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  1. T


    so only 3 more days of school left until summer!! whoo! i'm gonna be a junior next year, i'm psyched. now over the summer i'm planning a minor physical makeover, buy some new clothes, cut my hair really short just to see all the stages of length it goes through and find out what fits best...
  2. T

    I hate douchebags like this.

    Ok so i almost never visit this site anymore because i just dont need it now. this is my first visit in a while. BUT! i have a situational problem with which i need to talk about with someone. ok. so one day i was talking to this really cute girl while we were both walking to the bus stop...
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    Being Bold

    Hey guys, just wanted to ask a simple yet important question that hugely affects all aspects of life: what do you guys do to make yourself do something that takes balls? you know those times where you KNOW something you could do would have a positive outcome and theres nothing to lose, but...
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    morningggs :\

    sup guys. so ive been doin great lately, ive been more social than i ever was, havin lots of fun, spreading joy and whatnot. but see this usually doesnt kick in until like 3rd period, where i actually start to be funny, extroverted, fun, and all that. and then i'm at my best AFTER school has...
  5. T


    hey guys, so so far my rule about losing my virginity has been that i would like to lose my v-card on another virgin. you know, cause i can only lose it on one girl, so you only get one chance to experience virgin-on-virgin sex. personally i think that would be pretty awesome, cuz itd be a first...
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    Weird vs. Awkward

    just a thought. weird and awkward are different things. being a lil weird is ok if not even good. awkward is bad though, you do not want that. its ok to be a lil random though. like theres this kinda wierd kid at my school ( alot of people say hes weird) but he also has high social status and...
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    On Parties

    to put it briefly(somewhat): wtf? where are all the parties at? i thought high school would be a partyrific ride with all kinds of sh*t goin down every weekend. instead most of my weekends are spent at my friends house playing airsoft (which we do alot) or makin movies or just playin games...
  8. T

    is weed bad?

    man i dont even know anymore; all i hear is good things about it now except from my health teacher whos the only person i know who says its bad, and she thinks sex before marriage is bad so no one really pays any attention to her anyway. i guess it can be abused of course, but i dunno ive never...
  9. T

    when they stop texting

    so i was texting this chick back and forth for about 10 messages and then i ask if she wants to hang tomorrow and that was it. its not important or anything, i just want to know what this means because it happens to me a few times. was it because she couldn't anymore or didnt get my msg or...
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    Getting numbers in HS

    So I found this site over the summer (well for the 2nd time, the first time was a while ago and i didnt stay for very long) and i've read quite a bit of material here and have been having lots of success compared to last year for the first 3 weeks of school. I've been approaching new people...