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  1. H

    What a pvssy!!

    Maybe he shouldn't dress like he is a bad a$$ if he is just going to whine like a little b*tch if someone hits him.
  2. H

    I dont know if I should be happy or what?

    You're still young don't wait up on a girl if you really aren't sure if she will come back to you. And besides if she really likes you she will still pursue you even if you flirt with other girls, just try and stay away from her best friends.
  3. H

    Girls are being nice but then become b*tches!

    I didn't mean a true jerk not those **** heads everyone hates, but a guy that has a slight bit of ****iness and a bit of niceness to him. You really have to be in the middle, honestly, you can't be an extreme to either side.
  4. H

    Girls are being nice but then become b*tches!

    Wouldn't insulting me be a form of you trying to make yourself look better than me? Anyways, I honestly don't care what you have to say and flirting with a jerky attitude is not at all a bad thing as long as it's done correctly. Women are attracted to the the bads guys. Bad guys are...
  5. H

    Beard trim/rugged look

    If you want to look "Rough" keep the hairs on your chin and under your bottom lip shorter and stubbly. Also, if you can, try and keep a 5 o'clock shadow type of deal.
  6. H

    Girls are being nice but then become b*tches!

    When you are joking with a girl make sure the joke is very obvious. I suggest using sarcasm mostly. Example: Girl: "I love this outfit it's uber cool." You: "Oh yea, uber cool alright..." Then you roll your eyes or something of that nature with a smile. P.S. If they girl really uses the...
  7. H

    stealing the girl.

    Take her, it's always more exciting to go after the ones with BF's anyways.
  8. H

    They Say I'm Hot But I'm Still Always The Friend

    I think you're a panzy and the word they use be it "hot" or "cute" mean nothing. And do they approach you outside of school? Call you up? Want to do something with you? Maybe the feel sorry for you? Make a move and grow a pair. If you get rejected who cares you tried.
  9. H

    Is this cheating?

    Who cares? Live life up you only live once, and I'm assuming you're still young. (don't cheat on well let's say a wife)