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  1. C

    Take this seduction style quiz

    Haven't stopped by in a while... see this thread... +1 charlatan.
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    Bad hearing-My #1 problem

    would you really want to hear everything she says?
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    Hottest woman in the world

    There is a reason that there are menus in restaurants: tastes differ.
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    you know what has to be the worst job ever?

    the people in those commercials get paid good money and do nothing. I am sure no one would walk up to him and say "you're the Valtrex guy"
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    To everyone who speaks SPANISH

    ¿Porqué usted? I would think you would refer to her on a more personal level. also, I haven't used spanish in years but I thought you would refer to a girl as bella. ¡Oye extranjera bella! Tú me inspiras a aprender español (or tu lengua). Deseo para ti un fin de semana maravilloso con tu...
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    If Bill Gates were single

    I agree. It would take the most unreasonable woman to risk half the money of the richest guy in the world.
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    National Merit Semi-finalists.

    it depends on the state. I think it ranged from 200-212 when I was in high school
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    SAVING MONEY can make you poor!

    now, if you don't mind me asking, how do you guys get a good sized zero down mortgage?
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    Gas price discussion

    Lost In Translation, oil is traded in a free market. China and India have greatly increased their usage of oil. So should the oil companies sell to consumers at less than what they could sell it for on the market.
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    Gas price discussion

    we are not taking the oil. the oil industry is not running at full compacity becasue of so many acts of sabotage. Where do you find that the US is just pocketing the oil?
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    Gas price discussion

    The reason why many Americans don't trust the Middle East is because of terrorists. Not because they have oil.
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    Gas price discussion

    aren't oil deliveries publicly traded? If they go up, shouldn't the price of gasoline go up? correct me if I am wrong but I always had the impression that Haliburton provided services for oil companies( e.g made drills), not steal other countries' oil.
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    Fat Man In Merc Sues And The Gender Pay Gap

    yeah, but if they sold it to him when he was at that weight and they knew he couldn't use that car, I can see why he would be upset.
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    Anyone here go to Penn State?

    If I were you and studying abroad, I would go to a school in New York City.
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    Anyone here go to Penn State?

    if you are going to study abroad in the US, Study abroad in a city with lots of mass transit. If you go to Penn State, you will see very little else.
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    Scientology? Can this help me get any girl I want?

    could you explain the black magic connection?
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    Scientology? Can this help me get any girl I want?

    Mike, no offense, but if you feel so strongly about scientology you should defend it. Don't say that anyone who criticizes it is afraid of the truth it teaches
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    Scientology? Can this help me get any girl I want?

    Duke, awesome site. The fishman affidavit is great. Mike, Did you learn about Xenu yet? By the way,
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    no offense, but the international banking conspiracy needs some hard evidence. also september 11 killed some high level investment bankers. maybe they tried to take down the conspiracy? I agree with some of his criticisms but come on.
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    I want financial freedom by the time I'm 21

    if money is tight, it might take awhile to sell unused land.