1st post of many years


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2014
Reaction score
I stumbled along this website when I was just in high school freshmen year this site has changed me from the afc. I have been reading and trying things an adapting to the game. I've grew to the level where I don't care about getting ***** it's easy now. I'm more focused on building wealth an ****ing *****s when I wanna. Alway gotta be in control ;) no matter what. There are alot of good fellas that contribute to this forum. I couldn't post under my old account never activated it. Now I have so I will be adding some tips n **** when I can. Life is beautiful an everything I come into contact with is an enhancement to it even the chicks who look like models. The best way I noticed to open up is being indirect an everything will fall into your lap. With a few well placed words an being the one in control. When she talks pay attention an read thru the bull**** they say. I have flakes every now an then **** who gives a **** about a flake it was her lost an your gain she made room for the next. Yet it's even better when u **** her an she flakes lets face it some girls just wanna ****. I'm not trying get married lol. 1


New Member
Mar 21, 2014
Reaction score
hmm what would say about a girl in a ltr with lots of iois towards and tells you to follow her on twitter. and when you do... she doesnt follow back.

and when you ask about it acts like she didnt see you follow her (yea right)

would say she is interested at all? (take note i dont have much interest to her)


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Any time social media info is exchanged it's a no go.

ThaMack, love the attitude, brother. That's the way it's gotta be.