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  1. P


    Stuttering is a physical thing, but the conscious may exacerbate it, because you are fearful of stuttering, and thus because of this conscious thought of making an error, it may cause you to error. Here is the physical cure for stuttering...
  2. P

    At what age do women start thinking of settling down?

    It starts at birth - it's a feminine design, The "weaker" always seeks security.
  3. P

    Needing advice on home life, parents & their influence

    your father is doing pretty good if he is dishing out that amount of money - give him credit. And if your mother cooks and cleans, that is because that is what a mother and a wife suppose to do! Everybody has their idiosyncrasies - we all have our own personalities!
  4. P

    Why would an ex tell me she loves me after sex?

    Hors "love" every body, and no one, at the same time!
  5. P

    On American Women

    The truth is not "traditional" - traditional implying "temporary". The Truth is everlasting, it was, is, and always shall be!! No such thing as A "SINGLE" mother - our existence is a duality! The Natural Order Of Things! The "modern' single mother is an euphemism for "a hor with a baby"...
  6. P

    did she do something wrong last night?

    No one has mentioned the fact that you took her to the hospital, Yet she now doesn't want to see you, or have you see her?? Why not? The eye excuse is bogus unless her whole face swelled up and she looks hideous - but she would have told you this. After taking her to the hospital, she should...
  7. P

    Man jailed for not supporting someone else's kid

    He should tell the judge to go to hell - and then he should sue the hor to get his money back!!
  8. P

    Women are Devilish Wh0res

    Errrrr, WRONG!!!! As an observer, one can see the true nature of a thing!! Why can't he? Observation is a tool of discovery and knowing! Would anyone know how they look without a reflection? Can there be a reaction without an action? A hor is one who goes against her femininity - lifetime...
  9. P

    Psychologist chick is perfect... I ruined it.

    And you believe her story? Sounds a bit strange to me! She is full of shyt - and if you are close to her then you will smell like shyt too!! Don't be a turd!!
  10. P

    With my GF in the club. WTF!

    There are 100's of psychological (study of the mind) insights into your scenario! But let me be blunt with you. Your girlfriend is a hor!!! Is that really such a grand revelation to you?? It shouldn't be! For she has already hored with you! Is she a virgin? No? Then tell me., what is to...
  11. P

    dominance / demanding

    The male is naturally dominant, so it, his dominance, doesn't need to flaunted - overused, used unnecessarily. If his dominance is flaunted, then he is considered "demanding'. So when men make demands, then it is a natural occurrence, because he is following his natural dictates. Women are not...
  12. P

    My plate is pregnant what should I do.

    Would it be a shock to you that maybe just maybe you are sterile, and that if she is pregnant - then the baby may, in fact, not be yours? Why are you telling your mom and others all this drama when you may not be the father? And don't give me the line that she's a good Albanian girl and...
  13. P

    How to get your girl to lose weight

    How to get your girl to lose weight Cut off her leg! Put some meat in her coat jacket and then release the pit bulls!
  14. P

    Why can't mothers stay slim like in the old days?

    Why can't mothers stay slim like in the old days? Because they are too filled with sperm and delusions!
  15. P

    Here I am.

    It's about understanding the mind of the woman and her deviant nature as the hor! Two different mindsets. Most of the DJ Bible and comments from posters here, relate to the hor mindset and thus behavior - not the woman's! There is a core reasoning to human behavior, and so there is a science...
  16. P

    Objective: The Soul Mate/Quality Woman Peace Treaty!

    Great Post VU! Haha, you forgot to add that PSYCHO has his hand on the trigger and is at the control center dropping bombs of TRUTH! :D You have a PSYCHO's hand on the trigger - don't you love it!? :D The answer lies in truth not moderation! The Truth of the masculine (man) forming a PROPER...
  17. P

    Women are Devilish Wh0res

    Love women, hate hors! This is the solution for all "modern" men - to rid themselves of their many woes!!! This is mind control - The Matrix! How about just telling the Truth? :rolleyes: The truth is the master of the lie, and liar!
  18. P

    My plate is pregnant what should I do.

    What in sam-hill??? How do you get a plate pregnant? Did you get excited while washing the dishes or something? Plates don't get pregnant but hors do! Thus, this is why I say, "Say 'No' to hos" - because they will inevitably damage your mental and/or physical state - sometimes forever - a...
  19. P

    My plate is pregnant what should I do.

    GOL, this iIS an issue of morality. The American family, in large numbers, is destroyed because of exactly this scenario, this is a fact and obvious.
  20. P

    Women are Devilish Wh0res

    Just "Say 'No' to Hos!!!"