A tease or playin' hard to get?


Don Juan
May 22, 2003
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How does a guy tell the difference between a recreational tease/attention ho, and a popular HB who is playing hard to get?

If she is just a tease, then yah let her let go find some other chump to toy with, but what if it is just an interested girl who has lots of options just making sure you are the DJ you appear to be?


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
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Sunshine girls and the like.... yea...been covered in the DJ bible.

How old are you again?


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2000
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This thread is sooooo main forum :rolleyes:....

Moved to Don Juan Discussion.

The TallOne

Don Juan
Jul 17, 2004
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A tease will NOT commit when asked for a date.

She might give you her phone #... but will never commit to going out on a date. (Yeah, kinda weird, but, it happens)

You will be nothing more than a "friend' to her. Or even worse, a boy toy.

Girls love to tease... espically teenagers. Watch your back, and prepare to hit the "NEXT!!!" button.


Don Juan
May 22, 2003
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Yea I've already read it all, all the stuff I could find on sunshine girls, attention ho and the like.

What I require is an impartial judgement on a particular girl's actions/behaviors, because I am not sure where she fits into the typical descriptions.

So here it goes; she is attractive (8.5 at least), she's very sexy in an understated way (never wears shorts or skirts, shows much skin etc.), she doesn't dress to attract attention, she does have a lot of guy friends, she has lots of attractive girl friends, spends equally time with either group, doesn't try to stand out at a party, she is like everybody else, I have observed her as impartially as I can over the 2 years I've known her and although she does know how to work it/flirt with the average AFC it honestly doesn't seem like that is her mission.

Here's my history with her, met through friends, immediately after she has since consistently been checking me out, still does it a year later, plays with her hair, when I sit beside her she will consistently have open body language (arms open, plays with hair/exposes the side of her face/neck nearest me, legs crossed open toward me.... and on and on), a bunch of us went out for supper -she sat shoulders facing me, when a buddy was telling a story, I could see her staring at me (she was looking the opposite way that everybody else was).... and on and on. She will completely ignore me like I don't exist most of the time, but if I approach her then she is all smiles, laughs at my jokes, when I bust on her she busts on me right back, I am under her skin and she's under mine.

What has thrown me is; I have tried several times in the past to get her to join me when I am going to things, but only once did she return my call, I busted on her for never answering her phone "what is your phone broken..." I gave her a ride on my motorbike, she had so much fun she must have told everyone I know, she knows stuff about me that I have never told her. One time I 'kidnapped' her, I took her by the hand and told her come with me were going for drinks, she willingly came, enjoyed herself. I call her a week later to ask her if she would come with to a concert I was going to, didn't return my call. Yet she still does all the things she has always done.

I am too stubborn to give up, I date other girls (she knows about it), I am certainly not sitting at home with oneitis, she intrigues me - so can anybody give me some ideas what is up with her (no she is not a lesbo either). I am missing something!


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
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So exactly how long have you been flirting with this girl without kissing her or applying good kino...?


Don Juan
May 22, 2003
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Kineti[C]harm; I have known her for just about two years, when did the flirting start, pretty much the day we met, but I was just at the beginning of my DJ education and also dating another girl at the time, so some minor flirting was all I did. I have to add that this girl and I go to the same church and this is where we see each other the most, which makes kino a little awkward. Never kissed her, (without being desperately aggressive) an opportunity has never been even close. I have a bit of a reputation which makes most of these church girls pretty cautious, they generally know (at least think they know) what I am after.

What is good kino? Does having her legs wrapped around me and her holding onto me like she's a backpack while on the back of my motorbike count? I am admittedly very weak as far as kino goes (my last girlfriend being the prudish ice queen that she was didn't help me at all). Are her actions an indication of a girl that is worth persisting with (she is a hotty) or not? that is my question.

I am not planning on quitting going to church, nor am I interested in chics that have never been in one, so solving this one chic/problem solves a whole lot of them at once. My Church in particular is full of hot looking women and a bunch of AFC guys. And before ten people tell me I am an AFC, I have come a LONG way, but I wouldn't be here if I had it all figured out, would I?