

Don Juan
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
who here took accutane and what side effects did it give and how long did it take to work. im halfway through my 3rd month and after the frist week i really notcied that my face was a lot drier which was very good because up until then it was extrememly oily. now ive got like 1 pimple and all my scars and everything is going away plus all the oil is gone which makes me feel a lot cleaner and my hair is really soft and dry. i really wish my parents had let me use this freshman year when i first asked because i had terrible acne and it was really tough to talk to a girl. but its getting easier everyday because my confidence is going back up and im told by girls that im getting a lot better looking. what kinda results did you guys have and does it still work really well once you're off it?

i put this in the high school board because im a senior and i figured most people probably took accutane in high school.

She makes you weak in the knees.

But she won't give you the time of day.

Here is how to get her.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Yo man that stuff was the ****! It works great. There are a few side effects but there definatelty worth it. They include: dryness (as you know), sensitivity to sun, hair thinning an dryness. So basically, you gotta wear use sunlotion a lot. For your skin dryness you should check out some oil free moisturizers. And for your hair just use conditioner and once ur off teh medicine ur hair will thicken out again.
Dude if ur acne comes back alittle while your on accutane dont worry. Cuz it works kinda in cycles, for me at least. And it depends how long ur on it. It can range from 3 months to 7 months.



Don Juan
Nov 12, 2003
Reaction score
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Accutane. I assume that your type of acne is severe, like mine was. I was on accutane twice, when I was 13 and again at 16. Both cases I was on the drug for 6 full months, at twice the doseage for a normal acne case.

Then again, I still have problems, but the type of acne I suffer from is genetic cystic acne and is by far the most stubborn kind anyone can get. Mose everyone with acne will not have it as bad as I did; I had huge purple leesions on my face and neck. My parents sent me to a small private christian school for a year because I got picked on so badly, beaten up, etc. that I spent alot of time in suspension to avoid being around people.

I'm 27 going on 28, and my skin is far better than my teenage years. Most of my scars healed, but I still have some problems with acne on my back. Then again, when you are out working it, unless you are at the beach or pool, girls don't care. Just stay well groomed and clean. Once a girl is into you, you will be shocked by what to you would seem a glaring self fault, they would look past because they like you.

I want to warn you off the bat that accutane has 100% side effects. It is a very toxic drug. The short term stuff that I had the most problems with was the dryness and nosebleeds. Accutane almost eliminates your body's ability to produce oil and mucous. This is good to stop acne, but bad for your nose. As gross as this sounds, if you are on or enar the doseage I was taking, I would get 2-3 severe nosebleeds a day and would wake up in the middle of the night from my face being soaked in blood.

What I did was take globs of vasiline and shove them up my nose. This was the only thing that stopped the nosebleeds.

From what is sounds like you are on a lighter doseage. Stick with it until you are completely done, don't skip on medication. You want to make sure the drug completely fixes your sebium levels and cures scaring.

The real thing you need to know is that accutane has long term side effects, bad ones. You need to watch yourself as you get older for signs of depression. Also, the drying effect of the drug can permanetly damage your bowels, so if you have any trouble in that region talk to a doctor right away.

Its good you feel more confident. Before and during my stint on accutane I had one girlfriend. After I was done both cycles, I went on a rampage. It is a great boost. This from a guy that had acne far worse then you could probably imagine. Stick with it man, getting it cured properly at your age is very important for the rest of your life. You only get one face.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
yea im on 60mg a day and have been since i started so my face isnt falling off dry but its much drier than it used to be which i like very much because it used to be all oily after washing my face and now its just awsome. so far my only side effects are the nosebleeds i get 1-2 week and every now and then after playing football with my friends or lifting i get muscle and/or joint pains and this is going to hurt me a lot once track starts up in a month but i think its very worth it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
LA, California
There is a very long-term effect to accutane that you rarely hear about....

lack of digestive enzymes.

See, accutane is like rubbing alcohol. It kills. Everything. Now, that's good for clearing your face - but bad for your stomach. It can rot away and hurt your digestion system.
What that means is you will be unable to eat certain foods (ie, people who are Lactose Intolerant....).

Of course, that still depends on the person, dosage, etc..... but it IS a long-term side effect.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Worked well for me. The side effects pissed me off because my diet was boring as hell (gotta have no saturated fat and almost no treats), I was clammy, and my cuts scarred easier and didn't heal as fast (still got a baseball scar from the accutane days) but my acne was given a once-over permanently.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
I did the ol' 60mg/day regimine. Now, six months afterwards, it's odd for me to find the occasional, "normal" teenage blemish. Pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

The only thing I'd want to add about Accutane that hasn't been said already is: DON'T WAIT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I waited for almost two years to do anything about my acne. Now I have a chest- and backful of over-deep, over-scarred scars to show for it (lucky me). They'll go away, though, in time, and this...
Originally posted by mateo_g
Once a girl is into you, you will be shocked by what to you would seem a glaring self fault, they would look past because they like you.
... is right on the money. :)