Hello Friend,

If this is your first visit to SoSuave, I would advise you to START HERE.

It will be the most efficient use of your time.

And you will learn everything you need to know to become a huge success with women.

Thank you for visiting and have a great day!

2025 Don Juan positivity starter kit( 7 points to get you going !!)


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
It's a new year, and we need some positive energy. Redpill been knocking men down for years now, basically discouraging men. This is gonna be my personal motivation list, and I invite all y'all to both use it and expand it. The incels got more than enough attention, let's focus on men that actually wanna make progress in life!

1.The gym = church.
Like a muslim needs to pray towards Mecca five times a day, you should be hitting the gym like it's a religion( once per day???) It's the foundation of being a Don Juan. Period. Next point.

2.You HAVE to approach.
Cold, warm, stealth , or with intend. Approach is mandatory. I admit I might have said otherwise in the past, but this year it needs to be brought back. Don't forget that more than half of the male population already gave up. These times are golden for men with ballz. You HAVE to talk to women and be able to close the gap. If you don't have it in you, PRACTICE!

3.Masculinity above everything.
credits to @BadBoy89 . Whenever you're in a situation with a woman remember that less is more. So, less talking ,giggling and goofing around. She'll find out about your "evolved emotions and delicate sense of humor " later down the road . Keep frame at ALL TIME! Don't argue, or ask for clarification when she shuts down. Your advice and wisdom should be EARNED. Again, do NOT play any other role than that of an extreme masculine MAN- man. The metro man is dead bruh..

4.Dress to impress . Wherever you go.
Always dress to impress. All your outfits should be fresh to death. Yes ,including gym clothing. Throw away garbage clothes that are either out of fashion or dull due to wear and tear. ( and don't be afraid to encourage each other to be fashionable on the forum! )

5.Go out at least once a month
Credit @Hamurabimbi . I don't ( like to) drink alcohol but it becomes another "problem "that stops me from going out. You HAVE TO go out!! You gotta present yourself and be eager to present yourself to women! I won't condone drinking alcohol, so I think the sweet spot is once per month (like @Hamurabimbi recently said). During the summer you should definitely increase the amount of times you mingle with the people. It's MANDATORY to show yourself because no woman will come knocking on your door...

6.Pave the way towards your bed in detail.( and thus prepare to be lucky)
Quagmire -family guy- style. Giggidi-giggidi. Be sure that EVERY detail in your house( and car!!!) is set up and ready to meet dime pieces. Don't get caught with your guard low when you've been doing all of the above and catch one only to fumble some p000sy because your personal space(s) is /are ill prepared. One great way to ENSURE that you're on point is UP YOUR OWN STANDARDS. Something like a piss stained toilet is a no-go ofcourse. Shower clean. That includes the damn walls! Make your bedroom a fun place to be! Make sure that everything in your house is top-notch.

7.Love women.
Take some time and think about what you like/LOVE about the opposite sex. Let go of past traumas. You're carrying this disdain towards women with you like those rainy comic clouds. Lighten up soldier!!;

Edit: 8. Expand your damn social circle.
Credit to @Solomon . He just made a great thread about this. Read it. https://www.sosuave.net/forum/threa...ial-circle-in-2025.283479/page-2#post-3145761

I'm just freestyling. Would like some of the experienced ones to chime in!!
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
As silly as it sounds, the community needs to hear this lol
On God, and that goes for me too tbh..

At some point you literally shyte your pants when a woman gives you IOI because you see all those millions of horror stories and you run scared before she ever opened her mouth...

Women are silly, cute , organised and hot. Cmon now...
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Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
Reaction score

Hall of Fame Post right here.

Not only do I cosign, but you've given me some shiit I can use.

If I'm Batman, this is a few more gadgets to add to my utility belt.

Gracious :up: :up:

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
9. Stop Taking Women So Serious. If she doesn't respond positively, set your sights on others.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
9. Stop Taking Women So Serious. If she doesn't respond positively, set your sights on others.
Great one !! And this WILL happen inevitably. I always saybghe way I meet her is the way she'll meet the next man. If I got strong IOI the next dude will get the same IOI.

No need to get your panties in a wad and link your honour and pride to such an event. Accept fate and respect your dignity at ALL cost!!


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Another one. ( I am sorry but I forgot who said this otherwise I would credit him ofcourse

10. Real life meetings = everything starts from zero.

No matter how much time you spend talking on the phone/ app, once you meet her you start from zero. This can be really helpful. Don't assume you build enough report and you cab let your guard down.

Meeting her and seeing her resets everything. You should treat her like a complete stranger you meet at a speed date.