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  1. K

    Older Boyfriends....

    Okay, so first let me state that I am caught in a game and know that I could just be getting toyed with but that's why I am taking each move as I can and looking for any advice. I'm willing to try anything once. Well, here goes my back story. There is this girl I have known for about 5 months...
  2. K


    I am thinking more of the girlfriend way, what do you think? We have already went several places together and that was simple asking.
  3. K


    I got her #, already made that move. My next question, just again for some reassurance to make myself better, how does one suggest going about asking a girl out. For some reason it seems you would want there to be a time and place, and really to me saying "Will you go out with me?" sounds way...
  4. K


    Okay, here is my current situation and I have been improving lately and really haven't posted but I really need some good advice on this one. I have been flirting with a girl lately, and been getting what I see as a good response. Now, one of my nosy a$$ so called friends decided to step in...
  5. K

    Homcoming Dates?

    Don't ask man, I just went to our dance single and had a much better time not having to stay with any one chick.
  6. K


    Ok, I am not sure if this is a problem for the rest of you but I would like some advice. I am quite as it is and really don't tell my parents much of anything. Well, I have been known to pass up opportunities with girls because I didn't want to tell my parents. I want to know how you guys...
  7. K

    Phone Calls

    Just an update. I got a response email from her and I would to know what you think. She gave me her cell phone number and told me that she would charge it and have it with her most of the time. My friends seem to think she is begging me to call, what do you think?
  8. K

    Phone Calls

    Quick Question: Well, this is going to be obvious, but I have to ask anyways. First, I got the nerve to call a girl today that gave me her number and evidentially she was not home because thats what I was told on the phone. My question is if I should try again or just wait for her to come...
  9. K


    Ignore her and move on.
  10. K

    Post Your Girls :):)

    Sweettooth not bad at all, I must say you seem to have a catch. My only questions this. Is she standing on something, do you have a short kitchen or is she like 7 feet tall? Just wondering because it appears like she about ready to whack her head on the light.
  11. K

    freshman girls

    Here is what i think, whether is be worth anything or not. I kinda figure you are only going to live once, make the most of it. Just don't get put in jail. I think if you like her and she likes you their is nothing wrong with the two of you going out. The worst thing you may have to deal...
  12. K

    Awkward Prom Situation

    C. Thats the only way to go.
  13. K

    What do girls think???

    I pretty much decided to just ignore her. I figure if she is at all interested, she will talk to me. I logged myself out of msn and myspace for the night because I realized I was addicted. I am already having withdraws after five minutes. I do hope she shows at that place Saturday because...
  14. K

    What do girls think???

    Ok, I really would like to know 1. what is going through this girls head and 2. what in the heck am I suppose to do about it. Well, I think I may have mentioned this before but its nerving. This chick at a local hangout joint frickin is always staring at me, saying hi, etc. I have her...
  15. K

    myspace help

    Well, I will respond something positive. Being in your place before I know how you feel and and that you are not likely to take some advice that leaves you unlaid. Well, here is what I would do if I was you. You are going to just save the conversation. 1. Do not give her your number...
  16. K

    Anyone have experience with asking a girl you don't know well to prom?

    Well, keep your ears open for chicks who dates have ditched them for some reason or another. I am going to a neighboring schools prom with a HB 8 that I am yet to have met. Her date ditched her and I know her aunt and she gave me the girls number and told me to call her. I said, hello I am...
  17. K

    Myspace, Good or Bad?

    Ok, update time and time for more advice because I have no frickin clue what I am doing wrong here. Ok, I think I mentioned I got her talking on msn and we have chatted it up some. I have also tried to end conversations so I don't seem to needy. At the skating rink I get all the eye...
  18. K

    Prom...How did I get myself into this mess

    Ok I must of just been high on caffeine today or feeling overly nice. Here is the scoop. I am out skating in our garage rink and my mother calls me. One of her so-called friends asked her if I have a GF (I do not) and if I would take her niece to the prom. Her niece is a senior at a...
  19. K

    Myspace, Good or Bad?

    Well, basically I am so dazed and confused right now I don't know which way I am flipping turning. I got her off Myspace onto MSN were we have been chatting it up some. We go to the same skating rink all the time and I am kicking myself right now because she was standing outside afterwards...
  20. K

    Myspace, Good or Bad?

    I must ask myself if this is god sent or if it is luck or maybe I am just over reacting. I got excepted as one of her friends to Step 1 was complete. I am waiting out to see if she messages me first (which she just did after I made a comment) and I am reading and she just broke up with her...