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  1. M

    Confused and in need of advice

    Thanks for the responses. I do want to talk to her about it. But I have been led to believe that asking a woman about or for anything is pretty much the kiss of death. It seems like every time I have ever asked a woman about some relationship issue, or in any way made it clear that I want...
  2. M

    Confused and in need of advice

    Alright Plowman, fair enough. I see your point. But I just don't comprehend how one goes about "going for it" when a woman is acting so closed off. I initiated kino several times, DESPITE the fact that she was closed off, and she eventually responded --ever so slightly -- when I backed...
  3. M

    Confused and in need of advice

    Everyone, I've been seeing a woman as of late -- we've gone out three times and have always had fun. I went for the kiss at the end of the second date, and although it seemed to take her by surprise, and she actually kind of made a joke afterwards like she was going to shake my hand and say...
  4. M

    Question from a Newbie

    Alright, so I called her last night after waiting for almost two days. She didn't answer, so I went ahead and left a message. I didn't get too in depth or anything...I just said hello, said it was great running into her at the concert, and then told her I said some interesting ideas of fun...
  5. M

    Question from a Newbie

    An update for those who chimed in earlier... Well guys, I may have a foot in the door with this girl after all. If you recall, I got her number and she gave me a wishy-washy "maybe" answer. I tried calling her once (got no answer) and basically decided to just let things be. I knew I'd see...
  6. M

    Question from a Newbie

    Thanks Espi. I definitely see the wisdom in just pretending it didn't happen, or if it does come up, acting nonchalant or even playful about it. I appreciate the advice!
  7. M

    Question from a Newbie

    What should I do if she brings it up? Feign ignorance? Turn it on her and say something like "yeah, I saw you. Why didn't you stop and say hello?" Or something altogether different?
  8. M

    Question from a Newbie

    Alright, here's an update for anyone who would care to comment: I decided to just let things be for now. I didn't try to call her tonight, although I think I will give it a shot tomorrow night and try to set something up for next week. If I get her, I'm just going to ask her to meet me at...
  9. M

    Question from a Newbie

    Igetit...Thanks for the reply. I agree -- I would have rather she just said "no" than "maybe". I can think of one woman in particular who had the actual courage to turn me down cold, and although nothing ever came of it, I have nothing but respect for her. There was never any awkwardness...
  10. M

    Question from a Newbie

    Everyone, I have lurked around this site for quite a while now, picking up what I could and trying to apply it to life. I have scarcely posted, mainly because I have been hesitant to get out there and do the work. Anyway, I have a question that may seem profoundly basic to a lot of you, but...
  11. M

    Trouble finishing during sex -- need help!

    Hi everyone. I have lurked for awhile and never posted, but in this instance, I think I can be of some assistance. Anyway, hitchcock, don't less this get to you man. I didn't have sex for the first time until later in life, and to my surprise, discovered that I had the same problem with...