A few questions about dealing with women in teh club...


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I went to this place last night...it was kind of a cross between a club and a lounge. It got me asking a few questions:

1) The "lounge" area of this place was pretty cool, except they were pumping the dance music full-blast. Maybe I don't "get it," but I would think they'd turn the music up high in the dance area and cut it back a little where people want to sit and talk. Anyway, I was trying to talk to this girl and could only hear every other word, so I just started nodding and saying "uh-huh" as if I could make out what she was saying. Plus I found myself "leaning in" a lot to hear her and couldn't really follow the track of the conversation. What's the best thing to do? Just shout? Get in close to her (even if you're closing distance a little early)? Just give up and relocate?

2) Suppose you're talking to a girl but then she introduces you to her friends and one of the friends is hotter...is there a GOOD way to transition from the first one to the second, hotter one without looking like you're ditching the first one? (cuz I feel like if the first one thinks I'm ditching her, she'll get jealous and c*ck-bl*ck...not that she was that bad in the first place :) )


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
1) "Sorry I can't hear you, speak into my ear". Get her to literally put her lips on your ear to speak, and do the same to her. Don't shout, don't scream. Make yourselves touch.

2) Treat them both equally, but pay more attention to the first girl. This will get the second questioning her physical appeal.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Go with R3n3gad3's tips...here's something you can also add

1) Keep with the Kino/conversation tactic. Move closer to her, talk directly to her ear...when she speaks to you, move your body over her with your arm wrapped around her shoulder.

If it gets entirely too loud and you can't hear a thing...just give her a look showing that you can't hear her..after this, you can either grab her by the hand and lead her to the dance floor for some bumpin n grinding...or grab her by the hand and lead her to a quieter part of the nightclub...loung, bar, balcony, patio, etc.

2) reminds me of the old seinfeld episode where jerry wanted to date the hotter roommate...classic.

but in the first meeting of a girl you just met at a club, then introduces you to her friends...i say that they are all fair game. Just act smooth, calm, and confident around all of them. Be goofy and c/f. They'll all know you're a fun guy and hell...maybe you can grab two or three of them on the dancefloor for some sandwich dance action. Girls love dancing like this after knowing you're a fun guy who doesn't give a f*ck! Any hint of attraction from the hottest girl should be met by the classic move of getting her to be away from her group of friends and alone with you.

Grab her by the hand and tell her to come with you to the bar because you're hot from dancing and need a drink (note..you don't necessarily have to buy her a drink)..

while you're alone with hot girl, make your move...


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Actually, if you're having trouble hearing someone due to overly loud music, you can push your finger onto the flap of skin near the hole of your ear - closing up your ear - this filters out the ambient noise and will let you hear whatever the person next to you is saying, so long as they are within a pretty close proximity to your ear... That's not advice on how to pick up a girl, just how to hear someone at a club...