A year ago from today................


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
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Life can be quite ironic at times.

A year ago from today was the last day I saw my ex fiancee here in the states. The next day from there was one of, if not the, worst days of my life.

I received a phone call from her brother saying she had been detained by immigration and was being deported to Mexico.

That phone call spawned 6 months of pure, unadulterated suffering on my behalf.

That girl, at the time, was the love of my life. Our love was seemingly unconditional, and mutual, and society took it from us.

I could not fathom the fact that both her and I wanted to be together, yet due to circumstances beyond our control we were forced to go our separate ways.

After talking with lawyers and trying to fight it, she got the boot back there and I was forced to continue on alone and broken. I developed a comfort level with her, and my whole routine in life was shattered over this.

We agreed to keep in contact and try to find a way to make things work. And long story short we stayed long distance with nothing but texts and phone calls for 6 months.

Then I took a trip down there to see if we could possibly make a life together for ourselves there.

In effort to plan for this I learned Spanish, obtained an English teaching certificate, and saved a substantial amount of funds.

In the end it all backfired.

Reality slapped us in the face upon my settling there. The culture shock, her emotional baggage, the much lower standard of living, and the obvious things such as being without my family and friends, my career, etc all hit us hard and we agreed it was best for me to come back.

Well long story short, here is the point of this post:

I could have let this fiasco break me. I could have turned into a sorry soppy loner crying rivers over this sh!t. But you know what?

I turned it around and have now become a much better man for it.

I have become much more progressive in my career. I just bought a house. I went from a skinny 195 to a bulked up physically imposing 240. I've banged more chicks in the last 6 months then I have in the last 6 years, and to top it off, of all things, on this particular day, a year from that day, this chick that I'm feeling and been dating for a while asked to be exclusive with me, and since she has met my criteria thus far for ltr material I'm cool with that.

My Dad always coins the "Get back on the saddle" doctrine, meaning when you have to cut your losses, you get back on the saddle and keep riding.

No doubt it has not been easy, and this was a very hard life experience for me, but perseverance has gotten me far.

I'm also very grateful for this forum and the wisdom I've inherited from it. The support and advice preached on here has been quite invaluable to me.

So to any of you who think your life is hopeless over your loss of your onetis think again.

Get back on that saddle and keep riding, like nismo says your princess is just in another castle.

Focus on your own self improvement and it will all come in due time.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
great point !

you did the right thing you were supposed to do

even though i never was in a real LTR (my maximum was 3 weeks) but i can understand your post !

BTW, i think you told us this story a little while after the separation, i think you were in a middle of law process etc. iam i right or it's just my memory messing with me ?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
TheMale said:
great point !

you did the right thing you were supposed to do

even though i never was in a real LTR (my maximum was 3 weeks) but i can understand your post !

BTW, i think you told us this story a little while after the separation, i think you were in a middle of law process etc. iam i right or it's just my memory messing with me ?
Yea I made a few threads during this process for some support and advice.

Definitely have come a long way since. When I came back I thought to myself that I could "take some time to myself" or I could go out and sarge like crazy and move on with my life.

I chose the latter.

"Inspirational post for anyone who has been in a similar situation (fortunately me excluded).

Good stuff mate."

Thanks bro.

That was the point of this post, to share my experience and hopefully provide some inspiration to others.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Just wanted to bump this up.

I really hope it provides inspiration to anyone out there dealing with onetis woes, or just being down in general.

A year ago from now I was at my lowest, and now I'm at my highest and still climbing.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Powerofmindset said:
You gained 45lbs in a year? Are you on juice?! Christ...

Lol, in 7 months actually.

I was 225 or so around her deportation, and withered down to 195ish maybe even less (which made me look very skinyny at 6'3) by the time I went to go see her in August. I obviously had lost the will to lift the heavy slag and pound the food.

Then when I got back I decided to go all out in the gym and have been pounding the food and heavy weights relentlessly.

I now am one of the big dogs in my gym, squatting and deadlifting 400+ for reps, loading up 3 plates on dips, maxing out the stacks on machines, and loading up 4+ 45s per side on hammer strength machines.

This life event just lit a fire in me to go all out. Also, if any of you fellas are interested I know some diet and training methods that put the weight on you fast.

Lol naw I'm all natty bru :rock:


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2011
Reaction score
I actually really liked this post because it made me reflect on what my last year has been like.

I've been stuck in a MASSIVE rut. I haven't gotten laid in almost two years.

I had been looking at my past year as a total failure for not getting laid. But now that I think about it, last year actually did a lot for me that may set me for good things to happen this year.

this past year:
1) i went from being unemployed to employed
2) moved out of my parents house and in to my own place
3) started to develop my business which I will start up in the upcoming months
4) joined a gym and started to work out consistently - lost most of my belly fat
5) worked on my diet- drank less alcohol, ate more vegetables
6) increased my social circle - met a ton of girls through it
7) bought a decent car

now that I look at it, the reason why i haven't gotten laid hasn't been because I don't meet girls, its because what i do when i meet them and how i follow up the meeting. I don't think i'm aggressive enough in asking them out on dates.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
CostaDeSol said:
I actually really liked this post because it made me reflect on what my last year has been like.

I've been stuck in a MASSIVE rut. I haven't gotten laid in almost two years.

I had been looking at my past year as a total failure for not getting laid. But now that I think about it, last year actually did a lot for me that may set me for good things to happen this year.

this past year:
1) i went from being unemployed to employed
2) moved out of my parents house and in to my own place
3) started to develop my business which I will start up in the upcoming months
4) joined a gym and started to work out consistently - lost most of my belly fat
5) worked on my diet- drank less alcohol, ate more vegetables
6) increased my social circle - met a ton of girls through it
7) bought a decent car

now that I look at it, the reason why i haven't gotten laid hasn't been because I don't meet girls, its because what i do when i meet them and how i follow up the meeting. I don't think i'm aggressive enough in asking them out on dates.

Good for you brother.

Base your life on your own improvement and success and not on getting laid.

Keep doing like you are doing and the lays will come naturally.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2011
Reaction score
shizz702 said:
Good for you brother.

Base your life on your own improvement and success and not on getting laid.

Keep doing like you are doing and the lays will come naturally.

thanks for the encouragement. This year should be just as (if not more) productive.


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
shizz man, i need your help. You seem to have gone through emotional hell and back and Im dealing with no contacting an oneitis ex girlfriend. Its probably the hardest thing I have done. could really use your advice man. I posted in the no contact thread of you want to read my story. Really any advice would really really help. I dont care if that doesn;t sound manly, i just need some help from guys in the same situation.