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  1. F

    Staying on track

    I did this a couple days ago and highly recommend all of it except for the schedule... It's impossible to plan for everything that could happen in a week unless you have a ridiculously stable life. To-do lists and a little will power should organize you to get everything you need to get done...
  2. F

    perfect match..but total slut

    Methinks if you're relationship has fluxuated to the point of absolute hatred, perhaps your personalities don't mesh that well afterall?
  3. F

    Wit, Sarcast & Humor: Mastering a Learnable Skill

    This is an awesome post, incredibly motivational!
  4. F

    Humour Bootcamp

    Learning how to be funny does not make you a clown. To be honest, I don't really give a **** about impressing women with my incredible witt; hell, I don't really care that much about women anyways. I want to learn how to be funny because it feels good to be able to make people laugh, and feels...
  5. F

    Humour Bootcamp

    Good idea... I was realizing that it would be really hard to try and develope this in real life because confidence is such a prerequisite to being funny. The other major problem is that trying to be funny generally doesn't help, so I'm not sure what the best angle to approach this is just yet...
  6. F

    Humour Bootcamp

    I've been thinking about this for a while, because I feel that my inability to be consistantly funny is a major factor holding me back from becomming a DJ, and I find it quite frustrating. I know I'm not the only one challenged with this; I've seen old posts in regard to this, but I'm not sure...
  7. F

    Have you learned how to be funny? (looking for inspiration)

    I know this topic has been done in the past and it always seems to come down to an argument between people who believe that we are born with our sense of humour and people who believe we can learn how to be funny. Right now I have almost no confidence in my ability to get people to laugh due to...
  8. F

    Drinking Enough Water

    I've never really paid attention to how much water I was drinking, but my urine was usually yellow I would say. Now I'm trying really hard to drink enough water, but it seems like whenever I drink enough to have clear urine it goes hand in hand with having to go to the bathroom like every 15...
  9. F

    Genetics limiting potential?

    This is a question that I've pondered for quite some time, even before I started visiting this site and getting interested in self-improvement. To just what degree are we defined by our genetics, and to what extent do we have the power to transform ourselves? Where does one draw the line between...
  10. F

    Where I'm at with this...

    Right now my problem is that I'm trying to swallow this entire self improvement thing at once and I don't feel like I have really clear steps on where to go. To be honest I don't even really care that much about getting laid - that'll be a goal once I'm comfortable with myself. However, I still...
  11. F

    Where I'm at with this...

    Ok, I'll check those. The problem with errections is not so much embarrasement about getting them, but that only one head can really think at a time so to speak. It completly kills what little game I have.
  12. F

    Where I'm at with this...

    I'm in the process of recovering from a massive oneitis (and depression) with a close friend who basically became the center of my universe. The situation got pretty bad, but I would say that I was succesful (or lucky) in managing to keep her friendship without scaring her away with all my...