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  1. O

    Does taking HGH work?

    HGH or Human growth hormone sounds like a miracle drug/supplement. The injectable form is prohibitably expensive for most people ($1000/month) and requires a prescription. Does anyone know if the oral forms of HGH work. They are usually in the form of a spray and cost $50-$70/month. Has...
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    Best bodyfat measurement?

    I have one of those scales that is supposed to measure bodyfat along with weight. I think its really inaccurate. I have lost almost 20 pounds in the last 6 months, while continuing to lift weight. I can almost see my abs. :up: My scale still gives me the same body fat as I had 6 months...
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    Does too much confidence scare people?

    I have noticed sometimes I feel so confident that I feel other people are scared of me? Sort of like hyper masculinity. Has anyone else noticed that. For instance, I got my hair cut today, and the hair stylist would hardly look at me, and I've got my hair cut there before and she was...
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    Woman who's nipples get hard

    I was talking to a woman who I've gone out with a couple of times. I wasn't staring at her, just "checking her out". Her nipples got really hard and must have stuck out an inch and a half. What does this mean? And I wasn't even staring at her chest. Would this be the female equivalent of...
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    How to connect with non-emotional woman

    This is my first post here, so I'm not familiar with all the terms here. The forum are really good, I wish there was something like this when I was growing up. Dr. Phil, Oprah, etc want to turn men into giant walking v@ginas. My question is how do you use these techniques on a non-emotional...