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  1. K

    For shy nerds: A solution that works!

    I've been a Toastmasters member for a few months. People have said that they've been really dazzled by my speeches, and I won a few awards. However, I disagree with the premise of this thread. Perhaps it's because I already had very good communicational skills, but from everything I've seen...
  2. K

    Just been diagnosed with Asperger's

    Asperger's is complete bull****, just tell whichever incompetent doctor who "diagnosed" you to stick his prognostic up his ass and ignore everything you've been told. It's an imaginary disease. The "condition" is handed out like free candy. Just stop believing in that nonsense, grow some balls...
  3. K

    Elstud, I'm calling you out!

    What the hell happened to this site in these last few months? Nothing but douchebags flaming one another and trying to determine who's had the most conquests, who's the biggest macho, and making fun of the "lesser" ones. If you're about to talk to someone else here like a drill instructor would...
  4. K

    Autism makes dating/getting women hard

    Asperger's syndrome is a complete fraud and is entirely imaginary in a good 97% of the cases.
  5. K

    How many of you here are over 21 and still a virgin?

    Not a virgin, but why do posters like the OP insist on being condescending asses who must actually prey and berate virgin people with this constant imperative tone? So pathetic, this site is completely unbearable.
  6. K

    True Forced Lonliness: Something that Concerns Me

    wow, this is hilarious, I checked Steve's latest videos out of boredom because even if he's largely negative he's still somewhat entertaining... and now he's trying to be more outgoing and positive, while still preaching about "true forced loneliness" and acknowledging that it exists go see the...
  7. K

    The only book you'll need to read if you want to improve

    are you some kind of viral marketer
  8. K

    Anyone else who's somewhat turned off by supreme beauty?

    I wasn't referring to psychological personality anywhere in that post, I was just talking about appearances and the effect they produce on me. Again, I'm not surprised that this topic got filled with even more elitist ****s who all unctuously advance that "Aha-HA! It's because they look stuck...
  9. K

    Attention Admin: Your 10-post rule sucks

    Those elitists saying "ooooohhhh that's nice it will prevent the losers from wasting their lives on these forums!" are the worst. That's so insane, on most forums regulars accumulate a post count that's much, much, MUCH higher than the regulars with the highest post counts have here. People...
  10. K

    Anyone else who's somewhat turned off by supreme beauty?

    I wondered how long it would take for condescending comments like that to spring up... *rolls eyes*
  11. K

    Anyone else who's somewhat turned off by supreme beauty?

    It's always been an idiosyncrasy of mine. Say I heard a bunch of guys talking about this or that actress and how hot she is, or I see porn (or non-porn) topics on other boards where the guys all drool like animals, and it's like, I don't really care. I'm turned on of course, but only slightly...
  12. K

    Dealing with body soreness

    Yeah I took cod liver oil in the past at some point which I mixed with yogurt, I don't remember changes but I really didn't consume it steadily. Imma also go to the grocery and buy packs of cut vegetables and berries to make sure I have a steady supply. Nuts too. I try to eat chicken, pork and...
  13. K

    Dealing with body soreness

    After having had some severe hormonal disbalancement for most of my teenhood that's been sorted out I've begun suffering from constant soreness. My muscles make me feel more pain than for the average guy, and it made me always focus on the negative and scary sides of things. It's also at times...
  14. K

    Has anyone ever gotten results through volunteering

    Hmmm no one has any experience to report?
  15. K

    Has anyone ever gotten results through volunteering

    I see this recommendation hammered rabidly in most newbie threads but I doubt things are any glamourous. What kind of people go there?
  16. K

    Has anyone ever gotten results through volunteering

    I think I'm about to join one or two of these organizations, I found some that catered specifically to young adults, supposedly the vast majority of the people who apply are female too. Reckoned it'd be a good thing to do to fill up the summer vacations and at least boost my social circle.
  17. K

    A life without validation?

    In spite of my opinion I do know that self-esteem, your desires, ambitions and passions are what make you as a person. The lovers you get, the kind of job you have, the relationships that you form... most of these things wilt away with time and are only secondary elements in your life's...
  18. K

    You are not the only person in your head.

    hahahaha nice deception
  19. K

    A life without validation?

    Anyone would become pissed as **** when he realizes that no matter how pure and high his self-esteem his, in the end it's nothing but little schemes that only exist in his mind. The physical body still looks, longs for material manifestations of these good feelings and refuses to allow them to...
  20. K

    Think you got problems?

    No one gives a damn about that, all that people feel from their own individual perspective is that their plight isn't acknowledged and taken care of enough, and the first thing they hate more than anything else is to be moralized or talked condescendingly, or being told what to do by anyone...