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  1. R

    THE END to the looks debate

    its more simple than you all think the following (written by me) sums up how much looks matter and how much we should worry about them: "LOOK THE BEST YOU CAN" thats it if you are not trying to look good for the hotties, you won't get success if you dress up, if you work out, if...
  2. R

    Myspace Tips from a PROFESSIONAL Myspace Pimp

    Yeah, that's me, I'm not bragging, but I want to give you stats to back up the advice I'm about to give... In the last 3 years, I have used the internet to have sex with about 60 girls. This includes 50 girls straight from Myspace in the last 2 years (been using myspace for 2 years now)...
  3. R

    You WONT succeed unless you FAIL

    starting at the age of 17, i got my first kiss (gf), b4 i was weird ugly and never ever ever got a girl. 2)since the age of 18, after i lost my virginity to my gf, heres a few stats for ya: a)ive either approached, hung out or tried to get with AT LEAST 3000 girls (that includes club...
  4. R

    THIS is the absolute BEST way to snap out of being a total CHUMP (important)

    this may not seem so obvious to the regular AFC who is trying to become more like a man. We all hear and know that we need to have balls, we need to approach, we need to do this, do that, bla bla bla THAT ADVICE IS USELESS TO MOST CHUMPS OUT THERE, and here is why: (thanks to reading...
  5. R

    I am skip2mylou781 (look it up)

    for anyone who was wondering banned before for being too real with all your asses, talking some no bullshyt game to you all, some of you loved me, most of you hated me, i don't give a fvck, but i do hope some of the total losers who never got laid on here figure out somehow someway to stop...
  6. R

    Why losers keep saying that meeting girls ONLINE/MYSPACE doesn't work

    It's because not only does online dating not work for these losers, but NOTHING works for these losers, and they end up being negative pricks which doesn't exactly help them improve as men It's quite amazing that some losers who has no clue how to get women will post negative shyt, saying "A...