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  1. M

    I Hate You Dad! Embarassing Last Name

    I know someone personally who is named Eric Shen. Now thats a bad name. When you say it normally it sounds like "erection"
  2. M

    She said she's going to the football game tomorow.

    just go there but dont search for her, if you run into her talk to her...she initated kino so shes obv a little interested, get her number before its too late. then work your game cuz you have her number
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    FR: Allie.

    dude honestly, i think some convos like this are pointless to post.
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    LA / Orange County, CA CHAPTER

    soph at uci in irvine, white 19 year old guy, hit me up if you wanna sarge. i have decent game and can get pretty good tail, but dont usually sarge so i'd be willing to go with another beginner or even a pro who could help me out. i promise i'll give it my best effort! hit me up via pm~! late guys
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    Congrats guys, I'm in the same boat. Used to care more to my friends than MYSELF. YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR LIFE. Many, I mean many, of people don't understand that. and when you do, you'll change for the better. I know I did, I now stand up for myself against anyone, I get...
  6. M

    eye contact and approaching??

    But breaking it does not mean you are better than them, it means that you don't have as much confidence. Honestly. When I feel the most confident, I can stare down a girl for a long time, and guess what....I then approach them and almost always get good responses. I used to have your...
  7. M

    Just realized today that I'm shorter than I thought I was

    I'm 6'-6'1, and I usually cant go for the short chicks. Some of them have awesome personalities to make up for their short height. Be happy you can obtain them easier than me!(but i still can get them from time to time :) )
  8. M

    Banged a girl 5 hours after meeting her

    Hey guys, last night I went to a party with some old high school friends, and one of the guys I am not that close with brought an attractive female along with him. There were over 15 guys at the party and only a couple of girls, since the party was for my group of guy friends. I figured it...
  9. M

    Would you ever pay for sex?

    Ew, I wouldn't have sex if a fat/ugly chick offered to pay me for it. On the other hand, I might pay for sex if I was really desperate and the girl was inexpensive yet very hot...that might make it worthwhile.
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    Everyone else talks to her, I'm staying mysterious...

    You are a genious...:up: :yes:
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    Everyone else talks to her, I'm staying mysterious...

    You are a genius...:up: :yes:
  12. M

    Help escalating in the seduction process.

    dont be such a wuss and talk to her. do you really need her to hand you everything on a silver platter? you have to do some of the work yourself, and you had a perfect situation. next time: talk => connect => number close => hangout again =>do whatever you want after, may it be sex...
  13. M

    I think im sick of her.

    I say go to a movie with her and try to hookup* that very day to see where your at with her. If it works, enjoy, if not...just forget about her! What do you have to lose? *hookup with her if YOU want to, if not don't even bother.
  14. M

    Please critique my life so far

    First off, thanks for responding to my post. I had a couple relationships where the girl wanted to get exclusive and I didn't want to..I liked fooling around with them but didn't want to get in a LTR with them. One of them I almost dated...but school ended in june and we chose not to do a...
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    Girls taller than you...

    Haha you are a happy guy!!! I really do not have any problems with girls taller than me (I'm 6'1 and its rare to run into a girl taller than I.) But...if a girl would judge you based on your height, she is shallow and would you even want to get close with a girl like that? Just make...
  16. M

    Please critique my life so far

    I'm 19, second year in college so I can't go to many clubs/bars yet...but I am in a fraternity and have been meeting plenty of chicks at school, parties and stuff. Crazy thing is, I have the worst luck with hooking up with girls at my university. I've never had sex with any of them, but I have...
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    Should I just use the dog for experience?

    Dude honestly, kissing isn't that hard. First time I had a kiss it was a full make out sesh and the girl complimented me afterwards.
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    Damn, attracted to a girl with a boyfriend!!!

    Just go for it! [Half-kidding]
  19. M

    FR : Smoke Break Girl

    I don't think she would have given it.