a girl i like...

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Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
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Oh that...yes.
My friend told me... Just do it...dont hessitate just do it...
BUT i still chicken out most of the time.. -.-

Gonna keep posting when progress :D


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2012
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This s*** is brutal! haha
I cant even tell if this dude is a troll anymore!


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
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Hi, nothing new because of school, we went out 3x since the last post...sorry school and stuff is making things hard -.-


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2012
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Portugal, Lisboa
Man, I read all of the posts in this topic, and I'm a big noob about girls, but you're worse than me.

You have like almost everything to get this girl (or you did anyway), but the opportunity passed by you or is passing by.

Do what all of these guys said to you, you had the chance to kiss her and you blew it.

The only reason why I don't really kiss a girl, it's because I'm a idiot at reading these kind of signs, because if I knew that the moment to kiss her was right there I would say fvck the whole shy thing, and I would kiss that girl like if there was no tomorrow, but unfortunately I'm a noob at reading signs like these, and a idiot at meeting new girl, sometimes I even advance to other levels, or escalate like many say in here, and I don't even notice, some of the girls I know might be sending me signs that they want something more from me, like hug, or kiss, or holding her hand and who knows maybe more xP, but I don't notice it.

It seems that in that date where you and her got really close, you noticed that she wanted to kiss and you didn't do it, that was a big fail, why didn't you kiss her?

I think you're in a friendzone level that I I've never been and if everything goes well, I'll never gonna be.

Saying that school and stuff is the way, are only excuses, at this point you should do what these guy's told you to do, and you didn't listen to then, just back off, you need to find your life without a girl, do what Alvafe told you, just play XBOX, in my free time I play PS3, I listen to music, I workout my body (body is a major thing at getting girls/pvssy never forget that, even a noob like me knows this), I watch movies, and if I have a girl I don't spend constant time texting her, 24/7, what is that, when I text a girl I can be at that like for more than 5hours , but I don't do it 24/7, I prefer face to face approaches.

LearningSlowly is right, you're in the friendzone and you deserve it, why didn't you kissed her, and getting her a present just because you met her a year ago, what the hell is that???

Getting her a present just because you met her -..-' , what's next, you're going to buy her a diamond ring to celebrate the first texting you did with her?!

Wake up, even I'm seeing this, I know how this is going to end up, just let this go, advance your life, if you don't do that, you're going to hurt yourself, badly, and it's going to be all your fault, and for no reason.

You're deep in the friendzone, you seem to like it, you deserve it, and if you don't get out of this situation you're going to get injured, badly, and you're going to derserve it.

Even your friends told you to forget this one, it's easy, just find your life without this girl, find your life without any kind of girl, get an hobby, do some sport, play videogames all day, workout your body with weights, It doesn't matter, just do something that makes you happy, and move on.
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Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
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well... first off, she was drunk when she wanted to kiss me...that probably changes everything.

Actually I like being in this "friendzone" because I get to do stuff, I never did before with girls. Was it because the didn't want to or just didn't want to go out with me. Well about school, she would go out but her mom is annoying and wont let her :p that's the problem, I also like face to face approaches, but with her it's not always possible. Tried some kissing afterwards, but she is kind of showing stuff like she doesn't want to...even If we cuddle and all.
She told me she doesn't want a relationship...yet.
I don't know, im not gonna let her go, because then I don't have anyone else. And im really attached to her now.
Maybe this summer or the next one, things will change. That will be, her getting a boyfriend and forgetting about me or, me being her boyfriend.

1 more thing. She is different. I didn't meet her like a normal girl. I said something weird and she liked it. She's not like other girls...for real... not that bull**** stuff, she really doesn't like some things other girls do, and she likes stuff other don't.

You're kind of right. Too bad she's a weirdo like me :D
If you would be talking about a normal girl I would 100% agree :)


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Portugal, Lisboa
rsofa said:
well... first off, she was drunk when she wanted to kiss me...that probably changes everything.

Actually I like being in this "friendzone" because I get to do stuff, I never did before with girls. Was it because the didn't want to or just didn't want to go out with me. Well about school, she would go out but her mom is annoying and wont let her :p that's the problem, I also like face to face approaches, but with her it's not always possible. Tried some kissing afterwards, but she is kind of showing stuff like she doesn't want to...even If we cuddle and all.
She told me she doesn't want a relationship...yet.
I don't know, im not gonna let her go, because then I don't have anyone else. And im really attached to her now.
Maybe this summer or the next one, things will change. That will be, her getting a boyfriend and forgetting about me or, me being her boyfriend.

1 more thing. She is different. I didn't meet her like a normal girl. I said something weird and she liked it. She's not like other girls...for real... not that bull**** stuff, she really doesn't like some things other girls do, and she likes stuff other don't.

You're kind of right. Too bad she's a weirdo like me :D
If you would be talking about a normal girl I would 100% agree :)
In one way I know what to tell you, but in the other I don't.

So I'm going to do my best, and maybe some other member in the forum will correct me, or add more info to what I'm about to say to you.

She's not special, she's not a weirdo, she is in control of you.

The only reason why you don't do more kind of things with other girls, like cuddling, it's because you don't want to, and I'm about to tell you why, based on my experience.

So I've met a variety of types of girls, on my journey through life in these 18 years of my life, I've met the ones that think they rule the world and that every man, woman and child need to kneel in her presence, I've met emo, I've met a girl that it's a little suicidal, emo and happy in way that she laughs about almost everything that everyone says, I've met nerd, I've met one that thinks the world is all sunshine and rainbows, I've met wh0re, I've met the kind of girl that think's she is a badass and has a big bad boyfriend that in the end is the biggest chicken in the world.

Right now I know and talk with, a girl that it's playful, another that its a happy kinda emo and another that from what people here in the forum told me, she is emotional needy, and she also is playful (you can see this post where I talk about her Need some Guidance).

So after telling you this, you can see that I've met some good variety of girls, and I'm going to tell you another thing that happens with me.

I don't know why or how but in every school that I was in, and in the school that I an right now, I've always had the right connections, I've always socialized a little bit with the people that are or know the popular and important people in school, and until some months ago, I always cared about what people thought of me, that was a big mistake, and I tell you this because I think it might be your mistake too, even with this handicap I've always done a variety of things with the girls I've met, because I had times that I really didn't give a fvck about what people where thinking about me, and some months ago I just said fvck all of them, and I just started doing what I wanted to do, in the way I wanted to do it, I don't care about what people think about me, so I got more active in the things I do with the girls that I know now and talk with now.

Before I started thinking like this, I would like grab the ass of one or another hot girl I used to talk with, now If I want to grab the ass of all the hot girls I know, I'll do it, If I want to grab the girl, and bring her close to me, or cuddle with her I just do it, and I do this in a almost unconscious way, because I just do it without thinking, over the years it became almost an automatic thing, and I'm an idiot because this might be making me escalate and I don't even notice, the girl I talk about in the post, when I first met her, I used to kiss her in the neck, face , and even bite her in the neck, now I don't do that because of I changed my personality in some ways, now sometimes she bites me, and she comes right next to me and cuddles, but I had to move on because she doesn't want anything with me, now I'm talking with the other girl that I told you that it is playful, this one I grabbed her ass, I've told her some... lets call it nice things, and I don't talk much with her, but every time she sees me, she comes to me and messes around with me, like trowing pens at me, and then making me go after her, then there's this other girl that is the happy kinda emo I told you about, she's one of the very hot Brazilian girls in the school that I an right now, she has one ass, that is like, a creation of the heavens xP, she messes around with me too, and I don't even talk much with her, she sees me and comes around and does something to annoy me, like messing with my hair, stealing my mp3, this one I haven't done much kino, but I'm going to work on that next time I'm with her.

Ok so to do the stuff like cuddling, and other Kino stuff, you don't need to worry much about if she likes it or not, just do it, see the reaction of the girl, and remember the sometimes when she says no, she is really saying yes, just pay attention to the way she says it, and after she says it just start continue doing it and see if she tries to stop you by pushing you away, and the going out stuff, don't worry too much about that either, because I'm not the type of guy of going on dates, I more the type of doing what I wanna do right in the moment, but I have limitations due to lack of experience and knowing the signs and body language of girls (something I'm working on).

I do this kind of stuff to girls I've met a day ago, the one that It's playful, I only started talking with her like one or two days before I grabbed her ass, and then she started messing around like provoking me, and stuff like that, to make me respond and to be with her.

You just need to.... I don't know... just free your mind a little, don't worry about it, and do it, do it to some of the girls you know.

I'm not an expert in getting to know girls, because I'm shy in the subject of approaches and because I never had to do really much to meet girls, normally they are the ones who start talking with me because some friend of mine knows them and they want to know me (I never understood why they want to know me, I'm an Idiot...) or I just start talking with them because some guy I know knows them.

Some other thing, no one likes being in the friendzone, you think you like it because you get to do some stuff with her, but its an illusion, friendzone it's exactly that, its a zone for friends, in max youre going to get to be one of her best friends, and nothing else.

One sign that proves that she is in control of you, is you saying that you will wait till next summer if you have too, so that she gets a boyfriend, or to see if she will accept you, dude really??? You really said this?!

One thing that proves she doesn't want to be your girlfriend is she saying that she doesn't want a relationship, and it doesn't matter if she says "yet", if she wanted anything with you, she wouldn't say that, read this Things Women Say and What They Really Mean, in that post it is written and I quote, ""Im not ready for a relationship right now" = im not ready for a relationship with you, ever", and believe, this is real.

And one thing you said that proves her dominance over you, is you saying that you're attached to her and thats the reason you don't wanna let her go.

I really think that she, saying that she can't go out with you because of her mother, is an excuse.

Just let this girl go, and start doing kino on other girls you know and that you find interesting, or just go and start hanging out with one hot girl that one of your friends knows, just use him to make the introduction between you and her.

Just don't let things get to a point where they think you're just a friend, and if you hang out with them and only talk, and if you don't do any kino and some other approaches that show them you don't want to be only their friend, that you want some more, a relationship or a friendship with benefits, them you are going to go to the friendzone.

I don't know, read other post in the forum, read journals of members of the forum, and see their experiences, their advices, and try to understand, and if you need just ask about the things that you need help with.

And about she being drunk, I still think you should have kissed her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
rsofa said:
She told me she doesn't want a relationship...yet.
I don't know, im not gonna let her go, because then I don't have anyone else. And im really attached to her now.
Maybe this summer or the next one, things will change. That will be, her getting a boyfriend and forgetting about me
He said it himself. She doesnt want him, he doesnt want to let her go.

Good luck in your future.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score

Well nice story, I also met some girls, had a big high school crush, which was using me all the time blablalaba...

I know her too good... Her mom really doesn't let her out much... When I see mom or dad on her phone and yelling sounds when she picks up...that's enough proof for me...
She even escapes sometimes when they are not at home or tells them she is going studying...I have to pick her up a few blocks away then...
She is not taking control of me, had this kind of girl...Asking me if I can drive her here and there and everywhere...
I invite her out, she says okay and we go out...where? Most of the time we don't know where but we just drive somewhere and talk...just talk... Everything I pay for her (drinks or food) she insists to pay her share... I say no its ok, but I always end up with her money in my wallet or even under the phone batter, when Im not looking.

You know I wasn't born and this is my first girl...
You guys know much, but play too much by the book or the rules or something. I get jealous really badly sometimes, or depressed and we can get into an argument, when we go out with my friends, I sometimes neglect her and talk about cars with my friends.... Never she said to me that im annoying, just that she likes being around us.

About the relationships.... SHe had one more then 1 year ago... that ended up in a strange way because there was a 3rd girl that wanted her bf. and a loft **** happened... Since that she had 1 night stands and such...but not since she met me and my friends...she doesn't go out drinking to partys any more... maybe she still does it sometimes but not so often...


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
rsofa said:

Well nice story, I also met some girls, had a big high school crush, which was using me all the time blablalaba...

I know her too good... Her mom really doesn't let her out much... When I see mom or dad on her phone and yelling sounds when she picks up...that's enough proof for me...
She even escapes sometimes when they are not at home or tells them she is going studying...I have to pick her up a few blocks away then...
She is not taking control of me, had this kind of girl...Asking me if I can drive her here and there and everywhere...
I invite her out, she says okay and we go out...where? Most of the time we don't know where but we just drive somewhere and talk...just talk... Everything I pay for her (drinks or food) she insists to pay her share... I say no its ok, but I always end up with her money in my wallet or even under the phone batter, when Im not looking.

You know I wasn't born and this is my first girl...
You guys know much, but play too much by the book or the rules or something. I get jealous really badly sometimes, or depressed and we can get into an argument, when we go out with my friends, I sometimes neglect her and talk about cars with my friends.... Never she said to me that im annoying, just that she likes being around us.

About the relationships.... SHe had one more then 1 year ago... that ended up in a strange way because there was a 3rd girl that wanted her bf. and a loft **** happened... Since that she had 1 night stands and such...but not since she met me and my friends...she doesn't go out drinking to partys any more... maybe she still does it sometimes but not so often...
cry me a river, dude I don't care and you shouldn't care her "sad" love life or if her mom is on her all time.

so here is the deal she was drunk and wanted to kiss you ok, you did it? and she later toss the I don't want a relationship yet, in our little dictionary taht means she don't want a LTR WITH YOU, like the vets like to say would she toss that line if any famous or guys she find hot wanted her?

its simple she is playing with you and like a fool youa re letting her do it because you like being in friendzone, if you really liked it you wouln't come here asking about her.

want her to feel like wanting you as her BF? stop caring about her tehn go date other girls, then will try to sabotage you since you are such her good friend and don't want to see you hurt (aka I don't want to lose you as my orbiter)

keep this simple, stop talking with her, don't spend time with her, if she want anything let her go after you,

hell I was pretty stupid younger about girls but you kinda me happy because you are a lot worse then I was.

PS. you say she is not in control, but the real control is when you control someone and that someone don't even know he is controlled


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
She said she doesnt want a relationship before trying to kiss me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
rsofa said:
She said she doesnt want a relationship before trying to kiss me.

fine then use her as a fu ck buddy, and date other woman, if she won't put out why lose time with her? and you still should date other girls


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
I changed my ways a bit.
Im not concentrated only on her...
But she is still my main priority because other ones are just for 1 night...


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
rsofa said:
I changed my ways a bit.
Im not concentrated only on her...
But she is still my main priority because other ones are just for 1 night...
Dude don't lie to us. The way you've acted around this girl makes me almost certain you're not getting any girls whatsoever


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score

News flash: today she was at school and me at home, and we were texting. I said to her that if she has time that she should call me. 2 hours later, she ended up in front of my house. We were alone, a little bit on the computer watching pictures and stuff, then because it was hot she layed down on my bed.
I just sat there and looked at her....im just kidding :D sorry
This is how it happened: I layed next to her, and I put my hand over her belly lol. Weird to explan. We fell asleep in a hug.
No I didn't kiss her, when I tried she looked away.
1 more thing...some time long ago she said she doesn't like kissing....maybe because of that?
Or maybe because she still has that thought of...I WONT HAVE A RELATIONSHIP with anyone.
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