A major flaw of budding DJs


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
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I wanted to write this tip to help many people on this board avoid the mistakes I made when starting my DJing pursuits.

It seems that most seduction material available tries to give standard rules, techniques and formulaic patterns for attracting women. So the trusting AFC reads something that sounds promising, puts it into practice and ends up making a fool out of himself. Worse still, he creates this false personality around everything he is reading. He uses c+f, neg hits, kino and struts around like an Alpha male, and yet he continually gets shot down by women.

But why? Women love c+f, right? Women respond to confidence, right? Neg hits are a great way to throw women off their pedestal.

Women? Which women? All women? That’s a vast amount of people being generalised, prejudged and crammed into a very restrictive category. Kylie Minogue and Monica Lewinsky are women; so is Margaret Thatcher; so was Mother Teresa and Lizzie Borden.

Women are individuals with unique personalities, histories, ambitions, tastes and morals and it’s essential that you realise this. Aspiring DJs need to realise that there is no such thing as a technique or rule that can predict or control womankind.

Therefore, in order to be a successful DJ, you must always use your initiative!

You need to learn to build rapport with a woman as an individual, learn what she likes, how she thinks as you mutually adapt to each other and the situation.

Everything you do and say must be in context. If you start being ****y and funny or neg hitting a woman while she’s discussing a serious matter, she’ll see you as tactless or just an immateur joker. Yet if you suddenly get serious while conversation is light, you’ll be the moody guy who is no fun to be with. If she’s a little shy or apprehensive and you start getting sexually forward with her, you’ll be perceived as a lech, but if she’s flirting and you’re retreating, you’ll be seen as disinterested or an asexual wuss.

When establishing relationships with people you need to be aware of cues, be it in body language or in the tone and content of speech. Do not rush in with some rehearsed and unstoppable performance. This is what the average guy does. He rushes in trying to be clever, witty and appealing and yet appears two dimensional and imitative. But by listening, learning and adapting, you create a unique rapport with the person you are speaking to based on who they are and how you relate to them.

Another very important issue that needs to be taken into consideration is that different women want different things and have different standards. To a woman who is after a bit of fun, a ****y, witty and confident attitude is a big advantage. A woman looking for a serious relationship, on the other hand, may have qualities such as maturity and responsibility at the top of her list. Some women will be impressed by social proof or the player image, while others will be deterred by it.

If a woman is very particular about what she wants (quality women can afford to be) the only way you stand a chance with her is if she sees these qualities in you. Now, if you start hitting her with textbook conversation and techniques, with no idea what she’s looking for, you stand a good chance of ruling yourself out.

Textbook techniques, strategies and conversation is what puts the average in A(verage) F(rustrated) C(hump).
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Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Dirtheart, good topic of discussion. I just had a discussion like this with a friend of mine today.

Have you personally had this experience with women, or are you hypothesizing? The thing is, it's difficult to tell whether a woman wants this or that, and I've always believed that each should be taken on a case-by-case basis, but the last girl I met seemed to really be looking for a relationship and was very serious, and when I acted serious, she totally retreated and now we're not talking. This is that one that was going through a divorce (I know, a pretty unique circumstance). Anyways, it would be interesting to hear how you've tested this in the field.

I have a girl now that I'm talking to who I'll be getting together with sometime next week. She seems so cool, but from our conversations on the phone (she's an actress) she says that she doesn't like how everyone wants to sleep with you in her industry, and that she's a good girl. Then, she'll say that she has 2 weeks where she'll just go partying all the time, when normally she doesn't. Anyways, she seems totally cool, and we have so much in common it's a little scary. The problem is that I don't want to screw things up and get too serious on this girl too quickly. I'm trying to keep it mellow, but at the same time keep up the flirtiness and the indifference that seems to be working relatively well right now. I haven't called her much, and she's already suggested we get together next week after having to cancel once (I know she's a little apprehensive since we met online, but that's the way most women are if you meet them that way, until you build enough trust).


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
Have you personally had this experience with women, or are you hypothesizing?
I've been involved with a woman for over a month and things are pretty awsome.

I had been a bit disheartened by the DJ techniques at the time of our first date so I decided to put them aside and trust my own judgement instead. We had a pretty deep conversation, ranging from our goals in life, our personalities, political and religious views and we really got to know each other as people. She was smitten with me right away because of this unique connection we have.

This is not a new technique to get women to fall in love with you, but rather a way of finding out if you're suited and then making the most of whatever is there.

I'm trying to keep it mellow, but at the same time keep up the flirtiness and the indifference that seems to be working relatively well right now.
If this is what is working, then go with it! Keep aware of how she is reacting and adapt to her. If she is apprehensive, then it is probably best to give her space and be genuine with her so that she learns to trust you.

Good luck with your date anyway.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
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Well, I'm actually not totally sure how well it's working, but she's called back before, and seemed very interested in setting up something next week. Plus, she seemed to react really well when she had to cancel and I just told her no problem in a matter-of-fact manner, and she gave me a few counteroffers. She wanted to meet the next day, but I told her there was no rush, her mom was in town, and she should spend some time with her. Then she said cool, and she definitely wants to do something next week. This is good, because it gives me time to think of something to do other than sit and have coffee with her.

I think it helps not to pressure women in any way, because it seems that in general they never respond well to a guy that comes on too strong.


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mansfield, Notts
Good post.

I have learnt this exact same thing. You have to adapt and you have to treat each woman as completely different, as you, dirtheart said, completely *unique* - but make sure that you still keep to a certain minimum of where you want the conversation or whatever to go.

A year ago I was looking for a long term relationship... I wanted the security and sense of belonging. Now all I want is someone thats a laugh to be with - thats spontanious. As soon as a topic gets too serious, even if I want to persue it and get 'deeper' so to speak, I wont do it too soon. I dont want to backtrack because my current goals would be hindered by a long term relationship.

I feel it's more about balancing your feelings with whats right for your current situation - despite what your **** and feelings are telling you. A lot of posts are about just sleeping with a woman at the moment - and it's good to see some of the deeper, more long lasting views coming through :)

The only way you can come close to knowing how a woman is feeling is to look for signs of general discomfort and negativity. It's much easier for them to hide being unhappy, than for them to control their lust, excitment or happiness.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Thought I'd bump this as I've returned to this way of thinking and it appears to be working well for me again.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2002
Reaction score
I have had this problem for many years, and still have it today. An excellent tip given. I have all the DJ tips stored in my head, i probably use much of it many times per day. Yet I still have not gotten to far with it. I still don't understand how I should build report. Should I be c+f or do i just act like a normal person..something she probably experiences more everyday. I always have trouble passing the step of report also and getting her to actually persue me or for me to be able to flirt with her comfortably. I am a good looking person and I dont understand I do use DJ skills but doesnt seem to work out as often as I like. Any tips??


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
I really believe it depends on the girl's beliefs/morals.

The c&f thing is way overblown. David DeAngelo makes alot of money on that concept alone. He'll only accentuate the 'success' stories. Many of them are from guys who never even asked a woman out before in the first place. Their success can be as much contributed to simply asking them out than the c&f portion.

We're basically here to reproduce. It is in our biological makeup.

So much stock is put into and overplayed on personality for women. I heard a women say that 'I don't need to talk to a guy a few times to know i like him'. If she already knows this that soon, then it's just a matter having some chemistry and not turning her off. Getting comfortable with each other is important.