a little story about a girl at my work


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Anaheim California USA
Hi fellow dj's new and old, it's been a while since i don't read the forums or all the stuff so if you dont know me it's cause you are new ,cause it's impossible to forget me.:)

a couple days ago a girl like about 2 yrs older than me, she is 20 got hired. she also went to the same school as i did, i was the one who had to orientate her. We introduced each other and i proceeded to show her how I worked (because basically we are already trained that's why we took the course, orientation is just to follow around,help out,and see how the person works so you could get the hang of it)

but just automatically i started joking around with her, and being me (being a dj without even thinking about it) ill write some of the stuff so you guys could see my dj personality (or strategy ,what ever you want to call it).
she was supposed to take a 10 minute break but she took a 5 minute break and was looking for me (since i'm the one orientating her) but i told her "you missed me already? hasn't even been five minutes yet. you just can't be without me can you?"
she started laughing and joked back.
i was being sarcastic about a lot of stuff, like when she asked me common sence questions
"they have to have the ted hose on (a kind of stockings) to prevent dvt's right?" i would say something like "nope, they just want to look sexy" she would laugh. i would make fun of her in a playful way about everything ,here is an example: she triped and i said "don't fall now" she said "oh shut up" (in a playful way) so i replied "i'm telling you, if you fall flat on your ass i won't catch you, lady" so she would laugh. i insulted her in a playful way, i messed with her (made fun of, joke around) every chance i got.IT was really fun because i would say things, she could not believe were being said to her (all in a playful way) like: " let me see your name badge" she said " no, i dont like how i look there" i said
"come on, how uglier can it get" so she hit me with her hand just above my butt (she hit me in a playful way, with a face a little girl makes when you say "no" to her), i said "i know you wanted to go lower cause i've seen you checking out my butt"

another thing i did was, get close to her, shoulder to shoulder,touch her hand when we were working on something together, i would intentionally sit and let my legs touch hers, but i always made a comment as if she was the one trying to do those things. i would touch her hand (making it seem accidental) and i would say "you want to hold hands already? slow down i just met you" then i said "okay ill give you the plesure of holding my hand" and i held her hand for a little while and said " now youll be able to sleep better tonight" she said " yeah i'll be dreaming about you" (she said it sarcastically) and i said it in a serious tone" i know you will", or "i would so close that we would be touching arm with arm and i would say "you just want to be close to me dont you? oh man, what can i say im just cute" or when my leg touched hers while were sitting down because i was explaining to her how to do some payper work i would say "are you trying to play footsies with me?" she was always laughing and joking back, she even rubbed my leg and said "oh yes.....i want you", joking with me and also insulting me, making fun of me in a playful manner and i would always answer back with something funnier or bringing up something about her.

however when i thought i was taking it to far by her body language i would compliment her (only after i tought it was too much would, i compliment her) i told her she was weak, i noticed she got quiet and i said "im just playing with you" "in the plus side you have really beutiful eyes ( i stared into her eyes for like five seconds) and i said "i really like them"
she blushed and smiled, so i got back to giving her a hard time. and then one compliment when i thought it was too much.

so finally afte we joked around and practically flirted the whole day and laughed and made jokes at eachother (by the way when she would playfully hit me i'd tickled her or poke her tommy, or her sides, she got so use to me touching her that i could practically spank her if i wanted to but i didn't i didn't want to go there yet)
at the end when we were about to go home (20 minutes before clocking out) i said " you are actually pretty fun" she blushed and said " what's that suppose to mean?" i said " what you heard, at first i thought you were serious, but your fun" (well she was serious before i made her flirt with me with all the smart ass coments i kept saying ;) but she doesnt know that)
i asked her "what's your number? maybe if you are lucky i'll call you"
she smiled and said "do you have paper?" i said "i got plenty and handed her a pocket notebook, but i left and did as if i had something to do (finish up one of my charts, just across from her)
she went to were i was and handed me the notebook with her number (and of course, you know me) i told her " hold on" and signed the chart (just to make her wait a couple of seconds)
so i took the number and glanced at it and i put it in my pocket.
then she said " it's my cell phone, so if i dont answer leave a message ok?"
i said "no, i dont like leaving messages so you have to be holding the phone in your hands and be waiting for my call"

she rolled her eyes and said "oh my god" i said " no im serious if you miss it you missed it"

she just laughed.

so the next day (we work in a hospital by the way) she had to be in orientation again but she didnt know with who, so she told me " im gonna be with you again ok? i think its easier that way"
i said "you just want to be with me, i know you like me"
so again i started flirting , being a smart ass and implying that she liked me. i told her that she wanted to orientate with me cause all she wanted was a date with me. she did tell me that i was conceeded this time and i said "yeah, a little bit" (this was my clue to go easy on the comments about how she is attracted to me and how i think she likes me, i said i went easier on them but i didnt stop though because those led to flirting and touching)
this time she was flirting with me more than i flirted with her
our patients were all convinced that she was my girlfriend.
and again i would use her comments to make fun of her like she said
" hi mrs -------- my name is ----------------- and he is----------- and we are together , and we are going to help you out today"
i said "we are together? since when?" she said "since yesterday but you just didnt know about it"

(of course the first time she meant as in working together and i turned it into being together) the patient was laughing.

so what im planning to do next is
ask her out on a date but the way things have gone im going to let her know its a date since as you all can see i been impliying that she likes me and we have joked so much about it.

i will call her 4 days from now and i will say " hey--------how would you like to go on a date with me?" and give her three options on where i want to go but give her a fourth option of her choice
of course with the same conceeded style of telling her that this is her big chance.

well it's a little long but you might learn something
and i will keep you updated.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Anaheim California USA
by the way you're all welcome to post your opinions and give me ideas of where to go, or any other ways to make our flirting more fun.

or if you have any questions.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Anaheim California USA
here is an update.
i called her on tuesday...........no answer
called her on thursday..............no answer so i left a message
i called her today and no answer
what does it look like to me?

what im i going to do?

strange because all her body language, the whole flirting and how she blushed when i complimented her seemed like she would have jump at the chance of going out with me, but there is something to be learned from all this.

Dont let her fool you, cause if you thought you had her but yet she is not answering hef phone, she is not interested so move on. Thats why it is so important to be able to read Low interest level signs so we wont duel on one girl and act like AFC.

hurts the ego but its good to know when to NEXXXXXXXXXTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Anaheim California USA
here is another little update. She was schedule to work yesterday, so i saw her( i had already decided to next her). i did not pay attention to her but she said hi, i pretended not to hear.
she started talking to me and asked questions so i answer but i gave her a little attitude (well more than the norm)
she said i was being mean to her and she wanted to know why?

i said that im always mean.
when we were not so buisy she kept going to where i was and talking to me. i wanted to know why she had not answer her phone because i saw signs of high interest level
so i said i called her but she never asnwer her phone so i thought , forget it. she gave me an explanaition that made sence so i decide to give her the pleasure of joking around with me.

well when i saw her and we were about to leave we talked about the job and then i thought to myself "i see high interest but there have been some signs of low interest when it counted which was the number deal, the only way to find out and stop wasting time is to go out on a date"

so i straight out asked her what she thought about going out on a date with me, she looked at me she got happy and said "yes (almost imediately, then she tried not to be so obvious about her being excited and said) yeah that sounds like fun"

since i had told her earlier just out of the blue that i wanted to go to knotts then we joked and i think i must have mention like 3-4 times that i wanted to go to knotts, i said ok but I want to go to knotts, she laughed and said obviously but she was still blushing.

i comented on her blushing and she blushed even more then she looked into my eyes and i looked into hers and she said i got to go(she was blushing and nerveous and happy)

but i did not set a date for the date so before leaving i asked her if she would call me or i would call her (since she doesnt answer her phone {im still not buying her explanation} ) she said she did not have my number and to leave it when i left a message. i acted like didnt like the idea of leaving messages but i would THIS time.

until she follows through with the date
she is still in danger of being next.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
sounds like she's fuken with your head, but give her another chance. sometimes i think girls just like alot of attention from guys, and at the same time they fuk with your head, leaving you thinking she's really interested. just watch out pal.

last chance... if she fuks it up, just NEXT the stupid b|tch!


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
*****es are craaazy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
The fact that you had to post every single detail about every converstion that you had tells me that you are overanalyzing the situtation becuase deep down in you know she doens't like you.

If I joke around with a girl and tell her that 'I know you like me" she may smile and laugh back, but that doesn't mean she likes me just because she doesnt' say "no i don't".

I know you work with her and it must be hard to advoid her, but you can't be around her 24 7. I had a girlfriend that I used to work with. She worked litarly 15 feet away from me, and when we worked the same shift I couldn't get her away from me, but because of this we saw entirely too much of each other, and not where I wanted to see her! Also when we broke up, it was hell because we had to talk to each other even when we didn't wan to


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2000
Reaction score
Surf City
Hey improvingdonjuan,

Excellent job on your flirting skills!!

i called her on tuesday...........no answer
called her on thursday..............no answer so i left a message
i called her today and no answer
This is a good example why trying to set up a date over the phone is a waste of time. There is a less time consuming way of doing this, which you point out below.

so i straight out asked her what she thought about going out on a date with me, she looked at me she got happy and said "yes (almost imediately, then she tried not to be so obvious about her being excited and said) yeah that sounds like fun"
BINGO!!! That's the way to do it. No playing the phone game. No wondering why she didn't call back. No wondering about anything. It's just getting straight to the answer of "DO YOU WANT TO GO OUT WITH ME?"

This is also the best way to do it, because you can watch her body language and get a gut feeling whether she actually seems interested or not.

but i did not set a date for the date so before leaving i asked her if she would call me or i would call her
Dammit improvingdonjuan!! You fumbled the ball. You were 5 yards away from the goal line and you fumbled.

Why didn't you set the date up when she said she'd go out with you? Now you have to go back to the phone game. You just went down that road with no success.

until she follows through with the date
she is still in danger of being next.

Overall, I'd say you have a good handle on this dating game. Keep up the good work.

On a side note:

i comented on her blushing and she blushed even more then she looked into my eyes and i looked into hers and she said i got to go
This kind of worries me. If her Interest Level was high, she should've ask you "WHEN" you two were going to go out before she bolted. If I was a woman and was really interested in a guy, I know I sure would've. ;)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Anaheim California USA
yeah youre right, she should have asked when. i would have told her that i would check my schedule and tell her later becuase at that time i didnt know when i was off, and im waiting for pay day too, :)

well body language use to tell me high interest but i see signs of low interest too. like the phone thing, not asking when,

actually at this point im not sure i want to go out with her anymore....well at least if i do it wont be anything serious. she'll just be a fucckk buddy. here is why

yesterday a dude asked me if i was interested in her
i said she's alright, why?
then he told me that they ocationaly dated and did stuff. then a female coworker told me she saw them kissing earlier. another friend of mine says she gave him a ride and was getting all touchy with her and she didnt say anything.
i dont want to be exclusive with this girl but i didnt think she was that easy.
i lost interest in her already, but im interested to find out how this whole situation turns out. like i said if i follow through with the date and something else developes she will just be a girl i go out with when im bored and fucckk when im h0rny.

what do you guys think


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
DAmn i was in the same situation last month(grocery store tho).This guy i worked with kicked it with her for a long time way before i tried.I kno they were together cuz whenever they work together they would really work TOGETHER.Helping each other and never leaving each others side.Both doubted that they were together but everyone at work knew they were.He said something to make her mad and they didnt talk for a long time and thats when she showed a lot of interest in me.Recently they made up and she got fired last week........now my coworker always talks about them kicking it.I guess that little date that i took her on meant nothing to her cuz i called her two days ago to say wassup but she wasnt at home whenever i called(only twice then i said **** it).Then my coworker came up to me and said did you call her yesterday or whatever and i said yes he said oh we were at dinner:rolleyes: .Just be careful she might be kickin it with that other guy and is just messing around with you.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
This chick sounds like a grade A attention wh0re. Keep her around for practise material. But don't expect much.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Anaheim California USA
well icehot my situation is like this:
I saw the girl i thought she was okay not pretty but okay. i had to orientate her so my DJing came out naturally with out me even trying. We had a great time, i thouhgt she was a very fun girl to be with so i wanted to get to know her more i got her number
she had all the signs of high interest level her body language the touching everything but she did not answer my calls. she gave me a reasonable explanation but to me it was BULL SHYT.
i gave her another chance i asked her out on a date. She sparkled up blushed and imediately said yes, i didnt set a date because i didnt want to i had to check my schedule first and my $.
that was saturday. sunday i find out she dates a dude and basically lets my friend touch her boobs.

i loose interest at this point. but im interested in seeing how this whole thing turns out. but then i dont want to waste my money or my tiime with Wh0res either so after i checked out some p0rn and mast*rbated :) i no longer feel my d!ck doing the thinking.

i thought she would make a good f@ck buddy but now i dont think thats a good idea im no LONGER INTERESTED basically NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now what im going to do is confront her and call her on it. asked her why did she think she had the right to waste my valuable time. but i dont want to sound hurt or anything cause franckly i dont give a darn anymore about her.

so what would be a good thing to say to call her on wasting my time.???


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
that's funny dude.

Like I thought, she's an attention wh0re. Girls like this, like flirting, and getting as much attention from as many guys as they can. Even though she has no intentions off going out with you. or being a fukk buddy.

It makes no sense. Its just the way it is dude.

So what to do? Well, i'd advise you not to confront her. Firstly, now matter what you say, you're going to come out sounding like a hurt whinny crybaby.
secondly, attention wh0res will apologize and make you feel better. Only to start the cycle all over again.

The only way to deal with these type of chicks is flagrant indifference. Treat her like you would if you had 8 other chick ringing your cellphone of the hook begging to come over and suck your c0ck. ie, ignore her, cut her short and generally don't give her any attention. Notice how it worked the first time, when she asked "are you mad at me" .



Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Anaheim California USA
for future reference not particularly this girl does everyone think that the best to deal with a chick wasting your time is just ignoring her or is it best to call her on it.

i dont want to give too much importance to this one girl (it started out as a perfectly executed djing and turned into me finding a wh0re) but i want to have more opinions on what to do in the future
icehot says just ignore (i personally wanted to see her reaction when someone calls her on her stupid game) but since you guys see it from a level headed perspective i want to know your opinions


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score

First of all this girl probably IS interested. But your handling the date close COMPLETELY WRONG!!

#1-Your calling too much: You said you called, she wasn't there, then you called a couple days later and left a message. You should've left it alone RIGHT THERE! She knows you called and its up to her to call you back.

#2-Why call? : You shouldn't even call her if you know your going to see her at work. Yeah you should be at work to do work, but when you have a few minutes walk up to her and SPECIFICALLY finalize plans to go out together.

Girls don't like guys who aren't confident and sure of themselves. Right now your giving her a two-head monster impression. On one side your showing her that your sarcastic, care-free and a fun person to be around. But on the other hand your showing her your unsure of yourself, desperate and a little needy. Not good!! I really don't think this girl is an attention *****, I think she doesn't like the fact that your not taking charge like a man should.

I would say her interest level in you is neutral. Not good or not bad. What you do from here on out will either elevate it or drop it. And what's up with going all out and taking her to an amuesement park for a 1st get together? That's waaaaaaaay over the top and you should't pay for her shiat, your only a friend right now. First get together's should be light and fun, but more of a information gathering process for you to figure out whether this chick is worth your time or not. If she's not you didn't waste any money and gained some field experience. But you want to take her to Knotts, waste a bill on tickets, food and games and she might be completely lame. Even more so, she'll start to expect this type of shiat all the time from you and when you don't come through she'll be "unavailable."

Learn not to try too hard to impress girls, it will only push them away from you. Your young and you do have a solid understanding of flirting, but don't bet all your money on one contest.

Plan of Attack: Talk to her the next time you two work and finalize the get together. Don't spend every free second with her. Try and make her wonder if you really like her or if your just friendly. The unknown element is what drives girls CRAZY! If she flakes or doesn't respond positively then NEXT her. But don't become rude or ignore her if you have to NEXT her. That just makes you look like a complete AFC and she won't even think twice about dissing you.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Anaheim California USA
the fact that she's dating another dude at work made me loose interest in her. so im no longer interested in her but im going to use her as a learning experience so ill follow your advice pimp-sicle

i doubt she'll regain my interest wich is practically at 50 right now because
1 she smokes
2 she is alright (not beutiful)
3 she is dating a dude from work
4 she seems to be an attention wh0re
5 i dont like the idea of looking like im competing for her attention

but i do need a learning experience

ill have a little attitude like always be a little ****y and flirty and i will take her out (i can go to knotts with my brothers some other time ) but for her, since she is a learning experience i want to know what you would sugest for a first date?

besides tomorrow ill go to the swapmeet and work on my cold approaches and my flirting when im counciously using my dj tactics to random girls out of my confort zone.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
Reaction score
you work with her man, don't **** where you eat.