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  1. M

    Have you guys tried lava life??

    My gawd, I can't believe what I'm hearing! You guys aren't PUA's or even Don Juan's - what I'm hearing is a bunch of whiny crybabies that are WB-AFC. You need your inner game worked on big time! I'm sure you've heard this before - if you think you can, you will... if you think you can't...
  2. M

    Have you guys tried lava life??

    With all due respect dude, you're in Toronto. A city of 3 mil plus. If you're having trouble meeting woman there, you've got other issues you need to work on. Inner game? Appearance? Language? I don't know. I'd pick inner game first. I will say that Toronto is a paradise for meeting...
  3. M

    Have you guys tried lava life??

    In a word - SAVE YOUR MONEY! OK, that's 3 words. Get off of online ASAP and get out in the real world my man. The time you save now will pay dividends later. I've been online off and on and I've never found a normal, well adjusted woman from there. The ones I've met are emotionally...
  4. M

    Letting Attractive Women Get Away With It

    It's so true, agree with you both. I amp it up the more attractive a woman is, not tone it down. A lot of the ones with the princess complex do take offense but too bad for them.
  5. M

    Woman with kid(s)??

    I've got a kid myself, so I can appreciate what the SM's go thru. More so since I'm only a parttime dad, and most SM's are fulltime. Initially I'd say I'd be a hipocrate if I had a hard rule about no SM's but I'm starting to make it one of my screenouts. I've tried dating SM's on numerous...
  6. M

    How to lose a girl in 10 days

    What? I'm ALWAYS late (up to an hour often) and I stand up the girls I date all the time, often with no message or notice, just leave them wondering where I am. Seems to spike attraction. One of those things that makes no sense but works for me.
  7. M

    Using E-Mail, AIM, MSN etc. As a Tool

    I don't like the emailing once or twice a week idea either. The whole basis of email is it happens instantly. If I sent a woman an email and she took 3 or 4 days to get back to me, I'd be thinking what a fvcking *****. And my interest level would definitely sink. If it takes her til the end...
  8. M

    Walk slower and SMILE

    So fvcking true! I read about this over on mASF and it's true! I used to be the look at the ground walk so fast most people would have to jog to keep up with me type of walker. Now I'm slow, deliberate and keep my head up/shoulders back with a small smirk on my face. I would even say almost...