4th annual Anti AA Competition

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
hop On hop Off said:
OP, how do you verify the validity of these unidentifiable people online?
I don't, I just take their word for it. There's no way I or almost anybody else on here could possibly know if they're lying or not and even if some people ITT are lying, then they are only hurting themselves. It's actually one of the first things I say in my original post.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
Gray The Prince said:
If you haven't posted your results yet, you have until 11:59 pm Pacific Time to do so.
Prince, I feel I'm the only participant left... but I will fight to the end. I'm ready for this week's challenge!


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry for the late post, I am not usually on this on weekends.

So I completed the challenge, got 2 numbers this weekend.

First number I was at the club and just end up dancing with some girl. She was from out of town, HB7.5, nice body, decent face. Danced for a bit, made out, nd got a number close. Not really interested in her too much. Don't think ima be messaging her anytime soon.

That same night after the club closed my friends and I were chilling outside on the strip and bumping into many friends and people we knew. One group we bumped into one of the girls started talking to me and somehow knew my name. I started talking to her and realized I had met her a few years back so we talked for a little. I ended up number closing and I'm going to see where I can go with that, she seems like a challenge.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
no strikes.

one strike.
Clean Pleb

Mr Stinky
Lotus Effect
E Sex

Only Leon, SaveaH0 and Clean Pleb remain. Looks like this will be the final challenge. If at least two of you or all three of you complete it, then we will keep going until there is one left standing. This will be the toughest challenge of all so far.

Successfully earn four numbers and try to log your conversation, you are welcome to paraphrase.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
#1, HB3/4 (apologies for the quality, I am busy this week and just want to finish the mission...)
After dinner, I went to check out the store next door. She is the only person in the shop. We greeted each other and I noticed her English is not authentic.
Me: so r you from other countries?
She: Yes, I'm from A.
Me: Where in A?
She: XXX, it's like an hour from the capital.
Me: I've been to XXX, XXX, XXX (names of the cities in her country).
She: Are you from Country B?
Me: Yes.
She: Where in B?
Me: Near City XXX.
She: Really? I went to high school there!
Me: Really? So do you speak XXX (my native language)?
She: Yeah, a little, )&&@://$ (she tried to speak some.)
We went on and chat a little about her school, brother, family...
Me: Cool. Do you want to connect on like Facebook?
She: Yeah!
Me: Actually just gimme your number (thought about this week's mission, so I handed her my phone).
(She typed in)
Me: alright. Nice meeting you!
(Shake hands)
She:Have a good night!


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Only Leon, SaveaH0 and Clean Pleb remain. Looks like this will be the final challenge. If at least two of you or all three of you complete it, then we will keep going until there is one left standing. This will be the toughest challenge of all so far.

Successfully earn four numbers and try to log your conversation, you are welcome to paraphrase.
Debating whether or not I should do this one, since I have a girlfriend and all lol.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
In a new town... Went to a bar today for one hour... Approached four sets... got shutdown by all the girls in them. Got some dudes' number. Hopefully they will take me to some cool bars this weekend and meet more chicks.

I feel I'm too desperate to get numbers (trying to finish the mission...). Maybe the girls sense that. I gotta take it easy. Three days left. Should be able to pull three numbers.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
#2, HB6, met this girl at the last stop of the night.
Saw her smiling at me, so I went up to her and just like "how are you doing?"
Her: Good. How are you?
Me: I'm good. What's ur name?
Her: XXX. What's your name?
Me: XXX. Where are you from?
Her: Here. You?
Me: XXX.
Her: WOW, that's far.
Kept on going about basic information chat.
Me: You want to grab some drink.
Her: Yeah, what are you getting?
Me: Corona.
Her: I'm not a beer person.
Me: OK. How about taking a patron shot?
... (Continued chatting about what drink we were getting.)
Then I bought ourselves drinks and sat down with her. Kino a little bit.
Tried to get her back to my hotel. She said she couldn't leave her friends.
I felt nothing much was gonna happen between me and her tonight, so I just took her number and went back to my wing.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
#3, HB7, me and my wing came to this restaurant after clubbing the whole night.
We ordered some food. Saw this hot girl sitting at the table behind us. We asked her and her friend to come over and try some of our food.
Her: What is that?
Me: This is ... This is... (Introduced her the food.)
Her: (Tried some) it's really good!
Me: Yeah!
We continued chat about random thing like the languages I spoke, plans for tomorrow etc. She really wants to go to this particular bar, so I'm like "we'll take you there tomorrow!" "Yes! Let's do it." I handed her my phone and she punched in her number.
Hopefully something happens tomorrow haha!
Now back to my hotel and gonna go to bed! Got one left. Should be no problem.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
number today

i saw a HB that obviously wasn't interested in the guy she was talking to so i had to swoop in and take care of the situation. I approached the group and talked to the guy and he said he was trying to spit game so I "informed him" that it was my sister and that he should find some other girls to talk to. So he left.

i was pretty wasted at the time so i'll try to accurately remember what i said
Me: Its whatever, what's your name?
HB: I'm Mona!
Me: oh like Mona lisa? You probably get that all the time, don't you?(sigh....)
HB: Yeah I do lol
HB: I had so much fun here 4 years ago! but now it's kinda lame
Me: Yeah, well you know what I do when I'm not having fun? I make fun.
HB: haha true it's kinda hard when every gross guy is coming up to you and trying to flirt with you
Me: Same, without the guy part of course(she and her friend laughed). So if you aren't trying to make fun, what are you doing here?
HB: Oh well, I have to get drunk first!
Me: you don't look very drunk and your cup is empty
Her: well yea...(may have missed an opportunity)
Me: She what do you do? Are you in school?
Her: I'm out of school
Me: What did you study
Her: Psychology blah blah blah blah
Me: Are you reading my mind right now??(i use this line all the time)
Her: well, I work with correctional psychology so I hope I don't need to.

We continued the small talk, and after that I just asked for her number and told her to call me if the dude came back. She wasn't interested, it may have been because I tried to qualify myself later in the convo. Next time I will do better.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
I typed a long two-approache report just now but forgot to login... The content is all gone... :(

I'm just gonna type in one approach now coz the other one the girl is married.

Spot this HB6 chilling outside the club we were at. She was talking to her friend. I jumped in the conversation.

Me: How are you guys doing?
Them: Good.

Then I went on and talked all the normal topics. "Where are you from?" "What do you do?"... I wasn't sure their relationship, so I'm just trying to be friends with both. He stepped away for a little bit. I took the chance to ask if he were her bf. She said no in very firm way. Then I know she's not really interested in him.

Now it's time to number close.
Me: You should come to visit me in XXX.
Her: Yeah, when I have enough money.
Me: OK.

I pulled my phone out and was about to let her type the number in. At this time, the dude showed up and told me to back off. I was pretty pissed but I don't really want to get into a fight. I said something trying to deescalate the situation. I ended up giving both of them my business cards (At the point, it's probably the only way I can estaish some contact with the girl without fighting.)

This is a sure number close if the dude didn't cxxxblock. I'm still pissed at this time when I type this out. I probably shouldn't, but no one ever tells me to back off. He isn't even his bf.

Prince, please let me know if you count this as my #4. I'm flying home tomorrow. Not sure if I will have time to approach and get a solid number close.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
Never mind, Prince!
#4, HB6, spotted this girl while waiting for our flight. We are heading to the same destination. I saw her eating something.
Me: Execuse me, what are you eating? It looks delicious!
Her: Just xxx from this coffee shop.
Me: Cool. I don't know they sell that!
We went on and chat about what she does, schools we went to, sports we like and etc.
Vibe is good.
Time to take the number.
Me: hey, I think I'll come back. You want to hang out the next time I come?
Her: When are you coming?
Me: I gotta check the schedule of this event.
(Pulled out my phone and handed it to her. She punched in her number.)

Mission accomplished!! We continued chatting until we boarded the plane. I really enjoyed talking to her.

BTW, I almost always meet some nice girls in the airport.
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