166 pick up lines- this is a cracker

The Messiah

Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
This just for fun
600 Pick-Up Lines
1.I'm sorry for staring, but you look like someone I used to know.
2.Shall we talk or continue flirting from a distance?
3.May I have the honor and privilege of sitting next to you?
4.I won a great prize for my pick-up line. Would you like to hear it? "Hi!"
5.Excuse me, I think it's time we met.
6.Actually, I tend to make normal conversation rather than try to dazzle
someone with a Kamikaze one-liner.
7.You're the one I've been saving this seat for.
8.Where we supposed to meet for dinner?
9.What did you say? Oh, I thought you were talking to me?
10.Gosh, you're pretty.
11.You're very easy on the eyes.
12.Your smile is like sunshine.
13.God must have been in a very good mood the day we met.
14.You are the reason men fall in love.
15.Do you have room in you life for a new friend?
16.I just moved into the building and I was wondering if you could recommend a
good restaurant in the neighborhood. Would you like to join me?
17.You know, I'm not just an interesting person, I have a body, too.
18.There is more than what meets the eyes.
19.I'm sensing the intense feelings you have for me...is it my cologne?
20.I would say I like you, but you'd think I was trying to pull a fast one.
21.What can I do to make you mine?
22.I had a dream about you last night. Would you like to make it a reality?
23.You should be someone's wife.
24.If he doesn't show, I'll be right over here.
25.So there you are! I've been looking all over for you.
26.I've been trying to meet a person like you for hours.
27.I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight.
28.Hey, I need your help! My mother says if I don't get a date this weekend,
she's putting me up for adoption.
29.Are you free tonight or will it cost me?
30.Excuse me but I'm doing a report on stamina. Would you be interested in
finding the true meaning of marathon?
31.Of all my relationships, I like sexual the best.
32.Darling, you haven't changed a bit since our divorce.
33.Fine! And you?
34.This is your lucky day, because I just happen to be single.
35.You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met...today.
36.You know you might be asked to leave, you make the other women look bad.
37.Just where do those legs end?
38.What lovely eyes you have, are they yours or did you buy them?
39.You know, my mother says you have the best posture of anyone I know.
40.The best of me is behind me.
41.The girl I'm with, oh, she's my sister.
42.Would you like someone to mix with your drink?
43.Would you come back to my place and pet my dog?
44.Can I be your slave for tonight?
45.Be different, say yes.
46.I'm in advertising. Would you like to be in our next photo shoot?
47.We voted you "The most Beautiful Girl Here" and the grand prize is me.
48.Picture this, you, me, bubble baths, and hot fudge sundaes.
49.Do you believe in the hereafter? Well, then I guess you know what I'm here
50.Motel spelled backward is letom.
51.So, do you like bagels or muffins in the morning?
52.When's our wedding?
53.Bring on the gin, we've just found the tonic.
54.Can I end a sentence with a proposition?
55.Excuse me, weren't you Shirley Maclaine in a past life?
56.Weren't we married in a past life?
57.My parents met at a place like this. Let's get the hell out of here.
58.Funny, you don't look like a democrat.
59.Hi, I'm employed.
60.Mind if I stare at you up close instead of from across the room?
61.Perhaps you recognize me from adult movies.
62.There's an aura about you that's hidden, and I want to bring that aura out.
63.Which is easier? Getting into those pants, or getting out of them?
64.What's your sign?
65.I want to bear all your children.
66.Love is like a rug...walk all over me...lie on me...but no animals allowed.
67.Your eyes, they're as blue as window cleaner.
68.Are those your real eyes?
69.Excuse me, but did you happen to find my Congressional Medal of Honor?
70.Whatever you do, don't ever cut your hair!
71.Would you like to take a shower?
72.You bring new meaning to the word "alien."
73.Take a chance.
74.Always good for you to see me again.
75.Are you actually beautiful or do you remind me of myself?
76.If life is a meat market, you're prime rib.
77.Would you like to be in movies?
78.Don't you know me from somewhere?
79.I'm filthy rich and have 6 weeks to live.
80.My rank is a naval inspector. Let's go to your place for an inspection.
81.Here's your chance to get to know me.
82.I'm choking, I need mouth to mouth.
83.I'm trying to determine after years of therapy and lots of testing, whether
or not I'm allergic to sex.
84.I've been noticing you not noticing me.
85.I'm lost. Which way to your house?
86.Excuse me for not getting up. I broke my ankle falling off my polo pony.
87.Are you interested in a hot slice of conversation?
88.There must be something wrong with my eyes I can't take them off of you.
89.You smell delicious.
90.I thought women like you traveled in packs.
91.My drink is getting lonely, would you like to join me?
92.So when do you think we'll go metric?
93.I'm just a caraway seed in the bakery of life.
94.Sweetness is my weakness.
95.You're so sweet your going to put sugar out of business.
96.Your daddy must be a thief, because he stole the stars from the sky and put
them in your eyes.
97.What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in the room?
98.I had a really bad day and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty
girl smile, so could you please smile for me?
99.Hi, are those really yours?
100.Let's go lie down and talk about it.
101.I was, am, and will be crazy about you.
102.I can raise your blood pressure.
103.I have season tickets to the Timberwolves.
104.I'd gladly give up celibacy to be with you.
105.I am an organ donor, need anything?
106.I'm fit to be tied...and caressed and kissed and...
107.Nothing tastes as good as you look.
108.You must be lost because I have never seen anyone so beautiful here
109.I know my mother would just love you.
110.Today has been a dark cloud, would you care to be the silver lining?
111.What time do you have to be back in heaven?
112.You are truly beautiful, can you cook?
113.You're what God imagined when he said "Let there be woman."
114.You make my eyeballs happy.
115.Did you just smile, or was that the sun coming out?
116.You look like an angel. Welcome to earth.
117.I seem to have lost my phone number, can I have yours?
118.This menu looks good, but you're the most delicious thing here.
119.Hi, I'm interested, what's your name?
120.You must be the real reason for global warming.
121.My sign's right-away, what's yours?
122.So what are the chances that we can engage in anything besides just
123.I saw your picture today...in the dictionary next to the word beautiful.
124.I never knew Barbie Dolls came fully grown.
125.If I told you that you have a nice body, would you hold it against me?
126.Do fries come with that shake?
127.You know what would look great on you? Me!
128.That dress would look great on my bedroom floor.
129.We've got to keep meeting like this.
130.(To a girl that's working) What time do you get off and how?
131.Is it a coincidence that your blouse matches my bed spread?
132.What are you doing later today- tomorrow and the next day?
133.Are you busy the rest of the month?
134.I've desperately am seeking someone of your caliber to explain the
universe to me.
135.Wouldn't we look cute on top of a wedding cake together?
136.Will you marry me for an hour?
137.If I could be anything, I'd love to be your bath water.
138.Would you rather go out or stay in for breakfast in the morning?
139.That dress would look great on the floor next to my bed.
140.You have some nice jewelry. It would look good on my nightstand.
141.Chicks dig me - I wear colored underwear
142.If I gave you a negligee for my birthday, would there be anything in it
for me?
143.That's a nice shirt - can I talk you out of it?
144.Did you clean your pants with Windex? I can practically see myself in
145.Do I know you from somewhere - or is it just that you have your clothes
146.Hi, I'm conducting a feel test of how many women have pierced nipples.
147.What do like for breakfast
148.Can I buy you a drink, or would you just like the money
149.Would you like to have morning coffee with me
150.Lets do breakfast tomorrow. Should I call you or nudge you
151.I don't look like much now, but I'm drinking milk
152.I've had quite a bit to drink tonight & you're beginning to look pretty
153.I've got a thirst baby, and you smell like Gatorade
154.At the photocopier: "Reproducing hey? Can I help?
155.Hi, my name is Chris. How do you like me so far?
156.You look like a girl who has heard every single line in the book - so
what's one more!
157.Bond. James Bond.
158.Excuse me, are you ready to go home yet?
159.Hi, I make more money than you can spend.
160.Hi, can I buy you a car?
161.I'm new in town, can you give me directions to your apartment?
162.Was your father a thief? Because someone stole the stars from the sky, and
put them in your eyes.
163.Was you father an alien? Because there's nothing else like you on earth!
164.If you were a tear in my eye, I would not cry for fear of losing you.
165.I know this is going to sound like a line, but did that sound like a line?
Are you disappointed?
166.Do you have a 40 cents? Too bad, because I need to call my mother and tell
her I just found the woman of my dreams.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
I like some. Thanks!

But, isn't the best line simply "Hi, I noticed you there and just wanted to talk to you" ?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
The Messiah said:
This just for fun
600 Pick-Up Lines
1.I'm sorry for staring, but you look like someone I used to know.
2.Shall we talk or continue flirting from a distance?
3.May I have the honor and privilege of sitting next to you?
4.I won a great prize for my pick-up line. Would you like to hear it? "Hi!"
5.Excuse me, I think it's time we met.
6.Actually, I tend to make normal conversation rather than try to dazzle
someone with a Kamikaze one-liner.
7.You're the one I've been saving this seat for.
8.Where we supposed to meet for dinner?
9.What did you say? Oh, I thought you were talking to me?
10.Gosh, you're pretty.
11.You're very easy on the eyes.
12.Your smile is like sunshine.
13.God must have been in a very good mood the day we met.
14.You are the reason men fall in love.
15.Do you have room in you life for a new friend?
16.I just moved into the building and I was wondering if you could recommend a
good restaurant in the neighborhood. Would you like to join me?
17.You know, I'm not just an interesting person, I have a body, too.
18.There is more than what meets the eyes.
19.I'm sensing the intense feelings you have for me...is it my cologne?
20.I would say I like you, but you'd think I was trying to pull a fast one.
21.What can I do to make you mine?
22.I had a dream about you last night. Would you like to make it a reality?
23.You should be someone's wife.
24.If he doesn't show, I'll be right over here.
25.So there you are! I've been looking all over for you.
26.I've been trying to meet a person like you for hours.
27.I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight.
28.Hey, I need your help! My mother says if I don't get a date this weekend,
she's putting me up for adoption.
29.Are you free tonight or will it cost me?
30.Excuse me but I'm doing a report on stamina. Would you be interested in
finding the true meaning of marathon?
31.Of all my relationships, I like sexual the best.
32.Darling, you haven't changed a bit since our divorce.
33.Fine! And you?
34.This is your lucky day, because I just happen to be single.
35.You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met...today.
36.You know you might be asked to leave, you make the other women look bad.
37.Just where do those legs end?
38.What lovely eyes you have, are they yours or did you buy them?
39.You know, my mother says you have the best posture of anyone I know.
40.The best of me is behind me.
41.The girl I'm with, oh, she's my sister.
42.Would you like someone to mix with your drink?
43.Would you come back to my place and pet my dog?
44.Can I be your slave for tonight?
45.Be different, say yes.
46.I'm in advertising. Would you like to be in our next photo shoot?
47.We voted you "The most Beautiful Girl Here" and the grand prize is me.
48.Picture this, you, me, bubble baths, and hot fudge sundaes.
49.Do you believe in the hereafter? Well, then I guess you know what I'm here
50.Motel spelled backward is letom.
51.So, do you like bagels or muffins in the morning?
52.When's our wedding?
53.Bring on the gin, we've just found the tonic.
54.Can I end a sentence with a proposition?
55.Excuse me, weren't you Shirley Maclaine in a past life?
56.Weren't we married in a past life?
57.My parents met at a place like this. Let's get the hell out of here.
58.Funny, you don't look like a democrat.
59.Hi, I'm employed.
60.Mind if I stare at you up close instead of from across the room?
61.Perhaps you recognize me from adult movies.
62.There's an aura about you that's hidden, and I want to bring that aura out.
63.Which is easier? Getting into those pants, or getting out of them?
64.What's your sign?
65.I want to bear all your children.
66.Love is like a rug...walk all over me...lie on me...but no animals allowed.
67.Your eyes, they're as blue as window cleaner.
68.Are those your real eyes?
69.Excuse me, but did you happen to find my Congressional Medal of Honor?
70.Whatever you do, don't ever cut your hair!
71.Would you like to take a shower?
72.You bring new meaning to the word "alien."
73.Take a chance.
74.Always good for you to see me again.
75.Are you actually beautiful or do you remind me of myself?
76.If life is a meat market, you're prime rib.
77.Would you like to be in movies?
78.Don't you know me from somewhere?
79.I'm filthy rich and have 6 weeks to live.
80.My rank is a naval inspector. Let's go to your place for an inspection.
81.Here's your chance to get to know me.
82.I'm choking, I need mouth to mouth.
83.I'm trying to determine after years of therapy and lots of testing, whether
or not I'm allergic to sex.
84.I've been noticing you not noticing me.
85.I'm lost. Which way to your house?
86.Excuse me for not getting up. I broke my ankle falling off my polo pony.
87.Are you interested in a hot slice of conversation?
88.There must be something wrong with my eyes I can't take them off of you.
89.You smell delicious.
90.I thought women like you traveled in packs.
91.My drink is getting lonely, would you like to join me?
92.So when do you think we'll go metric?
93.I'm just a caraway seed in the bakery of life.
94.Sweetness is my weakness.
95.You're so sweet your going to put sugar out of business.
96.Your daddy must be a thief, because he stole the stars from the sky and put
them in your eyes.
97.What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in the room?
98.I had a really bad day and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty
girl smile, so could you please smile for me?
99.Hi, are those really yours?
100.Let's go lie down and talk about it.
101.I was, am, and will be crazy about you.
102.I can raise your blood pressure.
103.I have season tickets to the Timberwolves.
104.I'd gladly give up celibacy to be with you.
105.I am an organ donor, need anything?
106.I'm fit to be tied...and caressed and kissed and...
107.Nothing tastes as good as you look.
108.You must be lost because I have never seen anyone so beautiful here
109.I know my mother would just love you.
110.Today has been a dark cloud, would you care to be the silver lining?
111.What time do you have to be back in heaven?
112.You are truly beautiful, can you cook?
113.You're what God imagined when he said "Let there be woman."
114.You make my eyeballs happy.
115.Did you just smile, or was that the sun coming out?
116.You look like an angel. Welcome to earth.
117.I seem to have lost my phone number, can I have yours?
118.This menu looks good, but you're the most delicious thing here.
119.Hi, I'm interested, what's your name?
120.You must be the real reason for global warming.
121.My sign's right-away, what's yours?
122.So what are the chances that we can engage in anything besides just
123.I saw your picture today...in the dictionary next to the word beautiful.
124.I never knew Barbie Dolls came fully grown.
125.If I told you that you have a nice body, would you hold it against me?
126.Do fries come with that shake?
127.You know what would look great on you? Me!
128.That dress would look great on my bedroom floor.
129.We've got to keep meeting like this.
130.(To a girl that's working) What time do you get off and how?
131.Is it a coincidence that your blouse matches my bed spread?
132.What are you doing later today- tomorrow and the next day?
133.Are you busy the rest of the month?
134.I've desperately am seeking someone of your caliber to explain the
universe to me.
135.Wouldn't we look cute on top of a wedding cake together?
136.Will you marry me for an hour?
137.If I could be anything, I'd love to be your bath water.
138.Would you rather go out or stay in for breakfast in the morning?
139.That dress would look great on the floor next to my bed.
140.You have some nice jewelry. It would look good on my nightstand.
141.Chicks dig me - I wear colored underwear
142.If I gave you a negligee for my birthday, would there be anything in it
for me?
143.That's a nice shirt - can I talk you out of it?
144.Did you clean your pants with Windex? I can practically see myself in
145.Do I know you from somewhere - or is it just that you have your clothes
146.Hi, I'm conducting a feel test of how many women have pierced nipples.
147.What do like for breakfast
148.Can I buy you a drink, or would you just like the money
149.Would you like to have morning coffee with me
150.Lets do breakfast tomorrow. Should I call you or nudge you
151.I don't look like much now, but I'm drinking milk
152.I've had quite a bit to drink tonight & you're beginning to look pretty
153.I've got a thirst baby, and you smell like Gatorade
154.At the photocopier: "Reproducing hey? Can I help?
155.Hi, my name is Chris. How do you like me so far?
156.You look like a girl who has heard every single line in the book - so
what's one more!
157.Bond. James Bond.
158.Excuse me, are you ready to go home yet?
159.Hi, I make more money than you can spend.
160.Hi, can I buy you a car?
161.I'm new in town, can you give me directions to your apartment?
162.Was your father a thief? Because someone stole the stars from the sky, and
put them in your eyes.
163.Was you father an alien? Because there's nothing else like you on earth!
164.If you were a tear in my eye, I would not cry for fear of losing you.
165.I know this is going to sound like a line, but did that sound like a line?
Are you disappointed?
166.Do you have a 40 cents? Too bad, because I need to call my mother and tell
her I just found the woman of my dreams.
A lot of these are from David DeAnglo's ****y and Funny. I'm not sure if you can post these up without the authors permission, but this should be in Don Juan Tips anyway. If you are going to use them make sure you and being ****y and Funny about it, or you will just seem like a loser AFC.

The Messiah

Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
yea but some of them are really stupid and will immediately lighten up the mood, if you only use one or 2

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
The Messiah said:
yea but some of them are really stupid and will immediately lighten up the mood, if you only use one or 2
Then what do you do? Do you just keep feeding her lines until you run out?

The Messiah

Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
Are you stupid or something. You can use them as an introduction to get her laughing or smiling


Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
i took the :"You are beutiful, do you know how to cook?"


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
The Messiah said:
Are you stupid or something. You can use them as an introduction to get her laughing or smiling
I have done cold approaches without a canned pickup line. I do just fine without them and come off as natural instead of robotic.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
I swear pickup lines are made more to amuse us guys then to pick up women cause they making me lmao but id never use one to try and pickup a chick


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
153.I've got a thirst baby, and you smell like Gatorade
154.At the photocopier: "Reproducing hey? Can I help?
165.I know this is going to sound like a line, but did that sound like a line?

These are my favorite, how about "Your name must be campbell, cuz your mm mm good."


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
Babnik said:
But, isn't the best line simply "Hi, I noticed you there and just wanted to talk to you" ?
Yes, this IS the way to go, but you better be attractive (i.e. body language, clothing, grooming, eye contact etc.) and have something to immediately talk about for after she says ok because after that you need to get this thing going and in most cases she will not help you. Have something funny to say about what's going on around you or about what she's doing and start flirting.



Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
do you work at subway? cuz you just gave me a foot long