference in your behaviour. I feel more relaxed when ive decided that im not cold approaching today, ill do it 2morrow.
Great tip…I know exactly what you mean… I run into the hottest chicks on my ****iest days when women are the last thing on my mind…as long is it’s become a habit though; you’ll take the opportunity. You’ll probably only realize the difference more when starting out cold approaches. Without experience, it’s like the many other things that are easier said than done.

I think this attitude may be tough to adopt for some (and took quite a while for me) because I was feeling a little desperate to go out, and just do approaches (mostly to overcome the fear), and get numbers/dates. But, when you lose that desperation, and realize that sometimes numbers/dates don’t mean sh|t, then the attitude can come more naturally…you definitely have to be doing approaches to understand this tip.

I gotta say, you shouldn’t be completely uninterested. Still show some desire, just don’t care if the approach leads to anything, whether it be a number or a kiss close. A-Unit made a post about this a while back, saying how you should avoid being result-oriented…just focus on and enjoy the moment; that may also help in attaining that nonchalant attitude.

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Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
i do my cold approaches on the streets ,buses stores. etc or stations like transtations and public places ingeneral well, cold approaches are the main.. ways i get dates since i aint to keen on club approaches. but what you guys said about being uninterested hit home with me.. when ever i got out, looking good and exppecting to get girls ... i fail.. and i dont even get any female attension..

...the opposite happens when i really dont give a **** and i got a tired look on my face. and avnt shaved for 3 days. its like when i walk on the streets like im the king.. i fail.. but when i just dont give a **** about my apperance or anyfemales i get attension.. i have even got apporached twice by this. this is something that cannot be faked today i tried to act uninterested on purpose and got nothing tonight... somethings just cant be explain uh.. lol


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
"Act natural." One of many contradictions yet it make sense. :D