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  1. H

    Facing Reality: I've been an AFC for too long

    Good, purposeful thread. These are the kind of threads worth replying to because sincerity is there and this guy has been reading up. Unlike many other posts here where they treat this place as a r/s clinic to just ask without research. Abraham, I can really see you've been reading much so I...
  2. H

    Gunwitch method?

    uhh.. anyone who has something insightful to share??
  3. H

    Gunwitch method? Do read section 9.5 and 9.8. Tell me what you guys think. I'm personally in a bit of denial with those points. (also coz i've spent some time with palmistry and all those)
  4. H

    Don't be "too funny"

    Just throw some confidence in dude, when they start saying shyt like "we're best friends" or "i have sex dreams about that guy", just throw it off with a confident, "i couldn't care less becase i've got more options" comment or two. It's probably another one of those tests they throw at you to...
  5. H

    Someone give me a swift kick to the groin ...

    My own "if your balls shrink" manual.. When you’re at home you long for a chick to try all your knowledge on, and when she appears you gonna let her go just like that?! Wussyyyyyyyy… What have you learnt all these for? Just knowledge? NO! Practical. Practical. When you’re at home you...
  6. H

    "what do you look for in a woman?"

    Lol how is that? I wonder the reaction? Only fat people have stretch marks, skinny people who were once fat have excess skin.
  7. H

    "what do you look for in a woman?"

    I like to show them that i'm the selector, whiner? no way. I'm selective. Think about this for a while, do you choose not to "whine" because you're afraid it will piss her off? you're thinking too much of how to please her.
  8. H

    Letting a girl know she's giving you the runaround... good idea?

    I don't get it. Aren't we supposed to bust their balls? Perhaps not being direct about it is what you guys mean? I've told some girls before not to play the game with me. Seemed to work well. I read before this helps to tell them straight that we're not interested in playing their...
  9. H

    Teasing too much.. now what?

    Will do so. meanwhile i've got others to attend to :D
  10. H

    Phone call standoff

    My opinion is to get ahead with life, have the abundance mentality, you have more than one girl to socialise with. Let's hope by sheer luck she gets to see you getting on life as usual, or even better, hanging around with other girls, but don't try walking pass her home with a girl and making...
  11. H

    got a chick(s) coming over, i need a checklist

    You should not have even started debating or arguing with her.. actually what was posted was a kind of "why-not" question. Meaning in ******** that she needs to get it over and done with, that's all. Just talking it out would satisfy her and she needs no arguments which would further...
  12. H

    Teasing too much.. now what?

    Ok I've been teasing and giving many neg hits to this HB8 and she's taking well to it, smiling, laughing and all. However, we haven't been out on a date but it's usually in group outings that I tease her. I don't seem to detect a very high sense of IL from her, is there something else I'm...
  13. H

    Thin line between AFC, DJ, and Gentlemen?

    3) Accepting their gifts and wearing it. Like a bag or watch. AFC? Somehow they'd feel glad, but they seem to be on the upper hand after giving us something that we actually use. 4) Asking for permission before smoking. Gentlemen or AFC? I'd figured the best way to do this is to take out your...
  14. H

    Thin line between AFC, DJ, and Gentlemen?

    Ok, I know DJing is supposed to be natural, I hate not being myself also. One of my buddy tells me that when you do something often enough, it becomes natural. Ok, fine about that, but several questions pop up in my head. Before answering these questions you guys should know that I live in a...
  15. H

    you ever been SLAPPED by a girl?

    look her fiercely in the eyes and say "i'd have to return that favor on your ass"
  16. H

    i get nervous on first phone calls... wtf

    You could call a friend to talk to first. Relaxes you and warms you up. Even better if you can find a flirtatious friend to talk to.
  17. H

    Unprecedented Insights into this girl's mind...

    what's a oneitis/oneitus?