A simple dilemma


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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You know how sometimes a chick will initially diss you, then do a complete 180 and want to lap up your urine because you've demonstrated value?

I'll provide an example:

You sit next to a woman on the plane, and you try to make some conversation with her, out of friendliness (but if she offered to sleep with you, you wouldn't refuse either). She acts like a stuck up ho', so you stop paying any attention to her. You're also quite annoyed at her lack of common courtesy. "Next", you say. And the plane takes off.

Then later 29,000 feet, you take out your briefcase to catch up on some of the business briefings that your subordinates have given you to read up on before you arrive at your business destination. It's full of company profiles and insider tips on financial acquisitions and aggressive take-overs, etc. -- it's obvious to her that you're a big time player in the financial market, and probably one with a bank account to prove it. The smell of the shiny leather briefcase and the expensive Mont Blanc fountain pen you took out of it only confirm her suspicions. She checks your hand for a wedding ring, but there is none. And, as luck would have it for her, you've never been married, and only just got out of a long relationship (but she doesn't know all that).

Now her mind is racing at a hundred miles, and she can't decide if she should start another conversation with you or not.

So -- now you're at this point. She's obviously all ears, but will you relent? I'm not sure if I would -- and when I say this, I'm not making a stance and emploring other DJs to stand by me. I'm just stating what I would do: just leave the stuck-up ho' and kick dust in her face as I disembark from the plane.

However, I'm beginning to question if that is the right thing to do - after all they are just human, like we are. Maybe a really gross guy had hit on her before she boarded the plane and so she had her guard up. Or maybe she was just not in the mood (PMS? Dog died? Mom disowned her?). Heck, maybe she's married!

Currently, I'm in the process of letting go of my EGO when it comes to my interactions with women. Before I found this site over 2 years ago, I wasn't that much of a push over; by initially taking the advice given here to heart too much, I think I've become too much of a hardass.

So - what say you, fellow DJs? Give a girl a second chance after the initial rejection, or kick dirt in her face?


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Call her on her sh!t. Play around with her. Let her know that you saw through what she was trying to do etc.

After that, just DROP it, and continue your game.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Life's too short

No, I think it's definitely better to go with the unruffled approach - much more suave, don't you think? Be philosophical about it and ignore the previous jilt.

That's not saying you have to forget it, but life's too short to make a big deal of little things.



Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Precisely, Oscar

That's exactly what I was thinking. To hold a grudge is not only immature, but demonstrates an up-tight attitude to her (and everyone in your life). The cool guy would definately just let it slide, as no one is perfect or completely un-superficial (the woman I offered in the example happens to be superficial in terms of money and prestige).

I can tell you're a pretty relaxed guy, Oscar. Good for you! Where in Europe are you from, btw? I just came back from a vacation there. :)


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Never get hooked up in a long term thing with a golddigger. The eventual cost per screw is five times higher than even with the top prostitutes.

But take advantage of every situation that presents itself. It is sometimes worth it to sacrifice a little pride in exchange for getting what you want.

And its also a total waste of time to try to blow off an unreceptive beotch. Maybe being cool about it gives you a chance with her later (more likely than you think.)

But again, golddiggers so rarely give in to what you want (I'm guessing a meaningful relationship with at least once a month sex thrown in) (or, more likely, a short term one-nighter with lots of sex thrown in) that it is rarely worth it with these kind of women.

Beotch's are better than golddiggers in my book.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Neg hit the biatch.
Fuk the biatch.
Chuck the biatch.
NEXT ...let her go gold dig somewhere else.


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by JustDoItAlways

But take advantage of every situation that presents itself. It is sometimes worth it to sacrifice a little pride in exchange for getting what you want.

Very businessman like *thumbs up*

Too much pride can get in the way of your success, loosen up a bit.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Precisely, Oscar

Originally posted by jakethasnake
That's exactly what I was thinking. To hold a grudge is not only immature, but demonstrates an up-tight attitude to her (and everyone in your life). The cool guy would definately just let it slide, as no one is perfect or completely un-superficial (the woman I offered in the example happens to be superficial in terms of money and prestige).

I can tell you're a pretty relaxed guy, Oscar. Good for you! Where in Europe are you from, btw? I just came back from a vacation there. :)
I'm very laid back most of the time alright :) btw I'm not really European, I'm Irish, which may help explain the attitude.

Reading a bit about Buddhism at the moment, looks like these guys are nearly as relaxed as I am...

Whereabouts were you in Europe?


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Mostly Northern Europe. I did Holland, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden. I know people in Holland and Sweden, so I got a better look at life in those places. :) It really is quite beautiful in Scandinavia. :cool: