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  1. S

    GF didn't get wet tonight ...

    she may have had her mind on other things, that happens from time to time as the stress of life and worries can get in the way of feeling in the moment. don't let it worry you unless it becomes a daily thing.
  2. S

    Is 5'8 considered short for a male?

    haha that youtube video was pretty funny, and i think shortness doesn't really matter unless you let it get to you. or if you're danny devito.
  3. S

    this may seem odd, but i need some help

    yeah i think scott is a smart guy, although i dont know what im going to do if i get rejected. i guess i'll deal with that when and if it happens.
  4. S

    this may seem odd, but i need some help

    that's actually a good idea. i mean i shouldnt be surprised about having to make the first move, because i have pretty much the entire relationship which makes me wonder sometimes if he's really into me or just so shy. i was hoping i wouldnt have to but i guess it's not so bad, at least i'll...
  5. S

    lesson learned: don't **** where you eat

    it sounds to me like you're being used by this girl. she wants you all to herself but she still wants to keep her options open. i'd say either stop what you're doing with her or try and keep it casual. if she gets mad about you seeing other girls, then confront her and ask her what the deal...
  6. S

    this may seem odd, but i need some help

    it's not that he's not up for it, he's intimidated by my track record i guess.
  7. S

    this may seem odd, but i need some help

    i bet you would, and believe me i feel so dumb resorting to a forum to try and get my man to have sex with me. it's probably a bad plan, just thought it couldn't hurt to try and get some eyesight from other guys who may have the same problem approaching sex.
  8. S

    Why do some women pull this crap?

    sounds like you hit the nail on the head. some girls like to mess with guys, they want to get a rise out of you and see you get jealous. if you see her again, don't ignore her but at the same time don't roll your eyes and act pissed off at her presence. just be cordial and short, she'll...
  9. S

    this may seem odd, but i need some help

    I was google searching something and I got this website, and although I am a girl and I realize this is a guy's forum, I figured you all might still be able to help me out. And if you want to ask me something, I'll definately give you my honest opinion. My problem- I'm dating a 21 year old...