Search results

  1. twelveightyone

    Dating a woman that lives with her boyfriend

    I started seeing this woman I met on OLD. Her face was covered on her profile pic, which was a red flag I missed. They cover their face so their boyfriends cant find them on there. Anyway on the 2nd date she tells me she is in a relationship of 12 years that "doesn't work" anymore, but she...
  2. twelveightyone

    any tips for not getting stood up on first dates?

    I keep getting stood up on first dates with OLD. I always set a specific place and time. Any pro-tips to prevent this? I guess I could check in with them on the day of, but that just seems kind of weak. Almost like asking them again...
  3. twelveightyone

    hurt bicep - any suggestions

    I recently hurt my bicep. I think by going too heavy. It's just really sore and feels like I overstretched it. Yesterday I did back and dealt with the pain. I'm thinking that might not be best for recovery? Looking for suggestions on how to deal with it and still be able to make forward...
  4. twelveightyone

    Failed to give her the fire box

    This girl I was dating a few months ago when covid was around came by last night to get her things. She kept leaving stuff at my house -- jewelry, makeup, soap, underwear, etc.. I think it was her attempt to keep other women away because she would always leave things here. I broke it off with...
  5. twelveightyone

    busted plate after dating profile update

    So first off this is my first post. I'm back at it after getting divorced. so what's up guys!! I'm using online dating. I had one plate going for about a month or so. I would normally just text her once a week and set a date. Last week I got busy and didn't text her and I also updated my...