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    Wide Grip Pullups - It took me a year but now...

    I remember being so happy being able to do my first set of pullups. What I did was do negatives for a while and then switched up to pulling as far as I could go.
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    The official Acne thread [Merged threads]

    man its so stupid. i didnt break out for so long, but now lately i have been getting little acne dots all over my face. they are gone within like 4-5 days, but still.
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    How do I revive my taste for eggs/canned chicken/tuna?

    I used to be able to eat them just fine, but now my body just rejects them. I can only eat like 3 eggs at most and almost throw up when I used to eat 6 scrambled no problem. Does anyone have any creative ways or anything for an antichef?
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    Is it Too Late?

    at least try for your goals. if you fail at least you tried your best. a lot of people have regrets when they die do you really want this to be one of them?
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    exercises for pecks?

    tone is a woman word for muscle theres a million exercises. some possible ones are dumbell flies at flat ground, incline bench press with barbell, dips helped me out too, dumbell bench presses decline, etc
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    Lactose free protein powder

    Anyone know of any actual lactose free protein powders? I get dominated if I try to take normal whey.
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    Can someone explain why the abs are different?

    If everyone had a strong and stretched lower back we wouldnt see so many of these stupid back pain commercials
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    Bring on the cardio!

    wasn't 8% your old goal?
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    Being Smart About The Dietary Supplement Industry

    I only go for essential fatty acids+multivitamin
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    Egg Whites (where to get them)

    I know this is an old topic, but I also read that from Wikipedia and it still doesn't make much sense, but hell I like my eggs cooked so it is good.
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    Body Fat Level - Pics

    ESPi is right. You will be able to bulk up to 200 much easier if you just worry about gaining muscle and forget the 6 pack and do it after you get the weight.
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    What is the best way to improve my pushup/minute?

    I feel extremely weak doing pushups. I can bench press 150(my weight) 5 times, but cant even do more then 20 pushups in 1 minute(1-10 go extremely easy and I lose power around 15 and die at 20) I am looking for the best way regardless of how hard or how much effort I need to put into it. Thanks
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    Guide to your Home Gym

    jesus bowflex actually costs more then a grand?
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    $2,000 limit, what do you buy for a home gym?

    Assuming you already have a bench, but a crappy skinny 25 pound 9 footer bar. Where do you go from there?
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    This is an eye-opener...

    I dropped glucose and lost acne. Now I only break out when I accidently eat dairy.
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    Healthy fast food?

    if you eat a hamburger at mcdonalds its not that horrible and only .5 grams of transfat
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    What if I can't do pullups?

    What is greasing the groove?
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    Chiropractors, yey or ney?

    the one i go to yay
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    What if I can't do pullups?

    Pull ups every day? seriously? or only if you are too weak to do 5x5 at bodyweight?
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    Are there any exercises that can help the wrist?

    I have a few problems that visting the doctor has just been pretty fricking futile. I have soreness above my wrist bone on my right hand and both wrists get sore if I turn them. I have had blood tests and such and I dont have arthritis. I can bend my wrist really far forward and backwards...