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  1. F

    Weak but the same time not?

    Hey guys I dont understand this. I play football for my school and is known for being real good at it.. The thing is that I am one of the lowest on the charts for benching.. I can barely hit 220(im 16) Though i am the most agressive and one of the MOSt feared on the team. I just dont...
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    Heh.. Thanks man I appreciate it.
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    Yeah I know what you mean.. Im just worried about what they did.. Was it right to give me steroids? But they are DOCTORS.. they should know wgtf they are doing.. hell im alive.. :S
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    When I was born I had some type of disease that made me sick. My bro said I kept getting skinnier and skinnier.. and I WOULD have died if the doctors didnt treat me with STEROIDS. Im worried that it will effect me. I just turned 16 and through my whole life everyone thinks im like 20.. because...
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    What I've learned from High School

    Wow. The things you said on there.. is amazingly true.. Some things on there pin pointed some of my FLAWS. Good job man..Very very true.
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    What should I do when my gf gets all...

    ??? Dude, She is going through hard times... you should help her as much as possible.. It will help her and actually YOU in the long run.. trust me.. She isnt JUSt your ''GF'' She is a human being
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    Move back for GF???

    Yeah shanuk, the thing is I want to move back.. but it took alot of planning for my bro to get me up here.. And I will never know if it could go any further
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    Move back for GF???

    Hey guys how is going? Well I will keep this brief. The issue that I have is that im stuck with the decision of staying where I live or MOVE back so I can be with my GF.(I am 16 years old) I can currently stay with my bro in dallas or... GO back to where I last lived, which is only 2 hours...
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    Odd Number Close. . .

    I'll make this quick.. How do you number close on a girl that just says so little..She says some random **** to me like,''Duuuuuude, i got a new phone.''(WTF??) I'm like i dont give a damn.I dont know how to ask for her number, i have nothing to work with.(She LIKES ME)Should I just blatantly...
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    Need advice on CORE training(abs)

    ..I'm pretty big.. im 6'0 with big muscles..Im more worried about my core than arms etc.. plus I do excercises that only targest arms and body.Running for LEGS i guess
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    Stumped. . . . .

    Usually if I like a girl ill go for it.. Well this girl likes me well hopefully''LIKES''not liked.. but anyways im stumped at how to go at her because (I) already said I didnt like her... but I now.. How Do I solve this predicament? Help needed,thanks.
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    Need advice on CORE training(abs)

    I've been working out for a bit of a while and I have noticed that my body is getting bigger and bigger,which is nice.The thing is, i've noticed that when I flex in the mirror I can only get a glimpse of my ab muscles.As of now I have been running and lifting alittle.I am at the age of 15 and I...
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    Need advice on eating/workingout

    To xilley, im talking about bench press.
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    Need advice on eating/workingout

    I'm alittle confused at some things..First of all I have started to lift weights(15 years old)I weigh 170,6 foot. People at my school are already lifting weights. Should I start lifting heavily now or just lift moderately?All I do is pushups and run. I would do 500 pushups monday-friday, then...
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    Loss of interest

    For the future posters... I hope you see the irony on that reply.. Thanks though Bryce.. just needed a laugh(heh)
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    Loss of interest

    I just got a girlfriend and im already having doubts about it(2nd day) Well I just found out that she SMOKES and im not too fond of smokers.We even wear diffrent type of clothes, of course not the same type of apparel(boy/girl) im talking brand.She wears those hottopic type clothes,I wear...
  17. F

    Did I screw this up ?

    Hey guys, i'm new to this community, well not the GAME but website. Anyways.. I have always played around with this girl in my classroom and I never knew she liked me, until her friend told me that she like me(Heh) Well my dumb ass said I didnt WHEN she asked me if i did(my dumbass..) And...