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  1. P

    Got her facebook, now what?

    Alright guys, I already have an idea on what I should do but am just looking for some others opinions. Basically the story is... met this girl in one of my community college classes. We talked a few times; became friends. On the last day of class we were in the computer lab and I asked her if...
  2. P

    Which college courses to take that have a lot of girls?

    I've heard of people taking dance lessons because there are a lot of females there or something like that... what classes would you recommend that would include a lot of chicks? I'm probably only going to take one for my spring semester and it doesn't matter which one (elective or otherwise)...
  3. P

    Best way to initiate meeting someone/conversation?

    There's this girl who broke up with her boyfriend a couple weeks ago and I'm pretty sure she's open to a new boyfriend if the right guy comes along. I went to HS with her, we weren't really "friends" (meaning we never hung out after school or anything like that), but we were cool with each...
  4. P

    Creative way of getting phone number of someone you already know?

    So I usually have a group of friends I'm hanging out with and ever-so-often they invite someone new to hang out with us/party. There is this girl that I just met a couple weeks ago and I've only seen her maybe 2 or 3 times but she seems cool and I'm interested in getting to know her more. I've...
  5. P

    Girl gave me her phone number.. now what?

    Allright guys so basically heres the story. I agreed to fill up this chicks mp3 player since she saw mine and knows im into music and stuff. So yea, I agreed and told her to bring it to school. This was wednesday. So then thursday came by and she said she forgot it. Then friday came and I...
  6. P

    Trouble APPROACHING people.. especially girls

    Hey guys, I seem to have the opposite of what i've been reading on here. Basically I suck at approaching people.. more specifically - girls. For the actual conversation I am typically good with that and can hold a somewhat interesting conversation with someone ONCE IT IS STARTED. But I can...
  7. P

    Yearbook signature/quote Ideas!

    Hey.. its that time again, yearbooks are being passed around the school for those who ordered them. But I always have a problem when people want me to sign.. I, like most people, do the dull "Nice getting to know you, have a good summer, etc" Well I need some better ideas. What are some...