10 Things SoSuavers need to Realize / Change


Oct 3, 2020
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1) Women are not evil, they are not all monsters that are trying to eat you soul, sleep with your best friends and break your heart while laughing

2) Women should not be anywhere near the top of your list of priorities. IF you don't have money to make, or passions/hobbies/ or a social life, then you got your priorities all the way f-ed up.

3) You wonder why you are having issues with women, but fail to realize you lack confidence in yourself. Ever thought of putting 2 and 2 together? A'duh.

4) A lot of the philosophies you follow are made by a bunch of former World of Warcraft and Dungeons & Dragons playing nerds turned PUA's. These are scorned philosophies by men who have been hurt by woman ove rand over, the biggest scorned philosophy is called REDPILL. and it's slowly killing you.

5) Learn to not use these nerd-made concepts about women and understand women are vastly different from individual to individual. Just like men, DUH! ("NO, but I thought all women were the same!" "I READ IT ONLINE"

6) Get out there in the real world, put the books down, and start meeting women and learning to talk to them. Some of you never even had female friends, yet want to get pu$$y to smash on the regular. You have your sh.it ass backwards because you lack the basic understandings of how women work, and can only go based off s.hit you read.

7) Experience is everything. It trumps what you will learn in books, because books are based off someone elses perspective. Your experiences are going to be unique to you based on your own personality and persona.

8) Sexual confidence is key in modern casual dating. If you are not a sexually confident man, you need not be going out on dates, unless you want to learn about women through casual conversation and playful dates, which is fine too.

9) Not all women want things to move super fast. There are women and people out there who didn't have sex for the first 2-3 years that they had been dating. Sounds crazy right? Yeah, not everyone lives by superficial standards and for some, sex isn't the priority.

10) The best way to not get caught in a moment of scarcity and scarcity based thinking is, to have multiple options. As a man, you should be talking to girls you've met in your social circles, maybe in work circles, maybe through social media and dating apps, school, and wherever else. It's not hard to be busy wit different women, or even just friends and hobbies that keep you fulfilled. AKA stop staring at the text messages you have with that one girl and wondering why she stopped talking or didn't respond back in 1 day.

11) Know Thyself. Not everyone is or was meant to be a player. Some of you who may be trying to be one are in a huge uphill battle that you may never conquer. There are basics to being a player.. If you have premature ejaculation, a small penis or any penis related issues, tis safe to say, you probably were not made to be a player and it would be really hard for you to do otherwise. If you don't have a great job, a good social life, or genuine stuff to keep you fulfilled, you will be hurt, and hurt bad by some woman or another, because You are human.

If you were not meant to be a player, and dont have what it takes to be one, accept it. The sooner you accept it, the more quickly you can start working on the things you need to work to find a great partner or even casually date properly.


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2020
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1) Women are not evil, they are not all monsters that are trying to eat you soul, sleep with your best friends and break your heart while laughing

2) Women should not be anywhere near the top of your list of priorities. IF you don't have money to make, or passions/hobbies/ or a social life, then you got your priorities all the way f-ed up.

3) You wonder why you are having issues with women, but fail to realize you lack confidence in yourself. Ever thought of putting 2 and 2 together? A'duh.

4) A lot of the philosophies you follow are made by a bunch of former World of Warcraft and Dungeons & Dragons playing nerds turned PUA's. These are scorned philosophies by men who have been hurt by woman ove rand over, the biggest scorned philosophy is called REDPILL. and it's slowly killing you.

5) Learn to not use these nerd-made concepts about women and understand women are vastly different from individual to individual. Just like men, DUH! ("NO, but I thought all women were the same!" "I READ IT ONLINE"

6) Get out there in the real world, put the books down, and start meeting women and learning to talk to them. Some of you never even had female friends, yet want to get pu$$y to smash on the regular. You have your sh.it ass backwards because you lack the basic understandings of how women work, and can only go based off s.hit you read.

7) Experience is everything. It trumps what you will learn in books, because books are based off someone elses perspective. Your experiences are going to be unique to you based on your own personality and persona.

8) Sexual confidence is key in modern casual dating. If you are not a sexually confident man, you need not be going out on dates, unless you want to learn about women through casual conversation and playful dates, which is fine too.

9) Not all women want things to move super fast. There are women and people out there who didn't have sex for the first 2-3 years that they had been dating. Sounds crazy right? Yeah, not everyone lives by superficial standards and for some, sex isn't the priority.

10) The best way to not get caught in a moment of scarcity and scarcity based thinking is, to have multiple options. As a man, you should be talking to girls you've met in your social circles, maybe in work circles, maybe through social media and dating apps, school, and wherever else. It's not hard to be busy wit different women, or even just friends and hobbies that keep you fulfilled. AKA stop staring at the text messages you have with that one girl and wondering why she stopped talking or didn't respond back in 1 day.

11) Know Thyself. Not everyone is or was meant to be a player. Some of you who may be trying to be one are in a huge uphill battle that you may never conquer. There are basics to being a player.. If you have premature ejaculation, a small penis or any penis related issues, tis safe to say, you probably were not made to be a player and it would be really hard for you to do otherwise. If you don't have a great job, a good social life, or genuine stuff to keep you fulfilled, you will be hurt, and hurt bad by some woman or another, because You are human.

If you were not meant to be a player, and dont have what it takes to be one, accept it. The sooner you accept it, the more quickly you can start working on the things you need to work to find a great partner or even casually date properly.
1) Nobody claims that women are evil, they are different

2) agreed

3) That might be one reason for failing with women but it's not necessarily the only reason

4) assumptions and attacks against people you don't even know personally . Yeah ofc we are all nerds here

5) Women are different from individual to individual but they are all the same fundamentally just like we men are the same fundamentally. We are not 100 % the same but there are many similarities.

6) Yeah you gotta take action but that doesn't mean that you are not allowed to read books.

7) Books are not always based on experiences. Some books are based on facts.

8) You're right.

9) This is an extremely naive point of view imo. That's the reason why some guys wife up hoes. These guys believe that the girl they are dating is a '' good girl '' because she makes him wait for sex. The reality is that she doesn't let every guy wait for sex, she just wants you to adapt a different image of her so you consider her for an LTR or marriage.

10 ) 100 %

11 ) Ok, what does penis size has to do with being a player? I had sex with different girls and treated them like sex dolls even though i have a 5 inch penis. I didn't even know that my penis is below average- average back then. You obviously watch too much porn.
Premature ejaculation is something you can work on.
Being a player with an idgaf mindset starts in your head. Not by comparing yourself to other '' players ''.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
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My bullets:

1. Marriage for the purpose of raising kids only.

2. Actions over words.

3. The interested ones make it easy.

4. Not all women are full blown bpd nuts.

5. It was just your turn, take it easy.

6. You will find another one guaranteed.

7. Prioritise fitness, money, career, family, social skills, support system/friends over plates.

8. Monk mode or 2+ woman. Never go for 1.

9. Don't risk it, wrap your biscuit.

10. The moment a woman becomes a bigger priority than your life, she does you a favour and walks away.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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12) Lists of 10 shouldn't contain 11 items ;)
Clearly you've never seen This Is Spinal Tap.

Good list, OP, though I'd nitpick here or there. Know Thyself can encompass so much more, and "player" is a relative term, anyway. It's just a matter of enjoying a healthy love and sex life that works for you. But I get what you're saying...I think people want to latch onto an identity rather than be true to what they want, sometimes.

Above all else, get out there and gain experience. There's so many different viewpoints here because so many guys have different histories. Read, reflect, but most importantly, do.


Oct 3, 2020
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11 ) Ok, what does penis size has to do with being a player? I had sex with different girls and treated them like sex dolls even though i have a 5 inch penis. I didn't even know that my penis is below average- average back then. You obviously watch too much porn.
Premature ejaculation is something you can work on.
Being a player with an idgaf mindset starts in your head. Not by comparing yourself to other '' players ''.
I think you overthought that one. Lets just say, your penis is a car, and if the girls' ***** is a 4 lane tunnel, good luck. Small has more to do with girth than it does length btw


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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I agree, there's way too much "theory" on here where people post stuff about some article or book or what have you that they read. As you mentioned, which has also been touched upon by others I've seen on this forum, is you have a bunch of men who due to a set of circumstances have lives where there are virtually NO women around in any form. I don't mean in regards to dating, but just in a social type setting or even at a work place. When you are around nothing but men you won't really know how to interact with women and it will feel and come across as awkward when you do have them around. This is actually a very common trend among men, myself included, and can definitely be an issue.

Think about a scenario like this; Mark is an electrician, or insert any other male dominated job, and is what anyone would consider a normal guy. He has a handful of buddies that he chills with on the weekends, has a decent place of his own, etc. However, unless he is fortunate enough to have a social circle where he is able to meet women through acquaintances he is not going to have access to them. Mark would have to go OUT of his way to meet women and put in a lot of effort to do so, which he might not even have the time or energy for due to having other priorities in his life. A man like Mark is actually very common among men who are still single getting past their mid 20s. '

I could drone on for pages but the basic take home is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to meet a potential quality partner. Look at any OLD site or app, you are going to tell me that a man like Mark should be dating the trash you see on there?