Search results

  1. D

    Height is really important to women?

    Haha, no man, I'm not saying to go pick on somebody. That's dumb. This guy obviously has some height insecurities, so he needs to deal with them. I suggested learning how to fight and then telling a big bully to stop bullying. I didn't say instigate a fight, I said calmly put the big tub of...
  2. D

    Height is really important to women?

    I'm 5'7" 140 man. I've been this height since highschool and I've weighed anywhere between 125-170, getting chicks at any point in the spectrum. I suggest you learn how to fight. Then go talk smack to some 6'2 220 guy who looks like he lives at the gym. Find some guy who is bullying people...
  3. D

    Kissing - When and how do you do it?

    I don't think how you kiss is determined by "how she is responding". Like dancing, girls totally follow your lead while kissing as well. Just to give me some credibility, I've been called "The Makeout King" by girlfriends of girls that I've kissed. When I heard it the first time I couldn't...
  4. D

    Vices and the Game

    Good for you Zunder. I haven't had a drink in over 3 years. I'm 26 now. One thought that may help you is: Don't look at it as a failure on your part that you aren't going to be drinking anymore. That's silly man, as alcohol has no benefits to the body anyway..ZERO. It hurts almost every...
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    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    Lot of house still out there Bullman, and a lot more coming. If it plummets down again, I'm all in with ya.
  6. D

    Lingering Bitterness in Pursuit of Manhood

    Keep doin what yer doin man; you're WAY ahead of the game. All those people are gonna end up with some form of business/finance degree, crunching numbers for some BS company, financing a car, financing a condo in the city, and all while still trying to get drunk on the weekends and maybe a week...
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    Muscleman's Journal

    The one thing that made my social life pop was quitting alcohol. It's akin to a giant piece of flair floating above me that says, "Look at this guy, he doesn't need alcohol to talk to chicks. How come?" Every girl wants to know the how come part. It's why they keep talking to me, coming over...
  8. D

    18 year old chicks

    Check this out guys. First off I don't want chumps responding; this is for men who get women, period. I have this apartment that is frequented by women; it's a nice setup here. This hot little 18 year old from the neighborhood where I live picked me up a month ago, and we've been hangin...
  9. D

    How many girls have you done, the poll

    I'm 24 and I've banged 38 chicks. This number is super low for me because I spent college dating a girl the whole time while cheating on her in the summers. She studied in France for a year and and i only bagged about 8-10 that year. I spent the whole time drunk in college, but man if I...
  10. D

    dont you want somebody to love?

    There's nothing to be scared of entering a relationship. IMO, if you walk the walk, any girl is gonna fall head over heals for you; the cool ones will too. I find 1 night stands to be kinda pointless past the age of i dunno, i guess ill round up to 25. I'm 24 and I refuse them. I'm more...
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    Routine Snooch

    Man don't you guys hate it when you haven't met a new chick in a while and you just keep hookin up with all the old chicks in yer life? My ex that i dumped almost a year ago is tipsy right now and wants to come over and bang. After a lil hard to get I will undoubtedly give in. Last night was...
  12. D

    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    Duffdog open your eyes man. Move to a big city and watch the commute in every day. Tell me that isn't the biggest joke ever pulled over the eyes of man; population control at its simplest. All these people live free, but why does living free not feel free?
  13. D

    Advice: Addiction

    Honestly dude, it's not about how often, or with who, or anything like that. If you think it's starting to become a problem, then it is. Quit and see if you like yourself better. If there's anything this site should teach you, it's that you don't need alcohol now to approach women. So what's...
  14. D

    Was this an alpha response or not?

    Now go print up a fake syllabus and teach her a lesson.